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Goals of the lesson:

✔ describe uniform circular motion by using linear and angular

physical quantities;
circular motion - шеңбер бойымен қозғалыс / движение по окружности
linear speed - сызықтық жылдамдық / линейная скорость
arc length - шеңбер доғасының ұзындығы / длина дуги окружности
frequency - жиілік / частота
rotation - айналу / вращение
discus throw - диск лақтыру / метание диска
tangential speed - жанама жылдамдық / касательная скорость
revolution - айналым / оборот
period - период / время одного вращения
racetrack - жарыс трегі / гоночный трек
skipping rope - секірмек / скакалка
tachometer - айналу жиілігін өлшейтін құрал / прибор измеряющий частоту
Circular motion
A toy car moves in a circular
path with constant linear speed.
This type of motion is called
circular motion
Imagine that the toy car sweeps the
angle θ in a time interval t. This angle
depends on the radius (r) and arc length
θ - angle [rad]
S-length of arc [m]
r- radius [m] The unit of angle in this
formula is radians. One complete
revolution is 360° or in radian 2π or
Since the linear speed is constant, we can write the relationship
between t, υ, and S - length of the arc as S = υ × t. When toy car
makes one complete revolution, it travels distance S = 2πr. We can
write the new formula as
r - radius [m]
υ - linear speed (tangential speed) [m/s]
T - period [s]
We call υ as “tangential speed” because it makes 90° with the radius
The time T is called period of rotation. Unit of the period is
second. Period means “a time required to make one revolution”.
There is a concept of frequency which means “number of
revolutions in 1 second”.

ν- frequency [1/s] or [Hz] - Hertz

T- period [s]
The drum of a washing machine rotates 1200 times in 1
minute. What is the period and frequency of the drum? Activity
Which of the statements below are examples of circular
problem solving: literacy p 21

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