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Free time, activities, and interests

• I like to play games in my free time and if I have homework, as well as

boxing lessons.
• The activity I do is marching band and normal band.
• I’m interested in, video game lore, FNAF, and working hard.
• I like these interests because It shows that I can dig into things and
figure out the answers.
5 words that describe me
• Optimistic
• Enthusiastic
• Thoughtful
• Generous
• Considerate
What am I good at?
• I am good at playing the flute, I have made 1’s on all my solos in band.
• The subjects I find the easiest are, law, ELA, World geography.
• I had to do a project where I had to place dots on all the states and it
took 3 hours to do.
5 things I would want an employer to
• I would want an employer to conclude through a social media scan
that I am a very friendly and considerate guy when I am talking to
people or posting online
• Also, I would like my boss to see that I work hard
• I am a very intelligent individual
• I don’t say anything harmful
• I can be friendly
• I will look professional speak professionally and act mature as I am
applying for a job
• I want people to view me as a responsible person and a friend
• Other peoples influence can effect my personal brand on media by
telling me that its okay to tell people online that they are stupid.
• I can improve my personal brand by telling people I am proud of their
achievements and hope they can continue to make it in life.
• My presence is that I like to say harmful things even though I know
their harmful.
• I use Instagram, snapchat, Facebook.
• I like peoples posts and comment on them
Things you should consider before posting
• You should consider if it is kind
• If its appropriate
• If it will hurt the person
• How it will effect you

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