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Striated Duct

Demilune Of Von
Excretory Duct
Striated Duct
Demilune Of Von Ebner
Mixed Salivary Gland
Striated Duct
Pure Mucous salivary Gland
(Webber Glands)
Excretory Duct

Striated duct
Demilune Of Von Ebner
Mucous Acinus

Webber Gland
Von Ebner Salivary Gland
(Pure Serous Gland)
Striated Duct
Excretory Duct

Pure Serous Gland

Striated Duct
Mixed Gland Serous Gland
Vallate Papilla Taste Buds
Duct Of Von Ebner Gland
Serous acinus
Serous acinus

Striated Duct
Mucous acinus
Intercalated duct
Mixed salivary gland
Mixed salivary gland
Demilune of von Ebner
Striated duct
Mixed salivary gland
Excretory duct
Excretory duct
Pure serous S.G. Pure mucous S.G.

salivary G.
A,B : striated ducts
C: Excretory duct
Serous Acinus

Striated Duct
Mixed salivary gland
Demilunes of von Ebner
D: striated duct SDL: Serous Demilune
MA: Mucous Acinus SA: Serous Acinus


Weber salivary

Lymphatic part of the tongue

Excretory duct

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