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Grade Date

MINED- Lesson Plan A /10/23

A. Lesson Plan Information B /10/23
Subject: English
Unit: Unit IX places.
Topic: V. Shops and public buildings
W. Answer the questions.
L. Listen and write.
Time: 45 mins
B. Performance Indicators:
The student participates in chants and choral activities to practice the learned vocabulary.
C. Evaluation Criterion
 Make sentences with prepositions of places in written way
 Participate in playful activities using prepositions of places through listening.
 Collaborate with classmates in the activities of classes.
D. Learning strategies
Opening Activities
Warm-Up:. Teacher develops the next dynamic, he draws two circles on board then he asks the kids to make
two line , give one ball to the first kids to each line, invite the Ss to try to throw the ball inside of each circle on
board, repeat this activity several times .
Review / Prior Knowledge: Teacher will develop a review about the last vocabulary studied in class about
public buildings and prepositions orally.(6 Mins)
Presentation of new content: Additional learning V: shops and public buildings, in this activity teacher
will develop a review about public buildings and prepositions vocabulary. Review
Middle Activities: Controlled/Free practice
Listening: Teacher invites the children to write on their notebooks all the sentences that
he will say about public building and 'preposition in order to know if students already
learned the vocabulary correctly! (10min)

Writing: In this activity teacher asks the kids to open their notebooks to page 70 and complete
in their notebooks exercises 1, in which they should look at the map and answer the questions
about the pubic buildings are, monitor and give help if necessary.. 10 min

1. it’s behind the hospital. 2. it’s next to the restaurant.

3. it’s in front of the school. 4. it’s between the candy store and the toy store.
Closing Activities
Speaking: Teacher places a map about a community on the board, then he invites the
children to says sentences about where the public buildings are using the structure
it’s + preposition + the + public building, develop this activity individually. (10mins)
E. Homework: completing activity about places vocabulary.

F. My reflections on the lesson / Observations


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