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Romeo and Juliet L13

Learning Objective
To evaluate the impact of events in Act III,
Scene i on the character of Romeo.

Success Criteria
To understand Romeo’s actions in the scene and his motivations.
• To discuss the Prince’s judgement on Romeo.
• To create a timeline of events for Romeo in the play so far.
Inside Romeo’s Head
Consider the events at the beginning of Act III, Scene i, which we studied last
lesson. What is going through Romeo’s head?
Romeo’s Challenge
Read Romeo’s words to Tybalt when he re-enters the scene.
Can you put his thoughts into modern English?

Again, in triumph, and Mercutio slain? soul

for Mercutio’s
Is but a little way above our heads,
Away tofor thine respective
heaven, to keep him company:

Either thou orfury

And fire-ey’d I, orbe
both, must go now!
my conduct with him.

Now, Tybalt, take the ‘villain’ back again

That late thou gavest me,
Fortune’s Fool
Romeo, away, be gone!
The citizens are up, and Tybalt slain.
Stand not amazed: the prince will doom thee death,
If thou art taken: hence, be gone, away!

O, I am fortune's fool!

1. Why will the Prince doom Romeo?

2. What does Romeo mean by saying
he is ‘fortune’s fool’?
Benvolio’s Account
The Prince enters the scene with
Benvolio is the friend of Romeo
the Montagues and Capulets
and Mercutio: how will this affect
and demands to know what has
what he says?
happened. Benvolio gives him
an account of the events which
led up to the deaths of Mercutio The Prince is a powerful man
and Tybalt. and Benvolio must be polite
and respectful.
Imagine you are Benvolio,
explaining to the Prince what
has occurred. Write a short Both the Montagues and Capulets
speech, detailing the events. are present; both houses have
When writing, remember: just lost one of their men.

Benvolio’s character: is he hot-

headed, or a peace-keeper?
An Eye for an Eye
Lady Capulet:
I beg for justice, which thou, prince, must give;
Romeo slew Tybalt, Romeo must not live.

Romeo slew him, he slew Mercutio;
Who now the price of his dear blood doth owe?

Not Romeo, prince, he was Mercutio's friend;
His fault concludes but what the law should end,
The life of Tybalt.

The famous Indian leader Ghandi once said: ‘An eye for an eye only
ends up making the whole world blind.’ What do you think should
happen to Romeo? Has justice been served, or should there be
further punishments?
... let Romeo hence in haste,
Else, when he's found, that hour is his last.
And for hence
thatthis body and attend our will:
Mercy but murders,
Immediately pardoning
we do exile those that kill.
him hence…

Do you agree with his

Prince’s punishment
judgement that ‘mercy
for Romeo?
but murders’?
Romeo’s Timeline
The last few days have been a
whirlwind for Romeo!
Create a timeline of events from his
perspective, starting with the
beginning of the play:

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