Bahasa Inggris Kel 2

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- Ameliya Zahra Griselda Harahap
- Devi Simanjuntak
- Elisa Putri Hasibuan
- Nani Maida Wati
- Putri Andiny Siregar
- Reni Riani
- Samsidar Putri Hasibuan
- Nur Hasana
What Is Junk Food ?

Junk Food is a high fat diet and very fewnutriens and vitamins
are close to zeroand is a food that prioritizes taste ratherthan
nutritional conten. For example,potato chips that contain
salt,MSG, andother seasonings.
Disadvantages Of Junk Food
1.Notnutritious, even contains many
substancesthat can trigger cancer, and contain
lots offat,
2.Notgood for the environment, because junk
foodrestaurants usually use a lot of plastic and
styrofoamwaste that is difficult to break down.
3.Believe it or not, the more often you eat junk
food,you will be accustomed to demanding food
to beserved quickly, this can cause a sense of
The Advantages Of Junk Food

1.It taste good

2. Quickly served
3. The price is relatively cheap, even many are
4.Many junk food restaurants are open 24
hours(especially at night where other restaurants
areclosed, like it or not we want to eat in junk

1. Cause type 2 diabetes

2. Trigger digestive problems
3. Causes fatigue and weakness
4. Cause depression
5. Cause fluctuation in blood sugar levels
6. Effect brain function
7. Increase the risk of heart disease
What is a Healthy
Healthy food is food that
contains balanced nutrition,rich
in fiber and subtances needed
for body
developmentcorresponds to 4
healthy 5 perfect.
Benefits of healthy food of the body

1.Helps body growth

2.Maintaining the health of organs
3.Regulate blood pressure
4.Help control weight
5.Boosts the immune system
6.Help improve memory
what is the heart and its function

The heart is a body organ located in the chest cavity

and plays an important role in blood circulation.
Primarily, the function of the heart is as a pump to
circulate oxygen-containing blood throughout the
body and ensure an adequate supply of oxygen and
nutrients to cells and the entire body
Coronary heart disease is one of the diseases that
require special attention. Coronary heart disease is
the leading cause of death in Indonesia, ranked first
with 11.06% mortality. Coronary heart disease is
caused by the process of atherosclerosis which is
started from the accumulation of cholesterol.
One of the factors that affect coronary heart disease
is fast food consumption, which contains high fat,
high energy, high sodium, and low fiber
Thank you

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