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Etiquette, Protocol

and Social Usages

August 20, 2018

Police Community Affairs and

Development Course
Lesson Goal

This lesson is intended to

develop the appreciation of PCR
Personnel on the importance of
knowing what to do during socials
and the appropriate table etiquette
Lesson Objectives
After this lesson, the participants would be able to:
🞂 Enumerate the forms of socials;
🞂 Discuss the objectives and requirements of each
kind of socials;
🞂 Define etiquette; and
🞂 Discuss the manners at the table
is a function or a gathering. Socials take a very
wide variety of forms, ranging from afternoon tea or
cocktails to a formal dinner or reception. The main
difference is the atmosphere of the occasion. The host
can suit the type to the kind of guests one intends to
invite or to the occasion one wishes to celebrate or
Forms of Socials
🞂 Cocktails
🞂 Formal Dinner
🞂 Informal Dinner
🞂 Reception

Cocktails are tendered to introduce an

official like a Military/Police Attache, a passing official
like a PNP Officer, a friend, or any person. Sometimes,
cocktails are held for a get-together or in reciprocation
of previous cocktail invitation.
Formal Dinner

has the same purpose as a cocktail party except

that it is done in a more serious or formal atmosphere.
Informal Dinner

has the same object or purpose as a formal but is

held in a more relaxed atmosphere.

is tendered in celebration of a national day, PNP

Day, a significant day, a personal day, or other special
What is Etiquette?

🞂 A set of rules that govern the expectations of social and

dining behavior in a workplace, group or society.
🞂 Table manners are visible signs that you are a polished
and knowledgeable professional.
🞂 Displaying manners is an act of kindness and respect to
your fellow human beings.
Manners at the Table

🞂 Controversial topics should be avoided at the dinner

table. (true)

🞂 The left hand may be used to convey food with the

fork if one has just cut a piece of meat or fish with the
knife. The continental fashion is accepted everywhere.
It is of course, entirely correct to use the right hand all
the time for conveying food. A combination of the two
systems is currently acceptable. (true)
🞂 In a small sit-down dinner, it is a good form to wait
for the host to be served, or wait for the host to begin.

🞂 It is ill-mannered for a guest to go to the table with a

lighted cigarette in his hand.

🞂 Wiping the silver and plates with the napkin indicates

poor manners. Likewise, leaving the spoon in the
cup, or looking for toothpicks, show lack of breeding.
🞂 One must make sure his mouth is empty and his lips
wiped clean before taking any beverage.

🞂 Napkins are placed on the lap by individual guests

after the hostess has taken hers. Dinner napkins are
folded once (in half), while others are spread out. At
the end of the meal, the napkin must be laid to the left
of the plate. No attempt need be made to let it look
neat, it should never be refolded.
🞂 (True)
🞂 The soup spoon is filled from one side in an outwardly
direction, that is, away from the one who is eating.
Convey to the mouth, the same side of the spoon, never
from the end or tip of the spoon. Again, one can easily
tell breeding in a person by just observing the manner
he or she takes soup. (true)

🞂 One should never stir up food or mix different items

into the heap on the plate. Gravy, for example, is used
only for specific dishes and should not be spread all
🞂 Chewing must be done quietly with the mouth closed.

🞂 Foreign particles taken with the food (stone or gravel)

are removed with the thumb and forefinger. Same
thing is done with the fish bones and other small bones.

🞂 Wet spoons should never be used to take sugar. The

butter knife is for butter only, the salad fork, for the
salad only. The hostess sees to it that silverware is
adequate for every purpose.
🞂 It is but proper for a guest to take a little of every item
offered at the table. The guest’s favourable reaction to
the food served is some compensation to the hostess.

🞂 Elbows must never be placed on the table while

someone is eating. The feet must be flat on the floor.
🞂 When one has finished a certain course, or the meal
itself, he places the fork and the knife on the right side
of the plate. The sharp side of the knife must face
inward and the fork, with the tines up, is placed to the
left of the knife. (false)

🞂 One must be familiar with the manner of eating

different kinds of cooked food, vegetables and fruits..

🞂 When in doubt, follow the host


Thank you!

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