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Ocean Acidification

Ocean Acidification
pH Scale

• pH Scale measures acidity

• Pure water has pH of 7

• Lower pH is acidic
• Higher pH is basic

• Logarithmic scale:
• Each step is 10x more
acidic or basic

Natural Carbon Cycle
Plants take in carbon
from carbon dioxide
during photosynthesis

Animals take in carbon

by eating plants

Animals release carbon

dioxide by breaking
down carbohydrates to
release their energy

Carbon Sequestration – The process of removing carbon from the carbon cycle.
Plants that are buried before they are eaten remove carbon, while volcanos emit carbon dioxide
Human Caused
CO2 in the Environment
Burning fossil fuels adds
extra CO2 to atmosphere

4 lbs. of CO2 from fossil

fuel adds 1 lbs. of
dissolved CO2

24,000,000,000,000 lbs.
CO2 released from fossil
fuels in 2011

As CO2 from fossil fuels is released into the atmosphere,

more CO2 dissolves in the ocean to maintain dynamic equilibrium
Ocean Acidification

Ocean Acidification: Dissolved CO2 reacts to form carbonic acid, lowering the ocean’s pH
As more CO2 is added to the air, more dissolves into the ocean and more converts to H 2CO3
Effects of Ocean Acidification
Effects on shells

Right: Healthy pteropod

with clear shell
Far right: Shell partially
dissolved by ocean acidification

Effects on corals
Far left: Healthy coral in “normal” water

Left: Dead coral in acidic waters off

Puerto Rico

At today’s CO2 emissions rate, ocean pH will drop from 8.2 to 7.9 by year 2100 - NOAA

• pH Scale
• Natural Carbon Cycle
• Human Caused CO2
• Ocean Acidification
• Effects of Ocean Acidification

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