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Review Techniques

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Defect Amplification Removal (DAR)
• To illustrate the generation and detection of errors in SDLC
• Uses box approach

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DAR – without review

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DAR – with review

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(Filter to uncover errors and defects)

(Informal Formal Technical Review)

-- 3-5 people
-- min 2 hours advance preparation
-- meeting
duration < 2 hours 5
Informal Reviews
• Simple desk check of a product with colleagues
• Casual meeting
• No advance meeting preparation
• No agenda and meeting structure
• No follow- up on errors
• Less effective

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Formal Review &

Roles Review Meeting



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• Software control activity
• Objectives:
• To uncover errors in function, logic, or implementation of software
• To verify software under review meets its requirements
• To ensure software has been represented according to standards
• To makes project more manageable
• To achieve software that is developed in uniform manner

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FTR working process

Work Project Review
Developer spend Agenda
product leader leader

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FTR working process


Introduction Project raise Decision
by leader issues

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FTR Guidelines
• Review the product, not the developer
• Set an agenda and maintain it
• Limit debate and rebuttal
• Enunciate problem areas, but don’t attempt to solve every problem
• Take written notes
• Limit the number of participants and insist upon advance preparation

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FTR Guidelines
• Develop a checklist for each product that is likely to be reviewed
• Allocate resources and schedule time for FTR’s
• Conduct meaningful training for all reviewers
• Review your early reviews

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FTR Summary Report

Who What
reviewed reviewed

What were

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Software Quality Assurance

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Criteria Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Software Quality Control (SQC)
SQA is a set of activities for ensuring
quality in software engineering processes SQC is a set of activities for ensuring quality in
Definition (that ultimately result in quality in software software products. The activities focus on
products). The activities establish and identifying defects in the actual products
evaluate the processes that produce produced.
Focus Process focused Product focused
Orientation Prevention oriented Detection oriented
Breadth Organization wide Product/project specific
Scope Relates to all products that will ever be Relates to specific product
created by a process
 Process Definition and Implementation
Activities Audits  Reviews

Training  Testing

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Elements of SQA
• Standards
• Audits
• Error / Defect collection analysis
• Change, Security, Vendor, Risk Management
• Education

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SQA Tasks
• Prepares an SQA plan for project
• Participate in the development of the software process description
• Verify the compliance with defined process with software engineering
• Audits designated software work products to verify compliance with
those defined as a part of the software process
• Ensures that the deviation in software work and work product are
documented and handled according to a documented procedure
• Records any noncompliance and reports to senior management

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SQA Approaches
SSQA Six Sigma

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• Statistical Software Quality Assurance
• Steps :
Information about software errors and defects is collected and organized
Attempt is made to trace each error and defect to its underlying cause
Using pareto’s principle isolate the vital errors
Try to correct those vital few

 Spend your time focusing on things that really matters, but first be sure that
you understand what really matters

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Six Sigma
• By Motorola in 1980’s
• Uses data and statistical analysis to measure and improve a company’s
operational performance by identifying and eliminating defects

• 3 core steps:
• Define -- requirements, deliverables, goals
• Measure -- the existing process & its o/p to determine current quality performance
• Analyze -- defect metrics and vital causes

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Six Sigma
• Existing process
• Improve -- by eliminating root causes
• Control -- to ensure that the future work doesn’t reintroduce the cause of defects

• New development
• Design -- to avoid root causes, -- to meet customer requirements
• Verify -- the process model , avoid defects

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ISO 9000 Quality Standards
• Describes quality elements that can be applied to any business
regardless of its services
• Quality system should be scrutinized by third party auditors
• Once registered, semi annual surveillance audits will be considered
• ISO 9001: 2000 ???

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SQA Plan
• Purpose & Scope
• Description of work products
• Apply standards & practices
• SQA actions
• Tools for SQA
• Software Configuration Management
• Methods for safeguarding and maintaining SQA related records
• Roles & Responsibilities

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• Measure of Reliability , MTBF=MTTF + MTTR

• Availability = ((MTTF)/(MTTF + MTTR) )*100

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