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Chapter 7 Case Studies of Modulus-Limited Design

Chapters 5 & 6

Microstructure of metal, polymer, composite

Elastic modulus from the bond forces
Glass transition temperature Tg
Modulus of composites
Chapter 7 Case Studies of Modulus-Limited Design

Case 1 A Telescope Mirror

Mirror 6m diameter; 1m thick, 70t; the supporting system 40t

The moving weight 120t,

The cost is more than 176 million USD and it is proportional to the square
of the weight of the mirror, which account for only 5% of the total cost

Mirrors are usually made of glass silvered on the front surface

70t 100nm, 30g

Could we propose much lighter one??

Chapter 7 Case Studies of Modulus-Limited Design

Middle point deflection

2a 3 Mga 2
 M  a 2 t
4 Et 3

3 Mga 2 3a 63
Mg 4 Et 3 M 3

  1m (wavelength of light) 1/ 2 1/ 2

4  
 3g 
M  a  
 4  E
With counterbalanced weights
Or hydraulic jacks
To minimize M
  10m
Chapter 7 Case Studies of Modulus-Limited Design

Mirror Backing for 200-Inch Telescope

3 3 5
E /(GPa )  /( Mgm ) ( / E ) ( Ns m )
3 1/ 2
Material M/tonne t/m

Steel 200 7.8 1.54 158 1.0

Concrete 47 2.5 0.56 56 1.2
Al 69 2.7 0.53 53 1.0
Glass 69 2.5 0.48 48 0.97
GFRP 40 2.0 0.45 44 1.1
Wood 12 0.6 0.13 14 1.2
Polymer 0.06 0.1 0.13 13 6.6

CFRP 270 1.5 0.11 11 0.38

The optimum: CFRP, then foam polymer; glass is better than Al, Steel
CFRP and Foam polymer: costs 25 times less expensive
Stability New tech
Chapter 7 Case Studies of Modulus-Limited Design

Hale telescope
Chapter 7 Case Studies of Modulus-Limited Design

Case study 2 Materials selection to give a beam of given stiffness with

minimum weight

4l 3 F 1/ 2 1 // 2
 4 4l F
5 2
 4l 5 F   2 
Et  M     
l EM 2    E

M  lt 2
Data for beam of given stiffness

 4l F 
1/ 2 1 // 2 Material ( 2 / E )1 / 2 x103 p( 2 / E )1 / 2 x103 ( USD)
  
5 2
price    p  3.5
  
Concrete 12
E  Wood 5.5 2.4
Steel 17 7.7
Al 10 24
Why bicycle not wood GFRP 10 33
CFRP 2.9 574
Steel ->tube Foam polymer 13 14
Chapter 7 Case Studies of Modulus-Limited Design

Case study 3 Space Shuttle Challenger Accident (1986)

Chapter 8 The yield strength, tensile strength, hardness and ductility

Tensile Stress-Strain curve

Brittle solids Fracture
All Solids have an elastic limit
Ductile metals Plastic deformation

Elastic behavior (unloading no permanent deformation)

Linear elastic an-elastic Non linear elastic

  

  
Chapter 8 The yield strength, tensile strength, hardness and ductility

Plastic behavior

Stress-strain curve in tension Stress-strain curve in compression

 Geometrical influence
Reversible elastic
strain True stress True strain
F dl l
 d    ln  
A l  l0 

True Stress-strain curve
Permanent plastic strain

Plastic strain volume does not change

Al  A 0 l 0
   n (1   n )   ln(1   n )
A 0l0
Chapter 8 The yield strength, tensile strength, hardness and ductility

Some definitions for a tensile test

Data of the yield stress

For brittle materials, tensile test is difficult to perform
Hardness test
Hardness tests (simple and cheap)

True hardness Vickers hardness

H Hv  H  3 y
A At

A : projected area; At: total surface area of indent

Chapter 8 The yield strength, tensile strength, hardness and ductility


1. 材料锯齿型屈服现象


P110, 7.5

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