Assignment 2 TCS

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Voice Recognition

Submitted by:
Amnah Reda (220027497)
Layla Qasem (220031069)
Submitted to :
Dr. Shakeel Shabeer Ahmed
Table of contents

01 02
Design of an Automatic Door
Introduction Opening Prototype Using Recognition
summary, analysis, strength, weakness, recommendation

A new method for voice
signal features creation Conclusion
summary, analysis, strength,
weakness, recommendation
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• Voice recognition nowadays is a dependable tool
that is used in security.
• voice recognition provides a convenient and
secure way to grant or deny access.
• By integrating voice recognition technology into
smart locks, door control systems, individuals
can gain access to restricted areas simply by
saying a predefined passphrase.

Design of an Automatic Door Opening
Prototype Using Recognition Voice
summary, analysis, strength, weakness, recommendation
2.1 Automatic Door Opening
Using Recognition Voice
• It facilitates access when individuals are carrying heavy items.
• beneficial for people with disabilities.
• prevent thefts.
• Arduino control center.
• controlled through voice recognition.
• The Arduino translates voice commands received through the app to execute the door
2.2 Analysis
Strengths and Weaknesses

2.3 Strengths 2.4 Weaknesses

• This application can act • The accuracy value is not
as an opening or closing perfect because there are
order. cases where the device
freezes when another
• This tool works exactly Bluetooth is used.
according to the program
and instructions.
2.5 Recommendation
• ensure the effectiveness and security of the tool.
• identify any vulnerabilities or weaknesses.
• simulate real-life situations and identify potential risks.
A new method for voice signal
feature creation
summary, analysis, strength, weakness, recommendation
3.1 Summary
• The technique decreases sound wave files to improve recognition time
• Sinusoidal signals represent normalized wave files with parameters like phase
shifting, frequency, and amplitude.
• Extracting voice features involves crest factor, dynamic range, sigma, and
• The crest factor measures the peak-to-RMS ratio of the waveform.
• Dynamic range is the ratio of the highest and lowest intensity values a sound
system can transmit or reproduce.
• This method generates wave file features for use as keys or signatures.
• The method ensures accuracy and speed in the voice recognition process.
3.2 Analysis
Strengths and Weaknesses

3.3 Strengths
The created array of features is
3.4 Weaknesses
unique for each wave file, so it • This approach makes speech
can be used as a key to identify
the wave file. identification more difficult
since any changes to phase
• For a recorded wave file with shift, amplitude, or
different sampling frequencies, frequency will be reflected
the feature array does not
in the voice signal's
change and remains the same
using various sampling properties.
3.5 Recommendation
• To improve voice recognition technology, focus on
studying the strengths and weaknesses of both
• Use a high-quality microphone to pick up clear and
accurate voice input.
• Focus on feature extraction techniques to reduce
recognition time.
• Consider using a dedicated microphone specifically
designed for voice recognition tasks for better results
in capturing high-quality audio.
You can enter a subtitle here if you need it
In conclusion, we should learn about the developments
in voice recognition technology:

-With tremendous advancement, speech recognition

technology has become an essential component of
modern life.
-The introduction of voice commands has radically
changed how we interact with voice commands.
-Speech recognition technology has improved
productivity and convenience, allowing for hands-free
operation and efficient communication.
-It continues to develop and advance and promises more
innovations and applications in the future.

[1] Bastari, W. F., Atmiasri, & Anugerah Prasetyo Wibowo. (2022, March 22).
Design of Automatic Door Opening Prototype using Recognition Voice. BEST :
Journal of Applied Electrical, Science, & Technology, 4(1), 33–36.

[2]Al-Dwairi, M. O., Hendi, A. Y., Soliman, M. S., & AlQadi, Z. A. A. (2019,

October 1). A new method for voice signal features creation. International
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 9(5), 4092.
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