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Recruitment Process
Oleh: M. Alfan Ibnu Munawar


Course Summary
Poin Belajar Rangkuman

Recruitment are process of identifying, attracting, interviewing, selecting, and also hiring the employees. It means
Introduction to recruitment is a process to hiring employees to become the part of company. Back in the time, employees should
Recruitment come to company and give the resume and also write the resume by hand. Later, the Iot spreading really fast which
influence the recruitment culture. Employees make the resume by computer and apply to the company by internet.

1. Perform a job request

2. Sourcing applicants
3. Screen & shortlist applicants
Recruitment and
4. Pre test/case study/psychological test
Selection Process 5. Interview stage
6. Reference checking
7. MCU & Job offer

Case Study
Perusahaan Alpha adalah perusahaan teknologi yang sedang berkembang pesat. Perusahaan ini memutuskan untuk
membuka beberapa posisi baru untuk memperluas tim mereka. Salah satu posisi yang mereka butuhkan adalah
seorang Software Engineer yang berfokus pada pengembangan website baru mereka. Mereka membutuhkan kandidat
yang dapat melampirkan portofolio untuk membuktikan keahlian kandidat, selain dokumen umum lainnya.
Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, jelaskanlah langkah-langkah recruitment yang dilakukan sampai perusahaan
Alpha mendapatkan karyawan yang diinginkan. Jawablah pertanyaan tersebut berdasarkan pengetahuanmu,
penjelasan tutor dan sumber-sumber lain yang terpercaya.

Langkah-langkah Penjelasan

Make a list what specialty and skill the require job needed. (the software engineer who
1. Perform a job request affordable to manage the new website)

Find candidate from many sources/channel/platform who compatible and also know how to
2. Sourcing applicants manage an website by checking their resume

3. Screen & shortlist applicants List candidate and cut down who are not compatible to the job requirement.

4. Conduct pre-test/case study/ Make some test who are related to the job. (make them make or manage some sample web
psychological test and check their work whether they can do or not)

Talks with HR, user, and manager who talk about the salary, job desk, culture company, and
5. Interview stage other

6. Reference checking Background checking are the candidate has some experience with this job or not

If the candidate go through the end of process recruitment, they are doing medical checkup
7. MCU & Job offer and job offering and also they can start work under the company

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Instagram : alfanibn
Twitter : tanpakakii
LinkedIn : Muhammad Alfan Ibnu Munawar

Short Class Human Resources


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