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Why is the Bible a source of authority?

Literal interpretation: Liberal interpretation:

It contains the __________ (10 Commandments) which provide us moral guidance.
• Some Christians, mainly Other Christians feel the Bible was written
Includes letters from ___________ – one of Jesus’ most trusted followers. fundamentalists believe the Bible by humans but _________ by God.
It contains the teaching of __________. as _____ and therefore see it as the Although it is a source of authority, it needs
It is considered the __________. actual ______ _____ _______. _________ in light of modern day.
• These Christians are considered Christians should exercise ________ and
It contains advice for living a __________ life
literalists and as such the Bible has ________ to help interpret the meaning.
total _______ in all situations.
Jesus/ word of God /St. Paul/ decalogue/ Christian
In this box, recall some of the duties of
In the box, write an A if it is an advantage of using Community
conscience or a D if it is a disadvantage

Might contradict teachings in the It’s not as reliable as other

Bible and Church. sources of authority. It’s subject
to human error.

The Church and the Bible May tell you to do bad things.
encourages Christians to follow
your conscience.
Can tell people the right thing to
do in the moment. It often steers
God given. you away from wrong actions. Practical

How can conscience be “God Empowers individuals to make

given” when not all people agree ethical decisions that are not
on a morally “right” action. discussed in the Bible.
For each description, write whether it is decisions:
Briefly summarise the Pope’s roles in 10 words or few each time: Pontifical, Conciliar, or Ordinary • Can be considered infallible:
Magisterium: • Met in Nicaea to announce that Jesus
Pontifex Maximus (Chief Bridge Builder): • Delivers the teaching of the church to was in fact the eternal Son of God:
the believers: • Announced the Assumption of Mary:
Head of state of Vatican • Meets on rare occasions to make
decisions: • Is the lowest level of the Magisterium:
• Has the power to make decisions
Special yet human
without asking anyone else:

Bishop of Rome • Is not involved in making new


Vicar of Christ

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