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 Objectives
 At the end of this lecture should be able to understand:
 Definition of Project Implementation
 Activities Carried out During Implementation
 Controlling Work in Progress
 Steps Controlling Work in Progress
 Obtaining Resources
 Challenges to Project Implementation
Definition of Project Implementation
 This is The third phase of the project management life cycle.
The implementation phase involves putting the project plan
into action.
 After you have carefully planned your project, you will be
ready to start the project implementation phase,
 It’s here that the project manager will coordinate and direct
project resources to achieve the objectives of the project plan.
 It is important to realize that plans are never complete if they
are not implemented.
 The action of planning is given more meaning when the plans
are put in action
 The implementation phase is where you and your project team
actually do the project work to produce the deliverables.
Activities Carried out During Implementation

 At the implementation stage of the project manager

coordinates all the elements of a project.
This involves:
 Controlling work in progress to see that it is carried out
according to plan
 Providing feedback to those working on the project
 Negotiating for materials
 The project manager is tasked with the responsibilities of
decision making which determines how the project is
Controlling Work in Progress
 Controlling is the central activity during implementation
of projects.
 The most important tool in this process is the plan that
was developed to define the three parameters of the
project-specifications, schedules, and budget.
Steps Controlling Work in Progress
Controlling involves three steps:
1. Establishing standards.
2. Monitoring performance
3. Taking correctives action.
1. Establishing standards.
This is the first step in project control. Key standard in
project control can include the following among others:
Scope of works:
Schedule for works:
Project specification
Work breakdown structure (WBS)
Cost estimates and budgets:
Quality of the product
Stakeholder’s satisfaction:
Productivity/ effectiveness/ efficiency
2. Monitoring performance
 This stage involves receipt of sufficient information about the
project in order to make intelligent comparison of planned and
actual performances.
 The Project Manager monitors project performance by gathering
status information about:
 All changes to baseline data
 Change management information
 Activity progress with status details
 List of complete and incomplete deliverables
 Activities initiated and finished
 Estimated time to completion
 Resource utilization data
 Changes to project scope
3. Taking correctives action.
 Corrective action is a process of communicating with the
employee to improve attendance, unacceptable behavior or
 Taking corrective action requires identifying the problem
and implementing a potential solution.
 Managers must determine why standards were not met.
 Corrective action should be taken immediately, without
any loss of time.
 Corrective action may be improving the techniques,
organizational structure, proper selection and training,
Obtaining Resources
 Negotiating for resources is a very important process that
takes up as much as 20% of a manager's time.
 The issue of resources needs to be observed from the
following dimensions:
Material and Equipment
Challenges to Project Implementation
 Lack of clear goals
 One of the barriers to project implementation is lack of
clarity. Some or all employees don’t know or don’t
understand the project goals, objectives, roles and
responsibilities, etc.
 Inadequate Resources
 Technology Gap
 Lack of Time
 Political Barriers
 Lack of communication
Challenges to Project Implementation
 Budgeting issues
 Inadequate skills of team members
 Inadequate risk management
 Lack of accountability
 Unrealistic deadlines
 Lack of Ongoing Customer Support
Bringing the Project to a Successful Conclusion
 The project implementation cycle is treated as complete with
the termination of the project. Literally termination means
"ending" and in the context of project implementation, it spells
out one of the four meanings:
 Normal termination i.e. when a project is terminated within the
stipulated resources and time.
 Non- termination, a corollary of normal termination.
 Early termination
 Late termination.
Projects can be terminated earlier negatively due to change of
policy, and programs of the concerned organizations,
availability of more proposals, unforeseen and Intention
Actions Results Feedback195 environmental factors etc.

Thank You for Listening

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