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Welding qualification
as per AWS D14.2
AWS D1.1
AWS B2.1

Prepared by ACHREF OUNI

Date 21/09/2022

Saudi Advanced Technologies Company 1


1- Observation 3

2- Qualification “PQR” 6

3- Welders qualification “WPQ” 12

4- Conclusion 17

1- General

1- General

1.1 Scope : This document cover the welding process qualification as per AWS D1.1 / AWS B2.1 / AWS
B4.0 & AWS D14.3
1.2 General :For Welding qualification we require 3 essential
Records ( Procedure then Process and personnel qualification ) :

Qualify the Process :

1- WPS : Procedure Describe the parameter that we are

going to qualify Require preparing specimens
2- PQR : is the qualification of the procedure and tests => Tests 1

Qualify the welders following the PQR

3- WPQ : welders qualification Require preparing specimens

and tests => Tests 2
1- General

1.3 deliverables of TCR

Type of joints possible in WPS (except pre-qualified
joints ):

1. Groove Complete joint penetration

2. Groove partial joint penetration
3. fillet

TCR Records provided : Point not covered in TCR documents :

a) 1st PQR for armox - fillet a) No WPS Provided
b) Macro Test Report D3558 b) No Welder qualifications WPQ
c) 2nd PQR for A36 Steel - fillet Provided
d) Macro Test Report D3559 c) Missing 3rd PQR (groove mild steel)
e) Radiograph report (Not refered by any d) Minor changing in the report
other report )
2- Qualification
Complete Joint
2- Qualification “PQR”

See Table 4.2 for the requirements for

qualifying a WPS of a complete
penetration (CJP) Groove weld

For EPK we have both groove

partial and complete penetration

Complete joint groove test will

qualify also fillet and groove
partial penetration

See Next page for test piece

split to the sections tests
Complete Joint
2- Qualification “PQR”

For groove qualification

2 plates (each 18 x 76 cm) welded groove weld and cut
into 6 sections :
2 tests face bend + 2 root bend + 2 reduced section

TCR Documents Provided for the PQR :

• 1st PQR for armox - fillet
• 2nd PQR for A36 Steel – call only for Macro tests
• Missing 3rd PQR for groove weld for A36 – 3 mm
=> must record the 6 tests mentioned above

Complete Joint
2- Qualification “PQR”

Face and Root Bend Side Bend Reduced-Section Tension

Specimens Specimens Specimens (as per in D1.1)

Fillet 2- Qualification “PQR”

See Table 4.3 for the requirements for

qualifying a WPS of a Fillet weld

For EPK we have 2 fillet :

one with armox (8 mm) and one
for A36 steel (3mm)

See Next page for test piece

split to the sections tests

Fillet 2- Qualification “PQR”
For Fillet qualification

2 plates (each 15 x 30 cm) welded fillet T joint from both side
(one side single pass and the other multiple pass ) and cut into 3
sections macro etch tests

TCR Documents Provided for the PQR :

• 1st PQR : for armox (8 mm) - fillet weld – Welder NAUSAD – Position 2F
=> call for 3 macro tests (macro Report D3558)
• 2nd PQR : for A36 Steel (3 mm) – fillet – Welder M.Ali – Position 2F
• => call for 3 macro tests (macro Report D3559)
• both PQR is correct (WPS Parameter selected OK ) except in the results
section or in the macro report it should mention the test piece dimensions
and the 3 sections as shown in figure 4.19 .
• Please remove the statement “break test recorded in report D3558 &
D3559 “ because those report record only macro tests

3- Weldres
Position qualified
and Groove-fillet 3- Weldres qualification “WPQ”
Other then PQR , other different tests &
specimens must be conducted for Welder
qualification WPQ , However TCR didn’t
share yet the WPQ , Find in this documents
the required tests as per EPK project

Range of qualification
as per joint type (fillet & groove )

With test piece groove we can qualify

groove and fillet .
However the test piece fillet cant qualify
groove , it only qualify fillet .

The 2 shared PQR (missing one PQR

for groove ) are Conducted fillet
position 2F which mean the WPQ
should mention F (flat position) & H

=> WPQ not provided 13

Tests required
3- Weldres qualification “WPQ”
for WPQ

For WPQ additional qualification

The type and number of qualification tests required
for welders or welding operators shall conform to
Table 4.9

1. 1st option : Qualify both fillet and groove by test
piece groove (10 mm) = 1 root & face bend , can
be replaced by radiograph test ( TCR shared
such radio graph report but not called by any
PQR or WPQ and the specimen ID not
mentioned )
2. 2nd Option : Qualify by 3 WPQ ( 1x fillet A36 +
fillet armox + groove as per table 4.9 )

TCR Documents Provided for the WPQ :

• No Welder qualification “WPQ” Provided

See Next page for test piece split to the 14

sections tests
Tests required
3- Weldres qualification “WPQ”
for WPQ
Fillet Weld Break and Macro etch Test Plate Fillet Weld Root Bend Test Plate-

Tests required
3- Weldres qualification “WPQ”
for WPQ

Base metals listed in Table 3.1 that are subject to

WPS qualification testing shall qualify other base
metal groups in accordance with Table 4.7.

Wahaj Application :
Required to be captured in WPQ :
• PQR of mild steel (group 2 ) will qualify all the
steel in Groupe 1 ,2 & 3
• PQR of Armox 500T (group Customised
Armox500T ) will qualify all only Armox 500T
• Thickness qualification range as per the
thickness range provided in the previous
tables (PQR & WPQ)

See Next page for test piece split to the 16

sections tests
4- Conclusion

4- Conclusion

Conclusion :

TCR have shared 2 PQR tests and 2 macro reports and one radiograph report .

TCR should provide the following :

1) 3rd PQR for groove weld for A36 steel on test piece 3 mm , divided on 6 portions and tested (2 tests face bend + 2 root bend +
2 reduced section tension)
2) Provide WPQ with respect to Section 3 of this document
3) Provide WPS for the Required PQRs .
4) Provide test results and evidence for the WPQ .
5) Request to Add in the PQR : conducted as per AWS D14.3 & AWS D1.1
6) in the results section or in the macro report it should mention the test piece dimensions and the sections selected for the
different tests ..
7) Please remove the statement “break test recorded in report D3558 & D3559 “ because those report record only macro tests

Qualification PQR

See Table 4.3 for the requirements for

qualifying a WPS of a Fillet weld

For EPK we have 2 fillet : one

with armox (8 mm) and one for
A36 steel (3mm)

Complete joint groove test will

qualify also fillet and groove
partial penetration

See Next page for test piece

split to the sections tests
~Thank you~

Prepared by

Achref Ouni

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