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 There are many conceptual models for human
communication but you will be exposed to only four. These
are Aristotle’s model, Laswell’s model, Shannon-Weaver’s
model; and David Berlo’s Model of Communication
1. Aristotle’s Communication Model

Aristotle, a great philosopher

initiative the earliest mass
communication model called
“Aristotle’s Model of
Communication”. He proposed a
model before 300 B.C who found the
importance of the audience role in
the communication chain in his
communication model. This model is
more focused on public speaking than
interpersonal communication.
2. Laswell's Communication Model

In 1948, Harold Dwight

Laswell describes
communication as being
focused on the following
W’s: who says what in
which channel to home
and with what effect as
seen in the model below:
3. Shannon-Weaver's Communication Model
Claude Elwood Shannon and Warren Weaver’s model of communication
was introduced in 1949, a year after Laswell’s for Bell Laboratories.

This model is specially designed to develop effective communication

between the sender and the receiver. Also, they find factors which
affecting the communication process called “Noise”. At first, the model
was developed to improve the Technical communication. Later it’s
widely applied in the field of Communication.
4. Berlo's Communication Model

Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication

represents the process of communication in its
simplest form. The acronym SMCR stands for
Sender, Message, Channel, and Receiver.
Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication
describes the different components that form
the basic process of communication. Because
this communication tool also emphasise the
coding and decoding of the message, it can be
used for more efficient communication. (Janse,
Since communication is a two — way process, it is
important that you know the principles to be observed
to make it effective. For both oral and written
communication, you should be able to apply the
following principles:
1. Know your purpose in communicating.
2. Know your audience.
3. Know your topic.
4. Adjust your speech or writing to the context of the
5. Work on the feedback given to you.

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