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Tugas 9:

Hypothesis Testing with

1 Sample
Durasi: 50 menit
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• Tuliskan nomer kelompok serta Nama & NPM Anda di bagian depan (tidak perlu menuliskan nama anggota kelompok
yang lain)
1. An employment information service claims the mean
annual salary for full-time female workers over age 25 and
without a high school diploma is more than $18,500. The
annual salaries (in dollars) for a random sample of 12 full-time
female workers without a high school diploma are shown in
the table at the left. At α = 0.10, is there enough evidence to
support the claim that the mean salary is more than $18,500?
a) identify the claim and state H0 and Ha,
b) find the critical value(s) and identify the rejection region(s),
c) find the standardized test statistic
d) decide whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis, and
e) interpret the decision in the context of the original claim.
Assume the population is normally distributed.
2. The dean of a university estimates that the mean number of
classroom hours per week for full-time faculty is 11.0. As a
member of the student council, you want to test this claim. A
random sample of the number of classroom hours for eight
full-time faculty for one week is shown in the table at the left.
At α = 0.01, can you reject the dean’s claim?
a) claim and state H0 and Ha,

b) use technology to find the P-value,

Jawab :

Menggunakan rumus =T.DIST.2T(1,08;7) didapat P = 0,316

2. The dean of a university estimates that the mean number of
classroom hours per week for full-time faculty is 11.0. As a
member of the student council, you want to test this claim. A
random sample of the number of classroom hours for eight
full-time faculty for one week is shown in the table at the left.
At α = 0.01, can you reject the dean’s claim?
b). decide whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis, and
Jawab : Karena . Maka hasilnya failed to reject H0
a) interpret the decision in the context of the original claim.
Jawab : Dengan 1% level of significance, tidak ada cukup bukti untuk menolak
klaim bahwa mean dari jam kelas per minggu untuk fakultas full-time adalah 11
Assume the population is normally distributed.
3. A medical researcher claims that 5% of children under 18
years of age have asthma. In a random sample of 250 children
under 18 years of age, 9.6% say they have asthma. At α = 0.05,
is there enough evidence to reject the researcher’s claim?
a) identify the claim and state H0 and Ha,
b) find the critical value(s) and identify the rejection region(s),
c) find the standardized test statistic
d) decide whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis, and
e) interpret the decision in the context of the original claim.
Assume the population is normally distributed.
4. Same case with no 3
• Make decision using p-value
5. The annual salaries (in dollars) of 10 randomly
chosen parole officers are listed. At α = 0.10, is there
enough evidence to reject the claim that the standard
deviation of the annual salaries is $4250?
51,044 54,459 47,285 55,816 53,243
51,791 49,563 54,653 49,082 44,329
a) identify the claim and state H0 and Ha,
b) find the critical value(s) and identify the rejection region(s),
c) find the standardized test statistic
d) decide whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis, and
e) interpret the decision in the context of the original claim.
Assume the population is normally distributed.
6. Same case with no 5
• Make decision using p-value

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