Pop Culture

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Culture is the lifeblood of a vibrant society,
expressed in the many ways we tell our
stories, celebrate, remember the past,
entertain ourselves, and imagine the future.
Our creative expression helps define who we
are, and helps us see the world through the
eyes of others. Ontarians participate in
culture in many ways—as audiences,
professionals, amateurs, volunteers, and
donors or investors.
our colorful and lively culture that makes us
distinctly Filipino. This includes traditions,
language, arts, etc. Most provinces have
their own identifying folk dances too
wherein they showcase the elegance and
beauty of the way we do things, the way we
dress, the way we see things as shown in
different paintings, as we have been
influenced by events that happened in our
Intrinsic benefits
 Culture is also a means of expressing creativity,
forging an individual identity, and enhancing or
preserving a community’s sense of place.
 Cultural experiences are opportunities for leisure,
entertainment, learning, and sharing experiences
with others. From museums to theatres to dance
studios to public libraries, culture brings people
together. These benefits are intrinsic to culture.
They are what attracts us and why we participate.
Improved learning and
valuable skills for the
 Participating
in culture can benefit individuals in
many different ways, some of which are deeply
 Culture is also a means of expressing creativity,
forging an individual identity, and enhancing or
preserving a community’s sense of place.
 Cultural experiences are opportunities for leisure,
entertainment, learning, and sharing experiences
with others. From museums to theatres to dance
studios to public libraries, culture brings people
together. These benefits are intrinsic to culture.
They are what attracts us and why we participate.
Better Health and Well-being

 Participationin culture contributes to healthy

populations in several ways. Creativity and
cultural engagement have been shown to
improve both mental and physical health.
A growing body of research also demonstrates
that the arts can improve the health and well-
being of older adults. Participation in the arts
can relieve isolation and promote identity
formation and intercultural understanding.
Filipinos believe that nature can help aids
various diseases. Researchers are given
opportunities to study more about various types
of herbal medicine that helps cure illnesses

Malungay as antibodies.
Okra soaked in a water for overnight decreases
the glucose of a person with diabetes.
Vibrant Communities
The benefits of culture for individuals can
spill over to society as a whole. Culture
helps build social capital, the glue that holds
communities together. By bringing people
together, cultural activities such as festivals,
fairs, or classes create social solidarity and
cohesion, fostering social inclusion,
community empowerment, and capacity-
building, and enhancing confidence, civic
pride, and tolerance.
The core principle of Filipinos are
built on the highly spiritual
(companionship), PAGPAPAKATAO
(humanization), HUMANESS
(showing compassion), DELICADEZA
(sense of what is right).
Economic benefits of culture

The culture sector helps support the economy

through direct and indirect job creation. It
also helps spur innovation in other sectors in
the form of productivity advancements,
regional development, community branding,
and increased local tourism.
Economist linked some cultural beliefs
to higher level of economic
Populations willingness to engage in
markets, whether through investments
or employments.
Contribution to Job Creation
 Economic opportunities created by culture have
taken on greater importance as economies
transition from the industrial model, and work
based on physical labor, to a new model in which
knowledge and creativity drive productivity and
growth. Knowledge-based economies favor ideas to
stimulate innovation, and they develop specialized
services and highly customized products to create
value. Information, technology, and learning are
central to their performance.
DOLE /Department of labor and
employment offer jobs for
Filipinos abroad
Provide innovative possibilities
for boosting incomes and
generating quality
Contribution to Tourism
 Culturemakes a significant contribution to
the tourism
 Shareof Philippines tourism to the GDP is
5.2 percent in 2021 or equivalent 1,001.30
according to PSA
 Cultureand creative industries are
increasingly being used to promote
destinations and enhance their
competitiveness and attractiveness.
Increasing cross cultural
interactions, understanding,
maintaining and keeping local
culture, arts, crafts and
Empowering host communities
and strengthening cultural values.
Cultural Planning
 Increasingly,
municipalities are recognizing the
contribution of culture to sense of place, quality of
life, and community and economic prosperity
through a process called “cultural planning.”
Cultural planning is led by local governments and
involves broad community engagement to identify
and leverage a community's cultural resources,
strengthen the management of those resources, and
integrate them in all facets of local planning and

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