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English (CE)

Week 1 Session 3
Business English I
Goodwill messaging in business communication
Class Discussion / Group Activity
 What is goodwill messaging?

 What benefits can goodwill messaging bring to

an organization?

 What advantages may using goodwill

messaging bring to you as an individual?

 How do you think you can use goodwill

messaging in an authentic or genuine way?
Advice for effective business communication

Ensure you use the correct method i.e. written vs oral

Use an appropriate tone in your writing or voice
Be direct, honest and straightforward
Make your communication clear, concise and simple
Tailor your message to the audience
For oral communication, use positive body language and
avoid negative body language
Advice for effective business communication
 Don’t interrupt others when they are speaking
 Ensure you ask questions to seek clarification
 When disagreeing with someone, focus on the topic of
conversation and make it clear it’s not personal
 Demonstrate confidence when communicating
 Give an appropriate amount of personal space when
communicating with someone face-to-face
 Actively listen and be empathetic
Advice for using Business English with Customers
When we are nervous, we have the tendency to
speak faster. Focus on keeping the conversation
and your speaking rate at a normal pace.
Ensure you have listened carefully to the needs
of the foreign customer in discussions.
Show your interest in the conversation and
maintain good eye-contact with the customer
Business communication in a business meeting
 A meeting can be defined as an event in which two or more people come
together to discuss something.

 Generally, meetings are held for the purposes of discussing, making decisions,
or solving problems. Meetings are typically about resolving things needed to
move forward.
Formal business meetings
 A formal meeting in a business is a meeting that is planned beforehand and
well organized.

 These types of meetings are usually set up in a way that all the people
involved in the meeting have a well-known place where they meet and know
what they should be doing during the meeting.

 A formal meeting is more structured and less free-flowing than an informal

meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to share information, make decisions,
or express opinions.
Informal business meetings
 An informal meeting is a type of meeting that has a more relaxed, casual
atmosphere. They are less formal and structured than other types of meetings.

 These meetings usually happen in an informal setting such as in a break room or

at someone's desk and usually last no more than 60 minutes.

 The purpose of these meetings is for people to come together and interact in
order to share information with one another and work on projects together with
their teammates.
Useful phrases for formal meetings
(giving opinions)
When giving your opinion in a formal
 My opinion is that...
 It seems to me that...
 My thoughts are that...
 As far as I’m concerned...
 In my view...
 I look at it like this...
Useful phrases for formal meetings
(asking for opinions)
When asking for someone’s opinion in a
formal meeting:
 What are your thoughts on...?
 Let me ask you something...?
 I’m interested to hear...?
 Let’s have your input on it.
 I’m curious to know your perspective
 Given your experience, I’d like to know
your opinion.
Useful phrases for informal meetings
(giving opinions)
When giving your opinion in an
informal meeting:
 If you ask me...
 It looks to me like...
 If you want to know what I think...
 Here’s what I think...
 As I see it...
 Here’s how I look at it...
Useful phrases for informal meetings
(asking for opinions)
When asking for someone’s opinion in
an informal meeting:
 What do you think about...?
 How do you feel about...?
 Can I pick your brains about...?
 Tell us your thoughts on...
 What’s your idea?
 What are you thinking?
Class Discussion/ Group Activity

Instructions Conversational Topics

• Discuss any of the topics below using • Japan releasing nuclear waste
either formal or informal language. water into the Pacific Ocean
• You should give your opinion and then • After having the discussions,
ask for someone else’s opinion students from each group will
• After having the discussions, students share with the entire class
from each group will share with the • The Gaokao 高考 The National
entire class
University Entrance Examination

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