Short Passage Y123

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Reading Short Passage

Year 1
English Carnival
SK Seri Sampurna
• Pupils play music box game
• When the music stop, pupil who hold the box will pick a number
• Pupil read with minimal guidance (if possible)
• Pupil are given some positive reinforcement
This is a book.
The book is green.
I love to read books.
This is a bag.
The bag is big.
There are books in the bag.
This is a chair.
The chair is yellow.
I want to sit on the chair.
This is a desk.
The desk is short.
I like my desk.
This is a notebook.
The notebook is nice.
I like my notebook.
This is a pen.
The pen is red.
I use a pen to write.
This is a pencil.
The pencil is short.
I use a pencil to write.
This is a pencil case.
The pencil case is blue.
I keep my pencil in it.
This is a rubber.
The rubber is small.
I use my rubber everyday.
This is a ruler.
The ruler is long.
It is my ruler.
Reading Short Passage
Year 2
English Carnival
SK Seri Sampurna
• Pupils play music box game
• When the music stop, pupil who hold the box will pick a number
• Pupil read with minimal guidance (if possible)
• Pupil are given some positive reinforcement
It’s Sunday.
On Sundays I fly a kite.
I fly a kite high in the sky.
It’s Monday.
On Mondays I sing.
I sing a song.
It’s Tuesday.
On Tuesdays I ride my bike.
I ride my bike to the lake.
It’s Wednesday.
On Wednesdays I play football.
I play football with my friends.
It’s Thursday evening.
On Thursdays I go swimming.
I swim in a lake.
It’s Friday.
I play computer game.
It’s a fun game.
It’s Saturday.
I watch TV and sleep.
I sleep early everyday.
These are my jeans.
I’m wearing blue jeans.
I like these jeans.
This is Jill’s sweater.
She’s wearing pink sweater.
It’s a woolen sweater.
This is Ben’s jacket.
It’s a leather jacket.
Ben likes his jacket.
This is Sara’s short skirt.
Her skirt is yellow.
Sara’s wearing a skirt.
These are Bill’s shorts.
The shorts are cotton.
Bill’s favourite shorts are green.
This is a red cap.
Ali is wearing the cap.
He likes the cap.
These are Lina’s shoes.
She is wearing leather shoes.
The shoes are beautiful.
These are Lim’s socks.
His socks are big.
He is wearing white socks.
Reading Short Passage
Year 3
English Carnival
SK Seri Sampurna
• Pupils play music box game
• When the music stop, pupil who hold the box will pick a number
• Pupil read with minimal guidance (if possible)
• Pupil are given some positive reinforcement
My name’s Chris.
I’m 10 years old.
My favourite sport is football.
I can play football very well.
This is my friend, Sam.
He loves swimming.
He can swim very well.
He can dive, too!
I’m Hannah.
I always get up at six o’clock.
I sometimes play badminton with my brother.
I never swim.
This is Jenny’s bedroom.
The walls are yellow.
There is a pink mat beside the bed.
There is a blue teddy bear on the green armchair.
There are flowers on the desk.
They’re pretty.
I love pizza. It’s my favourite food. There isn’t any
cheese or tomato on my pizza. There aren’t any
onions or peppers. There is some chocolate, some
ice cream, some banana and some pineapple.
There are also some chocolate biscuits. It’s

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