01 Expository Text

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What is an Expository Text?

Expository text is non-fi ction texts that give

facts and information about a topic.

• Synonym: Informational text

• It’s exposing the truth through

reliable sources
• To educate the reader
Purpose of
• To explain topic
the text • To expose the fact of a topic
• Description

Types of • Sequence

Expository • Compare and contrast

text • Problem and solution

• Cause and eff ect

Identify the type of this sentence.

K-pop stands for Korean popular music. It is a

form of popular music originati ng in South
Korea as part of South Korean culture. It
includes mix and matching the styles and genres
from around the world and Korean styles.

A. Description
B. Sequence
C. Compare and contrast
D. Problem and solution
E. Cause and effect
Identify the type of this sentence.

To be able to send an email, you need to make

an account fi rst. Aft er that, you can get an
email address. In the end, you can send any
email to any email address you know.

A. Description
B. Sequence
C. Compare and contrast
D. Problem and solution
E. Cause and effect
Identify the type of this sentence.

Both oranges and apples are good for your

health. It has similar shapes as well. However,
an orange is more acidic than an apple. It is
more watery and easier to shallow.

A. Description
B. Sequence
C. Compare and contrast
D. Problem and solution
E. Cause and effect
Identify the type of this sentence.

Most students failed the English test because

they don’t study enough. They don’t re-read
the materials given by the teacher. Moreover,
when in class, they oft en lost their focus so
that they don’t understand the materials.

A. Description
B. Sequence
C. Compare and contrast
D. Problem and solution
E. Cause and effect
Identify the type of this sentence.

When the students don’t have enough ti me to

re-read the materials on the book, they can
take the picture of the materials then read it
on their spare ti me. They can read it on their
way to school when they don’t ride motorbike.

A. Description
B. Sequence
C. Compare and contrast
D. Problem and solution
E. Cause and effect
Identify the type of this sentence.

Flash floods in Manila are due to

the irresponsible disposal of
garbage and wastes.

A. Description
B. Sequence
C. Compare and contrast
D. Problem and solution
E. Cause and effect
Identify the type of this sentence.

I normally wake up late, so my

mother always sets up an alarm to
wake me up.

A. Description
B. Sequence
C. Compare and contrast
D. Problem and solution
E. Cause and effect
A. Description
B. Sequence
C. Compare and contrast
D. Problem and solution
E. Cause and effect
A. Description
B. Sequence
C. Compare and contrast
D. Problem and solution
E. Cause and effect
A. Description
B. Sequence
C. Compare and contrast
D. Problem and solution
E. Cause and effect
A. Description
B. Sequence
C. Compare and contrast
D. Problem and solution
E. Cause and effect
A. Description
B. Sequence
C. Compare and contrast
D. Problem and solution
E. Cause and effect
Do you
know me?
Vocabulary bank

other row surface

unique pattern webbed
although mammal
feather air
unusual below
The penguin is a bird, but it does not fly. Penguins are not
like other birds. They are unique birds, and although they do have
feathers, but their feathers are unusual. Other birds have rows of
feathers that grow in a specific pattern. A penguin's feathers
grow all over their body, like hair on a mammal. You will not see
penguins in the air, and you will not see them in trees. You will
see them in the water, in fact you will see them below the surface
of the water if you have an underwater video camera. Their
webbed feet help them swim fast.
Vocabulary bank

