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Methods of Assertiveness

• People develop different styles of communication based on their life

experiences. Your style may be so ingrained that you’re not even
aware of what it is. People tend to stick to the same communication
style over time. But if you want to change your communication style,
you can learn to communicate in healthier and more effective ways.
Methods of Assertiveness

These methods are separated into four categories:

1. Appearance

2. Speech

3. Communication

4. The Self
Methods of Assertiveness
1. Appearance
When entering a room or making a speech, people are most aware of
one's appearance. One's perceived assertiveness can be influenced by
their appearance and behaviour. As a result, the following variables
affect assertiveness:
• Wearing the right outfit
• Using confident body language
• Show confidence
Methods of Assertiveness
2. Speech
When attempting to come across as aggressive, it is crucial to use the
appropriate vocabulary and tone to express your position. Certain
actions demonstrate assertiveness more than others:
• Adjust your speech
• Use’ ‘I’ statements
• Learn to say ‘no’
• Be a broken record
Methods of Assertiveness
3. Communication
Being assertive is being able to respectfully and clearly state your
position while doing so. Communicating in an assertive way can be
done in several ways:
• Escalate if appropriate
• Set clear expectations
• Compromise
• Give honest feedback
• Address people by name
Methods of Assertiveness
4. The Self
Finally, when being assertive there are things that needs to be done
within oneself:
• Rehearsing what you need to say
• Always prepare
• Walk the talk
• Listen actively
• Manage emotions
• Foster Relationships
Benefits of Assertiveness
Being assertive allows you to communicate your wants and needs more
authoritatively, while remaining fair and empathetic. It can also help
you to become more self-confident, and even improve your mental

Assertiveness provides several other benefits that can help you both in
your workplace and in other areas of your life. In general, assertive
Benefits of Assertiveness
• Increased Confidence

1. When workers effectively defend themselves in the workplace, they

may feel more assured in their ability to communicate, which may
boost their self-esteem.
2. You must possess confidence and assertiveness to build trust with
those you work with when managing and making decisions.
Benefits of Assertiveness
• Efficient collaboration

1. Collaborating with an assertive individuals will be easier for

2. Employees who resolve disputes calmly are more willing to share
information and feel comfortable making recommendations.
3. In addition, colleagues would be more likely to take an assertive
person at their word.
Benefits of Assertiveness
• Respect for authority

1. Managers that are assertive can improve their style of leadership

with their employees. Their staff knows the manager hears what
they have to say since they are confident and explicit in their
2. Since assertive managers would stick to their principles and have a
clear vision, they would gain respect from their subordinates.

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