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CE 412: Introduction to Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering


Fundamentals of Structural Dynamics

Static Vs Dynamic Force
Static Force
A Static force is one which does not produces
acceleration in the acting body . A Static force may
or may not vary with time


Force, P , does not change with time

Static Vs Dynamic Force
Static Force



Force, P , change with time but does not produce acceleration in the beam

Static Vs Dynamic Force
Dynamic Force
A Dynamic force not only varies with time but
also produces acceleration in the acting body
i.e a = dv/dt= d2u/dt2 ≠ 0. P(t) Why inertial force in the
1o curve beam is maximum at the
point of application of
dynamic force, P(t) ?

2o curve t1 t2

1o curve

2o curve t1 t2 4
How Inertial force are produced
 Consider a model building mounted on a
truck with most of mass lumped at the roof
 Inertia force , FI , in the model building are
produced in leftward direction when the
truck move in the right ward direction with
certain acceleration.
Force exerted by
 Resultant FI act at the roof level since
truck’s engine
greater portion of mass is lumped there.

 Model will overturn , if the destabilizing

moment due to FI at the bottom of model a≠0
exceeds stabilizing moment due to resultant
weight of model
Physical interpretation of Inertia force.


¨ 𝑔 𝑢=0.5
¨ 𝑔
=0 fI
Ws= Weight shown by weighing scale
¨ 𝑚𝑔 ¿
¨ 𝑚𝑔 ¿ W 𝑓 𝐼 =𝑚𝑢=¿ 0.5
𝑓 𝐼 =𝑚𝑢=¿ 0.5
=0 Ws
⇒ 𝑊 𝑠 =0.5 𝑚𝑔=0.5 𝑊 ⇒ 𝑊 𝑠 =1.5 𝑚𝑔=1.5 𝑊
Effect of Inertial Force (produced due to dynamic forces) on structural response


pI = ma


BMD due to static force, Pstatic BMD including inertial forces due
dynamic force, Pdynamic
Why to Study Dynamics of Structures?
The response of structures to static load is different than its response to dynamic load.
Dynamic loading may cause large displacement and severe stresses, especially in cases
where the frequency of loading is close to the natural frequency of structures.
Fluctuating stress, even of moderate intensity, may cause material failure through fatigue.
Vibratons may at times cause wearing and malfunction of machinery.
The vibration from one machine may transferred to a delicate instrument through support
Vibration cause discomfort to the occupants
Classification of Dynamic loads

Dynamic loads may be broadly classified as ‘Deterministic’ and ‘Non-deterministic’.

If the magnitude, point of application of the load and the variation of the load with
respect to time are known, the loading is said to be Deterministic and the analysis of a
system to such loads is defined as Deterministic analysis.

On the other hand, if the variation of load with respect to time is not known, the
loading is referred to as Random or Stochastic loading and the corresponding analysis is
termed as Non-deterministic analysis.
Classification of Dynamic loads
Dynamic loadings can be also divided into periodic loadings and non-periodic loadings.
Below given table summarizes the different types of dynamic loadings that are encountered
in civil engineering. Permanent and live loads that are applied slowly compared to the period
of vibration of structures are generally considered static loadings, such as dead loads.
Periodic Loading
A Periodic loading repeats itself after a regular time interval, T , called the period.

 Periodic loadings can be divided into Simple Harmonic loadings and Arbitrary Periodic

Harmonic loadings
The simplest periodic loading varies as a sinusoid and is called simple harmonic loading .
This type of loading is generated by rotating machines video1and exciters with unbalanced
masses and it gives rise to the resonance phenomenon when the excitation period matches
the structure’s natural period of vibration.
Periodic Loading
Arbitrary periodic loadings
Arbitrary periodic loadings repeat themselves at regular interval of time.
This type of loading is generated by reciprocating machines, by walking or jogging by one or
many persons crossing a pedestrian bridge (Figure on left), by rhythmic jumping and dancing
by one or many persons on a floor, by hydrodynamic forces generated by the propeller of a
boat (Figure on the right), by waves, etc.

Non-periodic loadings
Non-periodic loadings vary arbitrarily in time without periodicity.
Non-periodic loadings can be divided into Impulsive short-duration loadings and
Arbitrary long duration transient loadings.
Impulse loadings
Impulse loads have a very short duration with respect to the vibration period of
the structures and are caused by explosions (see below figure), shock, failure of structural
elements, support failure, etc.
1 Non-periodic loadings(Impulse loadings)

2 3
1 1

3 1

4 1

1 Variation of blast loading w.r.t time and its effect 14
Non-periodic loadings(Arbitrary loadings )
Arbitrary loads are of long duration and are caused by earthquakes, wind, waves, etc.

Dynamic response
The end result of the deterministic analysis of a structure excited by a given
dynamic loading is the dynamic response expressing the displacements of the structure
with time, which is also called the displacement time history.