ocean thick source

spend flipper bone
unknown instead
flier push
out-swim through
The penguin is an ocean bird, living in and near the ocean.
The penguin spends much time in the ocean, so much of its life is
unknown. People only get to know penguins well when they are on
land, and the penguin can be at sea for months at a time.
While the penguin is not a great flier as the eagle is, the
penguin can out-swim in the most birds. The penguin has thick
strong wings and flippers instead of feet that it uses to push
through the water. When the penguin is on land, it walks slowly,
and this limited mobility may be one reason the penguin spends
more time in the water. The penguin's food source is in the water,
the fish. They have solid bones, while other birds have bones that
are not solid.
The penguin is a bird, but it does not fly. Penguins are not like other birds.
They are unique birds, and although they do have feathers, but their feathers are
unusual. Other birds have rows of feathers that grow in a specific pattern. A
penguin's feathers grow all over their body, like hair on a mammal. You will not
see penguins in the air, and you will not see them in trees. You will see them in
the water, in fact you will see them below the surface of the water if you have an
underwater video camera.
The penguin Their webbed
is an ocean feetinhelp
bird, living andthem
nearswim fast. The penguin
the ocean.
spends much time in the ocean, so much of its life is unknown. People only get
to know penguins well when they are on land, and the penguin can be at sea for
months at a time.
While the penguin is not a great flier as the eagle is, the penguin can out-
swim in the most birds. The penguin has thick strong wings and flippers instead
of feet that it uses to push through the water. When the penguin is on land, it
walks slowly, and this limited mobility may be one reason the penguin spends
1. What kind of animal is a penguin?
a. a land animal
b. a bird
c. a flying animal
d. a tree animal
e. a flying bird

2. How are the penguins unique?

f. they have webbed feet
g. they fly
h. they are different from other birds
i. they swim under water
j. they have feathers
3. In which ways are penguins like other birds?
a. they all fly
b. they are all the same size
c. they have feathers
d. they swim
e. they have very large feet

4. Which of the following is an example of an evolution?

f. a penguin has wings, bones, flippers, and feathers
g. a penguin is a special kind of bird
h. a penguin has solid bones to help it swim underwater
i. a penguin is a friendly animal that lives in colonies
j. a penguin lives in the northern hemisphere
5. Which would be the kind of place a penguin would choose to live?
a. an ocean island with trees
b. a region with much farmland
c. a river bank
d. an area with many lakes
e. none of the above

6. Which of the following probably is true of the writer of this paragraph.

This writer….
f. feels that eagles are the best kind of bird
g. thinks penguins are very intelligent birds
h. prefers other kinds of animals to penguins
i. cares a lot about the environment
j. knows a lot about North America
You can’t see it, but the water cycle is always in motion on the earth. This series
of events goes round and round, again and again, providing clean, fresh water for the
land and seas. As water goes through this cycle, it is sometimes solid ice, sometimes
liquid water, and sometimes a gas called water vapor. The energy that drives the water
cycle is heat. When heat is added to ice, the ice melts into water. When heat is added
to water, the water evaporates, turning from liquid into gas. When heat is taken away
from water vapor, the vapor condenses, turning from gas into liquid. When heat is
taken away from water, the water freezes, turning from liquid to solid. The heat from
the sun warms the water in oceans and rivers. The water changes into water vapor
that rises into the air. High above the earth, the water vapor cools and becomes tiny
particles of water that create clouds. As the clouds gather more and more particles of
water, the water falls as rain or snow, which are two forms of precipitation. This
precipitation is absorbed into the ground or is added to the water in oceans, lakes, and
rivers. The cycle is always, constantly, in process, everywhere in the world.
Rock may seem to last forever, but it is actually always changing. It is always in
one of the stages of the rock cycle. The series of events in the rock cycle takes
thousands of years. But the cycle is always in motion. The pressure inside the earth
produces enough heat to melt the rock there. This melted rock, or magma, seeps up
into the top crust of the earth, or it erupts from volcanoes. In the earth’s crust, and
around the volcanoes, the magma cools into solid rock. This kind of rock is called
igneous rock. Over time, igneous rock breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces.
This process, called weathering, produces soil, or sediment. Water and wind carry the
bits of soil into piles called sediment beds. This transportation of the soil to the
sediment beds is called erosion. As the sediment is pressed down by more and more
sediment on top, the lower levels turn into sedimentary rock. As more and more layers
of sedimentary rock are formed, the layers on the bottom are pushed down deeper.
They grow hot from the pressure. Finally, they are heated into magma, and the cycle is
complete—and ready to begin again.

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