3 Thoracic Spine

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 Thoracic vertebral column consist of 12 vertebrae
 The 1st and 12th thoracic vertebrae are
transitional vertebrae and possess characteristic of
cervical and lumber vertebra

 1st thoracic vertebra

 Typical cervical shaped body with a transverse
diameter practically twice the anteroposterior
 Spinous process of T1 and T12 is particularly
long and prominent.

 12th thoracic vertebra

 Thoracic-like superior zygapophyseal articular
facets that face posterolaterally.
 Lumber like inferior zygophyseal articular facets
that face anterolaterally
Atypical thoracic vertebrae
 Atypical Thoracic Vertebra (T1, T11, And T12 )
 Presence of full costal facets rather than demifacets.
Typical thoracic vertebrae
 Typical thoracic vertebra ( T2- T8)

 Vertebral body:
 Equal transverse and anteroposterior diameters
 Pedicles :
 Directed more posteriorly and less laterally
 Laminae:
 Short, thick, and broad
 Demifacets (or half facets):
 Articulate with the heads of the ribs and located on the postero lateral
corners of the vertebral plateaus
 Vertebral foramen:
 Small and circular
Typical thoracic vertebra
 Articular processes
 Superior zygapophyseal facets
 Face posteriorly and slightly superolaterally.
 Inferior zygapophyseal facets
 Face anteriorly and slightly superomedially.
 Transverse processes:
 Paired large oval facets (costotubercular facets) for
articulation with the tubercles of the ribs
 Spinous processes:
 Slope inferiorly from T5 TO T8,
overlap the spinous process of the
Adjacent inferior vertebra.
Intervertebral disc
 When considering the length of vertebral column, the intervertebral
disc make up about 10% of the length
 The ration of body to disc in thoracic spine is 1/5
 Ration in thoracic spine is restricted by rib cage
 Differences only in size and shape
 Thinner in upper thoracic segments
 Greater stability and less mobility
 Posterior height greater than the anterior height.
 Interbody joints:
 Allow all translations to occur

 Zygapophyseal joints:
 Allows greater ROM into :lateral flexion and rotation
 Allow less ROM into : flexion and extension
Ligaments and muscle
 Muscle:
 The unilateral function of erector spinae is lateral bending and rotation
 ligaments that are thicker in the thoracic region than in the cervical
region are:
 Ligamentum flavum this ligament remains in constant tension
even in neutral and non-weight bearing condition of vertebral
 Anterior longitudinal ligaments
 Available motion at thoracic region:
 Compression
 Bending
 Shearing
 Torsion
 Tension

 Increased compression forces in comparison with the cervical region

 All motions are possible in the thoracic region.
 Flexion (limited by PLL)
 Extension (contact by spinous process)
 Lateral rotation (limited by rib cage)
 Lateral flexion (limited by zygophyseal facet)

 Limited ROM in upper thoracic region ( T1-T6)

 Increase ROM in lower thoracic region (T9 - T12)
Round back with forward head
 Increase in thoracic curve
 forward head posture
 Protracted scapulae
 Rounded shoulder
Flat upper back and neck posture

 Decrease in the thoracic curve

 Depressed scapulae
 Depressed clavicles
 Decreased cervical lordosis
 Increased flexion of the occipit on atlas.
 Exaggerated military posture

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