The strains, stresses, internal forces, and reactions are determined once the
displacement time history is known.

Dynamic response varies with time. However, for design or verification, all that is
required is the maximum dynamic response which, for a linear system, can be added
to the maximum static response to yield the maximum total response.
What happens during an earthquake?

Various types of waves video 2

What happens to the structures?
If the ground moves rapidly back and forth, then the foundations of the
structures are forced to follow these movements due to the friction at the base.
Resultant Inertia force
The upper part of the structure
however ‘would prefer’ to remain
where it is because of its mass of

Foundation movement

Inertia force and relative motion within a building

Amplification of accelerations along height

1. Why accelerations increases along the height? Video 3

2. Will structure fail at story with maximum inertial
force (top floor) or ground story?

Variation of horizontal acceleration at various story levels in San Francisco’s

Transamerica Pyramid during to 1989 Loma Prieta Equake 19
Factors influencing Structural Response
The Structural Response* during an earthquake mainly depends:

1. Natural time period video 4

2. Configuration, material, structural system, age, or quality of construction. video 5

* Response is the structural system reaction to a

dynamic force.
Thus a response quantity may be structural
displacement, velocity, acceleration, internal shear,
bending moment, axial force etc.

Influence of local soil conditions on structures
In comparison with rock, softer soils are particularly prone to
substantial local amplification of the seismic waves.

Note the amplification of

ground displacement with
decrease in soil stiffness

Influence of local soil conditions on structures
The 1.6 mile long cypress freeway structure in Oakland, USA, was built in the 1950s.
Part of the structure standing on soft mud (dashed red line) collapsed in the 1989
magnitude 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake.
Adjacent parts of the structure (solid
red) that were built on firmer ground
remained standing.

Seismograms (upper right) show that

the shaking was especially severe in
the soft 5a

Frequency content parameter

The dynamic response of structural systems, facilities and soil is very

sensitive to the frequency content of the ground motions.

The frequency content describes how the amplitude of a ground motion is

distributed among different frequencies.

Using Fourier transformation (mathematical technique) we can find the

frequency content of seismic waves by shifting from time domain to
frequency domain
Frequency content parameter

The plot of Fourier amplitude

versus frequency is known as a
Fourier amplitude spectrum

Frequency content parameter
Fourier Amplitude Spectrum (Contd…)

Fourier amplitude spectrum of a

strong ground motion expresses the
frequency content of a motion very

Fundamentals of Dynamics Analysis

Structural Degrees of Freedom

Degrees of freedom (DOF) of a system is defined as the number of

independent variables required to completely determine the positions
of all parts of a system at any instant of time.

Structural DOF for Static Analysis

Actual DOF Reduced DOF

Usually beam and connected slabs have significantly high axial stiffness thus u4=u1. Moreover, for low-
rise structures column longitudinal deformations can be neglected with very little impact on accuracy
thus u2=u5=0.
Thus DOF to perform static analysis (Static DOF) = 3 in this case. i.e. 1 translation, u1 and 2
rotations (u2 & u3 )
Structural DOF for Dynamic Analysis

Actual DOF Reduced DOF

Dynamic Degrees of freedom of a system requires the position of mass (s) at any instant of time.
In case mass is lumped at the mid span so no mass exist on joints, therefore, deformations at joint pays no
role in dynamic analysis and the only deformation which describe the position of mass at any instant of
time is u1

DOF = 1 in this case

Continuous and Discrete systems
Some systems, specially large system involving continuous elastic members, have
an infinite number of DOF. These are referred to as Continues or Distributed mass
system. An example of this is a cantilever beam with self weight only .

The beam have infinite DOF because its Dynamic analysis requires determination of
displacement, u, inertia forces, FI=ma for each point on the beam. Since distributed
mass is split into infinite number of small masses hence determination of acceleration
associated with each mass mean calculation of infinite accelerations.
Discrete/ Lumped mass systems
In most cases, for practical reasons, continuous systems are approximated as discrete
systems with finite number lumped masses. Higher number of lumped masses leads to better
Distributed mass system

Transformed Lumped
mass system

4 DOF Lumped mass system corresponding to the above given cantilever beam with distributed
mass. ρ = Mass per unit length.
(How? there are 5 lumped masses.)
Idealization of a structural system as SDOF system

The structural system of water tank

may be simplified by assuming that
the column has negligible mass along
its length*. This means that we can
consider that the tank is a point mass
This 3-dimensional water tower may
be considered as a single degree of
freedom system when one considers
vibration in one horizontal direction
SDOF model of water tank
* This is reasonable, assuming that the tube is hollow and that the
mass of the tube is insignificant when compared with the mass of the
water tank and water at the top.
SDOF Lumped mass idealization of a cantilever wall with uniformly
distributed mass

Ψ(y) 0.227 ρ .H

Lumped mass idealization (on the right side) corresponding to
vertical distributed mass system (on the left side) is made by
using a shape function (?), Ψ(y) = [1-Cos (πy/2H)].

