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What is Effective Communication?
Communication is perceived to be effective
only if the receiver receives the message in the
same form and context as it is sent by the
“The single most important lesson of effective
communication is this: Focus on clarity. Concentrate on
precisions. Don’t worry about constructing beautiful
sentences. Beauty comes from meaning, not language.
Accuracy is the most effective style of all.”
- David Gerrold


7Cs of Effective
Communication Conciseness

Correctness Courteousness
Communication must be complete to avoid confusion in the mind of the receiver.

In this connection, the sender has to ensure the following:

1. Providing all necessary information

2. Answering all questions asked while replying to an enquiry, the sender has to
note all the points and answer all of them.
Clarity is the most critical aspect of communication. It means that your message
should be easy to understand.

Clarity can be achieved through the following ways:

1. Avoiding technical jargons used in one’s profession.

2. Splitting running matter into paragraphs or highlighting key points.

3. Avoiding lengthy sentence.

• The message to be communicated should be brief.

• The volume of information should be just right, neither too much nor too little.

• Therefore, brevity is the soul of communication.

• A concise message saves time and energy of both sender and the receiver.
Courtesy means that your message should be polite, respectful, and considerate.

The following points highlight courtesy:

1. Be thoughtful and appreciative.

2. Use expression that conveys respect.

3. Choose non-discriminatory expressions.

• Correctness means that your message should be free of errors, whether
they are grammatical, factual, or spelling.

• It is essential to take the time to proofread your messages and ensure that
they are accurate.

• Correctness is vital because it helps to build credibility and trust with the
- Concreteness means being specific, definite and vivid in communication.

-Concrete communication is essential because it helps the audience understand

and remember the message more efficiently.
• Consideration means that you should think about your audience and tailor
your message accordingly.

• It is important to consider factors such as their background, knowledge, and

expectations when communicating. By doing so, you can ensure that your
message resonates with your audience and achieves the desired result.
In conclusion, the 7 Cs of communication are essential for effective
communication. They provide a framework for delivering messages that are
complete, clear, concise, courteous, correct, concrete, and considerate. By
following these principles, you can improve your communication skills and
build stronger relationships with your audience.

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