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The International High School of Lafayette

Economics Mr. Joel Mishal Imtiaz and Waseem Akhter

177,163,231 People live in Pakistan. The Currency of Pakistan is called Rupees 1USD is equal to 87.50 PKR if converted. (87.50 PKR= 1 USD)

Pakistan is located in Southern Asia. In the total area, Pakistan is 36th country in the world and is the size of combined France and United Kingdom. It is full of landscapes, deserts, forests, and mountains. The most useful natural recourses of Pakistan are arable land, natural gas, limited oil, gold, hydropower, coal, iron ore, copper and salt. In fact, according to one survey, Pakistan has the second largest salt

mine and seventh country of the world with nuclear power.

Pakistan has some great infrastructure such as railroads, internet, airports and mobile phones. Improved water source, rural (% of rural population with access) 78%.

61 out of every 100 people have mobile cellular subscriptions.

27.7 out of every 100 people have access to use the internet. Pakistan railway is an important transportation in Pakistan allowing the largest scale movement of people 65 million people annually within the country.

The Gross Domestic of Products also known as the GDP of Pakistan in 2009 was 1.61.99 billion dollars. GDP - per capita (PPP): $2,500 (2010 est.) $2,400 (2009 est.) , $2,400 (2008 est.)

The Primary exports of Pakistan are textile goods, rice, sports good, leather goods, chemicals manufactures, carpets and rugs. In 2010 Communications, computer, exports 73% In 2009 exports made up 12.8% od Pakistani total GDP. The Pakistani exports goes to US, UAE, Afghanistan, UK, China.

In 2010, total value of Pakistan imports made up around $32.71 billion. Primary Imports include Petroleum and petroleum products, machinery, transportation equipment, iron and steel. Primary Import Partners are China, Saudi Arabia, UAE, US, Kuwait, Malaysia and India.

Pakistan currently imports more than exports, it has a trade deficit of $16 billion. Pakistan depends more on energy commodities. The inflation rate of consumer prices was 13.9% in 2010.

In 2008, the total adult literacy rate was 56% of the total population. In 2009, the life expectancy in Pakistan was 65. In 2008, the rate of unemployment was 5% of total labor forced aged 15 24.

Currently, Pakistan is facing environmental issues such as water pollution, soil erosion, desertification and drone attacks which disturb the balance between Economic development and environmental protection. However, the government had worked on 14 national park, 72 wildlife sanctuaries, 66 game reserves as well as some other projects.

The data shows that Pakistan depends heavily on importing commodities and exporting merchandise. The economy of Pakistan might not get better in a long run if this continues to happen. The situation of Pakistans economy can take a turn and increase if Pakistan develops more alternative energy sources because it can help all social classes in the country. t-import.html

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