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Plural form of

regular nouns
Learning Objectives:

• Recognize the plural form

of a regular noun.
• Cite examples of a plural
form of a regular noun.
• Express ideas in a
conversational manner.
• Display appreciation of
one’s God-given talent
through group sharing.
• Use plural form of regular
nouns by adding /s/ or /es/
in writng sentences.
Essential Question:

• How will learning the

different structures of
grammar help me?
Twist your
The lazy lodger lodged
with the landlords lazy
lodging son, with the
landlords lazy lodging
son the lazy lodger
Six sick hicks nick six
slick bricks with picks
and sticks.

• What was our previous

discussion in Language?

• What are the two types of

Activity Time!

• The activity will be called

“Answer me with an –S”. The
teacher will divide the class
into four groups. Each group
will be tasked to give 4 words
which ends with –s.
• The first group will give one
word first then the second group
must respond immediately to the
group with their answer within
five seconds and so as with the
group 3 and group 4, until, all the
groups can recite 4 words.
• What have you observed with
your answers?
• Are all these words have the
same meaning? If we will
eliminate the letter –s ini every
word, will the meaning of each
word changes?
Plural form of regular nouns
Forming the plural of nouns
1. When nouns end in –y, we change
–y to –i then add –es.
Singular Plural
cherry cherries
pony ponies
bakery bakeries
However, when the –y comes after
a vowel, we pluralize the noun by
adding –s.

Singular Plural
turkey turkeys
toy toys
day days
2. Form the plural of nouns ending
in-o after a consonant by adding

Singular Plural
potato potatoes
tomato tomatoes
hero heroes
Sometimes, we simply add –s even
when the vowel –o comes after a

Singular Plural
buffalo buffalos
studio studios
piano pianos
3. Some nouns ending in –f or –fe
are pluralized by changing –f or –fe
to –v, then adding –es.

Singular Plural
knife Knives
shelf shelves
half halves
Other nouns that end in –f or –fe
just need an –s to be plural.

Singular Plural
handkerchief handkerchiefs
hoof hoofs
spoof spoofs
4. Some nouns that end in –i are
pluralized by adding –s or –es.

Singular Plural
ski skis
alibi alibis
chili chilies
5. Some nouns are always plural in

Singular Plural
scissors scissors
tweezers tweezers
pants pants
6. Some plurals are spelled the
same way as their singular form.

Singular Plural
rice rice
deer deer
sheep sheep
• What was our discussion in
Language yesterday?
• What are the different rules in
making a plural form of regular
Group Activity!
• If you were to decide to
choose between the two seeds,
which seed will you choose
and why?
• Each group must write their answer on
a manila paper.
• Each member must contribute at least
one sentence.
• The group’s answer must use correct
plural form of regular nouns.
• After 10 minutes, each group must
present their answers to the class.
Correct use of plural forms -5 points
Content -3 points
Creative use of words -2 points
Total = 10 points
What have you
learned from this
• How will discovering and
embracing our own talent
help us to gain new circle
of friends?
• Answer page 42 of your
Language Englishtek book

• Review our lesson for

today in preparation for our
next lesson.

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