V1-Chapter 7

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Pricing in International Trade

Export Competitiveness
 Các yếu tố giá cả và phi giá:
- Độ tin cậy
 Thời gian giao hàng
 Độ tin cậy của sản phẩm
 Chất lượng sản phẩm
 Thiết kế linh hoạt
 Dịch vụ hỗ trợ
 Dịch vụ tài chính
Export Pricing Objectives
Market share


Targeted level of return on investment

Pricing and Markup Policy
High markups (few competitors,
differentiated products)

Low markups (increased competition)

Determinants of Export Price
 Internal variables
- Chi phí sản xuất

 Chi phí nghiên cứu thị trường

 Đi công tác
 Sửa đổi sản phẩm
 Bì
 Tư vấn
 Giao nhận vận tải
 Mức độ khác biệt hóa sản phẩm

Determinants of Export
Prices (cont.)
External variables
- Supply and demand

- Location and environment of foreign

market (host country)

- Home country regulations

Approaches to Export Pricing
 Định giá dựa trên chi phí: Giá xuất khẩu dựa trên
toàn bộ chi phí và đánh dấu hoặc toàn bộ chi phí
cộng với số tiền hoàn vốn đầu tư mong muốn.

 Định giá cận biên: Giá xuất khẩu dựa trên chi phí
biến đổi của sản xuất sản phẩm.

 Định giá lướt qua so với thâm nhập: Giá hớt váng
là tính giá cao cho một sản phẩm; Định giá thâm
nhập dựa trên việc tính giá thấp hơn cho hàng xuất
khẩu để tăng thị phần.
 Định giá dựa trên nhu cầu: Giá xuất khẩu dựa trên
những gì thị trường có thể chịu đựng.

 Giá cả cạnh tranh: Giá xuất khẩu dựa trên áp lực

cạnh tranh trên thị trường.
Illustrative Example
A US manufacturer exports medical equipment from Miami, Florida to a distrib
in Brazil.
Selling price: $30,000
Terms of sale: Ex-works, Miami, Florida
Payment method: Open account

Table 7.1 Export price calculation

Itemized Cost US dollars
Ex-works price (Miami, Florida) 30,000
Freight to Port Manaus, Brazil 2500
Insurance 750
CIF price 33,250
Landing Charges
Import duty (25% of CIF) 8312.5
Marine tax (20% ocean freight) 500
Warehousing tax (0.65% of CIF) 216.13
Terminal handling charge ($350 per container) 350
Custom broker's union fee ($140.00) 140
Custom brokerage fee ($750) 750
Bank costs (2% ex works price) 600
Total landing charges 10868.63
Landed cost at port manaus (with out local taxes) 44,118.63
Cost to Brazilian distributor 44,118.63
Distributor mark-up (50%) 22,059.32
Cost to retailer 66,177.95
Retailer mark-up (60%) 39,706.77
Price to brazilian consumer before local taxes 105,884.72
Local taxes (manufactures tax and local state tax: $6500) 6,500.00
Price to brazilian consumer after taxes 112,384.72
 Đạt được năng lực cạnh tranh: Dài hạn Vs
ngắn hạn
 Dài hạn: Hiệp định thương mại tự do, FDI,

cấp phép
 Ngắn hạn: rút ngắn kênh hoặc xuất khẩu

thông qua đại diện ở nước ngoài; Sự khác

biệt của sản phẩm
 Quy tắc cho bất kỳ phương thức vận tải nào: Ex-
works, FCA (free carrier), CPT (carriage paid to), CIP
(carriage and insurance paid to), DAT (delivered at
terminal), DAP (delivered at place), DDP (delivery
duty paid).
 Rules for sea and inland waterway transport:

FAS (free alongside ship), FOB (free on board), CIF

(cost, insurance and freight), CFR (cost and freight).
Trade Terms, Incoterms 2010
Group E
- Ex-works: Buyer or agent must collect the goods at
the seller’s works or warehouse.

Group F
- Free carrier (FCA): Place of delivery could be the
carrier’s cargo terminal (seller not obligated to
unload) or a vehicle sent to pick up the goods at the
seller’s premises (seller required to load the goods
on the vehicle).
- Free alongside ship (FAS): Requires the seller to
deliver goods to a named port alongside a vessel to be
designated by the buyer. Seller’s responsibilities end
upon delivery alongside the vessel.

- Free on board (FOB): Seller is obliged to deliver the

goods on board a vessel to be designated by the
Terms of Sale (cont.)
Group C

- Cost, insurance, freight (CIF): This term requires

the seller to arrange for carriage by sea and pay
freight and insurance to a port of destination.

- Cost and freight (CFR): It is similar to CIF term

except that the seller is not obligated to arrange and
pay for insurance.
- Carriage paid to (CPT) (named place of
destination): Seller delivers goods to carrier
nominated by him and pays for cost of carriage
necessary to deliver the goods to destination. It may
be used for any mode of transportation.

- Carriage and insurance paid (CIP) (named place of

destination): It is similar to CPT term except that
the seller is required to arrange and pay for
insurance. Maybe used for any mode of transport.
Terms of Sale (cont.)
Group D

- Delivered at Terminal (DAT): Seller delivers and

unloads the goods at agreed destination, place,
quay, container yard or cargo terminal.

- Delivered at Place (DAP): Seller delivers at an

agreed place still loaded but ready for unloading at
an agreed destination in buyer’s country.
- Delivered duty paid (DDP): Seller delivers at an
agreed place still loaded but ready for unloading at an
agreed destination in buyer’s country. Seller bears all
costs and risks to bring the goods including duties
and taxes for importation.

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