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The world we’re living in right now

looks pretty different to the world of

two years ago. But one thing that
hasn’t changed is God.
God still loves us, He still has a plan
for our lives, and He wants us to
draw closer to Him during this crisis.
5 Things you Can Do to
Improve your Relationship
with GOD
1. Constant

Think for a moment about

your best friend. Now
imagine that the two of you
never spoke. You didn’t
celebrate moments of
success together or turn to
*Because solid
relationships need solid
communication – and
the same is true for our
relationship with GOD.
If we want to improve
our relationship with
God, we need to
communicate with Him
through prayer.
* When you wake up,
invite God into your day
and ask him to bless it.
When you go to sleep,
reflect on the day and
thank God for it.
Try to find at least 10 minutes
sometime during the day just to
talk to God. If you’re not sure
how, just tell him what’s on your
mind – share your worries, your
uncertainties, the areas of your
life where you really need his
2. Find Silence
God wants to speak to us, but often, our
lives are too busy and too noisy to hear
His voice. What we need is silence.
3. Read the Bible
While God speaks through silence, the other big way that He
communicates with us is through His Word, the Bible. No
matter what’s going on in your life right now, no matter how
you’re feeling, God has something to say to you.
If you’re struggling with fear
or anxiety, read John 14:27
“Peace I leave you, my
peace I give you. Do not let
your hearts be troubled and
do not be afraid.”
If you’re lonely, read
Hebrews 13:5 “God
has said “I will
never leave you nor
forsake you.”
If you feel like you’re not
strong enough for whatever
life has thrown at you,
Philippians 4:13 “I can do
all things through Christ
who strengthens me.”
If you want to improve your
relationship with God, open
your Bible every day.
Again, start small, and just
spend a few minutes each
day reading a particular
4. Attend Church Services Regularly
Stand up when you normally would to sing and
worship. Bow your head in prayer. Listen and take
notes during the sermon. Try to focus your attention
to the message.
5. Find Ways to Connect
with Your Community
The author John Donne once
wrote that “No man is an
island” and that’s definitely
true in the context of our faith.
We aren’t meant to do faith
alone. We need a place to go to
share our successes, to get
support when we are
struggling, and to pray
together. We need a
In the midst of everything, our one
constant TRUE friend will always be
God. He wants to draw close to us,
through all the uncertainty, stress and
even boredom. The best thing we can do
right now is to improve our relationship
with Him!

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