ρ = Mass per unit height, H= total height, y = Any distance along height
and k = lateral stiffness of cantilever member = EI/H3 33
An overhead water tank is supported on RC tower with hollow x-section. Total weight of tower
is 0.1W. Where W is the weight of water tank when full of water . Using the shape function
given on previous slide, determine the corresponding SDOF lumped mass model.
Comment on the result
 Mass of tower= 0.1m
 According to shape function, Ψ(y) = [1-Cos (πy/2H)], the mass of tower lumped at the
top is 0.227* total mass.
⇒ Total mass lumped at the top end = m+0.227*0.1m = 1.023m. Conclusion ??

Multiple Degree-of-Freedom (MDOF) System
In a Multi degree of freedom system, the deformation of the entire structure cannot be
described by a single displacement. More than one displacement coordinates are
required to completely specify the displaced shape.
m 2

m 2

m 1

m 1


Considering all DOFs : DOF = 6 DOF = 2 for dynamic analysis

Multiple Degree-of-Freedom (MDOF) System
What is the DOF for this system…?
m m

u2 u2 =0

DOF is 2 when we have a flexible beam DOF can be taken 1 when flexural stiffness of
beam is very high as compared to column

Exercise No. 3.1
Determine the DOF of systems shown in given figures.



Vibration is “the rapid to and fro motion of an elastic / inelastic system
whose equilibrium is disturbed”

Graphically represent the position of mass for positions 0,1,2, 3 38
Physical Explanation of Vibration video 6

1 2

Periodic and Random vibrations
Just like type of dynamic loading, Vibrations can be Periodic (cyclic) or Random
If the motion is repeated after equal intervals of time, it is called Periodic motion.
The simplest type of periodic motion is Harmonic
u motion.

Periodic vibration (Non-harmonic vibration)

Periodic vibration (Harmonic vibration)
Periodic and Random vibrations

Random vibration

Such type of vibrations are produced in a system due to wind, earthquake, traffic etc

Free vibrations vs. Forced vibrations
When a structure vibrates without any externally applied forces, such as
when it is pulled out of position, and then released.

The vibration of strings on a musical

instrument after they are struck is a common
example of free vibration.

SDOF system always exhibits Simple

Harmonic motion during free vibration video 7

Free vibration of a SDOF lumped mass

system when released after being stretched by
a displacement u(0) at the top end .
Free vibrations vs. Forced vibrations

Vibration of a system during the presence of an external force is known is known as

Forced vibration.
The vibration that arises in machine such as diesel engines occur due to force exerted
by piston and cylinder arrangement is an example of Forced vibration.
As stated above vibration of a system in the absence of external force is known is
known as Free vibration.
In order for Free vibration to occur, its equilibrium shall be initially disturbed by an
external force. e.g., vibration of rotating machines continues to occur for some time
after power supply is switched off. Similarly, a structure subjected to earthquake
continues to vibrate video 8 for some time after there are no seismic waves to impart
energy to structure
Undamped vibrations

If no energy is lost or dissipated in friction or other resistance during vibration, the

vibration is known as Undamped vibration video 9
Undamped vibration is a hypothetical phenomena which help in providing an
understanding of the Damped vibration.

Damped vibrations

In actual system the energy is always lost due to a number of mechanisms. Such
type of vibration is known as Damped vibrations video 10


Any energy that is dissipated during motion will reduce the kinetic and potential (or
strain) energy available in the system and eventually bring the system to rest unless
additional energy is supplied by external sources.

The term Damping is used to describe all types of energy dissipating mechanisms.

In structures many mechanism contributes to the damping. In a vibrating building these

include friction at steel connections, opening and closing of microcracks in concrete, and
friction between the structures itself and nonstructural elements such as partition walls.

Since there is considerable uncertainty regarding the exact nature and magnitude of
energy dissipating mechanisms in most structural systems, the simple model of a
dashpot is often used to quantify damping.

The Dashpot or viscous damper is a ‘device’ that limit or retard vibrations.

Dashpot can be imagined as a cylinder filled with a viscous

fluid and a piston with holes or other passages by which the
liquid can flow from one side of the piston to the other. video 11

Simplified diagram of linear dashpot


Energy dissipation in buildings is graphically shown Viscous fluid dampers video 12 are
by diagonally installed (imaginary) dash pots. provided in building structures to
Pistons in dash pots move back and forth and cause dissipate the energy imparted by the
viscous friction during the building’s vibration earthquake
 Simple dashpots as shown schematically in figure a exert a force fD whose magnitude is
proportional to the velocity of the vibrating mass.

 The damping force fD is related to the velocity across the linear viscous damper by:
𝑓 𝐷=𝑐 𝑢
Where the constant c is the viscous damping coefficient
True damping in structures is NOT viscous. However, for low damping values, viscous damping
allows for linear equations and vastly simplifies the solution.

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