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Week 11

Task Assigment
Working at a shop
Task: Assignment – “What is there in your town?”

Hi Steve! I’m fine ,

Hello, Sharon. How are
Sure ! In pairs or group
of 3 or 4 you must record a
Excuse me, Can you tell video offering a job, include
me what the experiences,
assignment for this
responsabilities, Schedule
week is about?
and salary.

Ok , I got it . welcome!
Thanks a lot.
Activities Time
Prepares meals Jobs and s
8 o´clock
cook occupations
Cut hair From 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
register A lot
repair of

These are examples. You can use other vocabulary


Baker- technician- hairdresser- chemist-

barber cashier – Sales clerk- teacher- psicologist
- Choose a job that you are going to offer
- Discuss the responsibilities, requirements, schedule,and salary for the job that
you are going to offer in the dialogue.
- A is going to be the interviewer. B is one to be the first candidate. C is going to
the second candidate.
-Each student must participate at least 5 times.
- The interviewer starts by asking about the candidate’s personal information.
Then, ask about the candidate’s experience, studies, salary.
- Each candidate talks about his /her experiences and studies. Then, the candidate
asks about his/her responsibilities and schedule.
Look at the grammar tense to use in your text.
- Use the Present simple (affirmative, negative sentences,
Write your dialog .
Remember to include the description of
the responsibilities, requirements, schedule and salary.
Use the correct spelling of the words and punctuation.

Record your video.

A : INTERVIEWER: Good morning , guys !.I’m Mr. Ruiz the owner “St Luois Hotel “ and I need a cook .Can I ask some personal
information ? What’s your full names ? How old are you ? What is your present address and telephone number ? Are you
married ?
B: FIRST CANDIDATE: Good morning, it’s a pleasure to meet you. My full name is Carlos Rodriguez. I’m 28 years old, I live in
250 Pachacutec Av. In Puente Piedra, my phone number is 997 564 034 and I’m single.
C: SECOND CANDIDATE: Well ,I’m Roberto Lopez . I’m 29 years old, my adress is block “Q” number 17 Los Jardines in El
Agustino. My phone number is 987 654 210 and I’m married.
A: INTERVIEWER: Carlos , Why do you choose this profession ?
B: FIRST CANDIDATE : I like to prepare different dishes from Peru and all the world.
A: INTERVIEWER : Do you have plans to continue your education in gastronomy ?
A: FIRST CANDIDATE : Yes, I do. I want to be an excellent chef in the field of international kitchen because I worked at the
Cameron Restaurant in Colombia and Blue Moon in Bahamas .
A: INTERVIEWER: Excellent !! How about you Roberto ? What do you know about this job ?
C: SECOND CANDIDATE : Well, a cook is a creative person and enjoy about this career .
A: INTERVIEWER: What is your area in gastronomy ? And Do you have any experience ?
C: SECOND CANDIDATE :I prepare Peruvian food from the Coast, Andes and Jungle . I studied at Le Courdon Bleu university
and I worked in Mar y Selva and El Fogón del Asador .
A: INTERVIEWER : That’s sound interesting !
B: : FIRST CANDIDATE: Mr. Ruiz What do I have to do ?
A:INTERVIEWER: You need to prepare meals and supervise the kitchen
C: SECOND CANDIDATE : Is it a part-time or full-time job ? And what are the working hours ?
A: INTERVIEWER It’s a part-time and it starts at 1:00 am to 1:00 pm.
B: FIRST CANDIDATE: How much do you pay ?
A: INTERVIEWER: The salary for this position is $35 per hour.
B: FIRST CANDIDATE : That’s sound good.
C: SECOND CANDIDATE : When do I know the result ?
A: INTERVIEWER : We call you on Friday. Thank you very much.
Duration of the Video : 3 to 3:30

Number of participants: 3 - 4

You can upload the task to

Canvas from Monday to Sunday,
at 23:59

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