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Student’s Favorite School

Female Male
Play Sports 4 5
Talk on Phone 6 8
Visit with Friends 5 5
Chat Online 9 13
School Clubs 4 1
Watch TV/Movie 11 13

Interpretation: This is a graph of Student’s Favorite School Activities of 10 Grace. Here, if we look at the graph, 5 out
of 13 males play sports and 4 out of 12 females play sports concluding that males enjoy playing sports more
compared to females. This graph is more on the specifics. It is more exact and precise information. This type of
graph’s data are interlocked with two relationships of information.
Student’s Favorite School Activities



Play Sports Talk on Phone Visit With Friends Chat Online School Clubs Watch TV/Movies

Female Male

This is a bar graph of Student’s Favorite School Activities. Here we will see the difference of both genders of 10
- Grace on the amount of favorite school activities in this graph. For Example, we’ll see here that females enjoy
school clubs more compared to males. So with this, it can show a specific comparison of both female and male
through bar graph.
Student's Favorite School Activities

24 Students
14 Students

n ts
t ud 10

22 Students

Play Sports Talk on Phone Visit with Friends Chat Online School Clubs Watch TV/Movie
Interpretation: This is a Pie Graph of Student’s Favorite School Activities. This is the total of the students, male and females
favorite school activities. If we summarize all the students in 10 Grace, 9 out of 25 likes to play sports. This shows the numbers of
all the activities that the students like to do.
Burger Sales of September 5




7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM


This is a line graph of burgers for sale. The amount of burgers is dependent on the time. For example, only a small amount
of burgers are made in 9:00 AM while an amount of 20 burgers are made at 11:00 AM. So from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM, it
can either decrease or increase and the line graph can show the amount of burgers being sold.
Interpretation of Chirripo Mountains
• Why called land of Eternal Waters?
• Do you know? Chirripo Mountain was formed due to the
consanguineous Cocos and Nazca plates’ fission with
the large Farallon plate during the early Miocene at a
minimum age.
• You can find lots of animals here! Whether you are
walking a trail for hiking, animals such as toucans,
sloths, koalas, for sure you will see them here!
Description of Arenal Volcano
• The volcanic arc of Costa Rica, where Arenal
is located, is a chain of mountains resulting
from the subduction of the Cocos tectonic
plate under the Caribbean Plate.
Interpretation of line graph
• This is a line graph about the disasters that happened in Costa
Rica from 2011 to 2023. Here, we will see the history of how many
and when natural disasters happened in Costa Rica. For example,
if we refer to the line graph, we will see that four volcanic
eruptions, two earthquakes, and one flood happened in Costa Rica
in 2012.
• This is a table with a topic of when and how many earthquakes,
floods, and volcanic eruptions happened in Costa Rica since 2011
– 2023.

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