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Level 3 – US31008 – 5 credits

■ Over the next few weeks we are working response log – 6 texts required of at least three
different text types.
■ Written text types may include : novels, short stories, poetry, articles, biographies, websites
■ One of the must be an extended written text (novel)
■ The responses you write will be assessed on how well you demonstrate understanding of,
engagement with, and express viewpoints on texts.

■ Reading will be completed at home and in class.
■ Personal responses to the text you read will be completed in class
■ You must use your own words and not copy directly form any other text
■ If you have any questions or want to get in touch.
Weekly Agenda
Week / Dates Tasks See Slides…
1) 22 – 26 February 1) Select and read the first section from the extended text 4-5
you choose

2) 01 – 05 March 1) Read next section of extended text 6-7

2) Read a short text
3) Write and submit a Personal response

3) 08 – 12 March 1) Read next section of extended text 8-9

2) Read a short text
3) Write and submit a Personal Response

4) 15 – 19 March 1) Read the last section of extended text 10 - 11

2) Read a short text
3) Write and submit a Personal Response

5) 22 – 26 March 1) Write and submit a personal response for your 12 - 13

extended text
2) Read a short text
3) Write and submit a Personal Response

6) 29 March– 02 April 1) Read a short text 14 - 15

2) Write and submit a Personal Response
22 – 26 February
Week Four Overview
■ This week we will be concentrating on choosing an extended text (novel).
■ You can choose a novel on ESL to read.
■ You will be expected to have read the whole book by 26 March which is in 4 weeks time.
■ TIP: See how many pages are in the book and divide that by 28 days to have a rough guide as to how
many pages you need to read each day. (Example: 400/28 =14 pages a day!)
■ Take note of each chapter you read in your book.

WEEK’S tasks:
1. Choose a book to read
2. Work out how much you have to read each day and start reading
3. Complete taking note of each chapter you have read.
01 – 05 MARCH
Week Five Overview
■ This week you will continue to read your daily installment from your extended text as well as
select and respond to a short written (poem, short story, biography, article or website article).

■ I have added lots of short written texts to Google Classroom if you’re struggling to find
something to read. You also can find short stories on ESL

■ Make sure you take note you what you have read.
08 – 12 MARCH
Week Six Overview
■ This week you will continue to read your daily installment from your extended text as well as
select and respond to another short written (poem, short story, biography, article or website

■ I have added lots of short written texts to Google Classroom if you’re struggling to find
something to read.

■ Make sure you continue to take note when you read.

■ IMPORTANT: By now you should complete ¾ of your book.

15 – 19 MARCH
Week Seven Overview
■ This week you will continue to read your daily installment from your extended text as well as
select and respond to another short written (poem, short story, biography, article or website

■ I have added lots of short written texts to Google Classroom if you’re struggling to find
something to read.

■ Make sure take note when you read.

■ By the end of this week you should finish reading your book.
22 – 26 MARCH
Week Eight Overview
■ Now that you have finished reading your extended text you will write a Personal Response on

■ This week you will select and respond to another short written (poem, short story, biography,
article, magazine or website article).

■ I have added lots of short written texts to Google Classroom if you’re struggling to find
something to read.

WEEK’S tasks:

1. Write a Personal Response to your extended text

2. Choose a short text and read it
Week NINE Overview
■ This week you will select and respond to another short written (poem, short story, biography,
article, magazine or websites)

■ I have added lots of short written texts to Google Classroom if you’re struggling to find
something to read.

WEEK’S tasks:

1. Choose a short text and read it

2. Write a Personal Response to the short text
3. Submit your last Personal Responses on Classroom
■ The date you read the text
■ The title of the text
■ The text type
■ The author or source of the text
■ A written response to each text. This could include
- What you relate to personally in the text and why
- The characters or information in the text an how they were of interested to you
- How the text linked to something you already knew about or increased your
knowledge about the topic
- The ideas in the text and their relevance to what is happening in the world

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