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Hyper Poetry and Mobile

phone textual
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What is Hyp
What is Hyper poetry?

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What is Hyper poetry?

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Hyper Poetry – is a form of digital poetry that
uses links using hypertext mark-up. It is a very
related to hypertext fiction and visual arts.

• Hyper poetry – refers to poetry that

uses hyperlinks, multimedia elements,
and interactive features to explore
t h e m e s a n d e m o t i o n s i n a u n i q u e w a y.

• Hyper poetry - is also known as

c y b e r p o e t r y. i t r e f e r s t o t h e g e n r e o f
poetry that is always produced and
p r e s e n t e d i n t h e c o m p u t e r. I n v o l v e s
lines of verse that appear with links to
footnotes, poetry generators, sub-
poems, or poetry with images or
Example of Hyper poetry
How nice is it to be a butterfly
One that frolics across the gardens
Watch me weep: BUTTERFLIES Of succulent flowers, all vibrant
One that is admired for the beauty
o f be i ng a na ture ’s g i f t to m an
Te l l m e , o n e p r e t t y b u t t e r f l y !
Have time for me soon.
Te l l m e n e x t t o y o u r a d m i r e s
About how it is to be
By: Lira kale pajarillo Adored and paid homage
Inside a glistening crystal glass frame.
Common Elements of Hyper poetry
1. Hyperlinks – hyper poetry relies heavily on hyperlinks, which allow reader to
navigate through the text by clicking on links.
2. Non-linear structure – hyper poetry often deviates from traditional linear may have a non- linear structure, allowing readers to choose their
own path through the poem and explore different sequences or fragments.
3. Multimedia elements -- hyper poetry frequently incorporates multimedia
elements to enhance their reading experience.
4. I n t e r a c t i v i t y – i s a k e y a s p e c t o f h y p e r p o e t r y. R e a d e r s c a n a c t i v e l y e n g a g e w i t h
the text by making choices, selecting different paths, or interacting with the
multimedia elements.
5. Layered meaning – hyper poetry often contains multiple layers of meaning.
Through the use of hypertext and non-linear structure, the poet can present
different perspectives, interpretation, or explore various themes and ideas.
6. Experimental language and form – hyper poetry frequently employs
e x p e r i m e n t a l l a n g u a g e a n d f o r m . i t m a y i n c l u d e f r a g m e n t e d t e x t , w o r d p l a y,
u n c o n v e n t i o n a l t y p o g r a p h y, o r o t h e r i n n o v a t i v e t e c h n i q u e s t o c r e a t e a v i s u a l l y
and intellectually stimulating experience.
 This genre is called cyber poetry.
 Hyper poetry works on the web.
 It is basically just traditional work
 Hypertext poetry is the new genre of
literature that use the computer
screen as medium, rather than the
printed page.
 This literary work relies on the
qualities unique to a digital
environment, such as linked world
wide web pages or effect such as
sound and movement.
Mobile phone textual
What is mobile phone
Mobile phone textual - Is fixed verse Filipino poetry which is
composed of four lines using the mobile phone. Mobile
phones textual is also called the modern tanaga, which is a
type of Filipino poem, consisting of four lines with seven
syllables each with the same rhyme at the end of each line-
that is to say a 7-7-7-7 syllabic verse, with an AABB rhyme
The modern Tanaga still uses the 7777 syllables count, but
rhymes range from dual rhyme forms: AABB, ABAB, ABBA; to
freestyle forms such as AAAB, BAAA, or ABCD. Tanagas do
not have titles traditionally because the tanaga should speak for
itself. How ever moderns can Opt to give them titles.

Mobile phone textual – refers to text messages, tweets and other

short-form digital communication sent via mobile devices.
Example of mobile phone textual poetry

 “ SMS Sonnets” by Forrest Gander: these short poems are written in the form of text messages, using the limited
character count as a constraint to create concise and impactful verse.

 “ TWEETSPEAK POETRY” by Tweet speak: this website features poetry written specifically for twitter, with
each poem restricted to 140 characters or less. The brevity of the form challenges poets to distill their ideas into a
few short words, creating a unique and engaging reading experience.

 “POCKET POETRY” by poetry Foundation: this app brings poetry to your mobile phone, with a curated
selection of poems that can be read on the go. Its a great way to discover new poets and stay connected to the
world of poetry, even when you're on the move.
• TextTula- is a mobile phone
poetry, short traditionally
Example of mobile phone textual formal Verse are used in this
form of genre. It is composed of
7777 syllables count with rhyme

Example of Tanaga poetry


Atilla Roma

Ay! Walang Kapagurang

Pagngasab at pagdaldal
Labis pang tumatakaw
Ang baboy sa labangan
Mobile phone textuality encompasses various forms of communication, such as SMS ( Short message
service), instant messaging, emails, social media updates, and other written exchange facilitated or exchange
through mobile phones.The texts may include informal language, abbreviations, and emoticons commonly
use in mobile communication.

Ladymae Gonzales
Alfahad Sulaiman
Madzlan Ibno

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