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Pronounce words carefully Give speech the care and attention it deserves. Speak to be heard Say, dont slur.

ur. Look alive talk lively Take your time Slow down. Learn to listen Open your ears Vary your approach Talk should be appropriate. Be concise make it snappy. Be specific- Dont be vague. Be original Avoid clichs . Have something to say Think first.

~ the process by which people seek to share meaning via the transmission of symbolic messages.
Essential points:

That communication involves people, and that understanding communication therefore involves trying to understand how people relate to each other. That communciation involves shared meaning,, which suggest that in order for people to communicate, they must agree on the definitions of terms they are using. That communication involves symbols gestures, sounds, letters, numbers, and words can only representor approximate the ideas that they are meant to communicate.


situation often determines who the speaker will be. The source the person who makes the decision to communicate.

Three intentions: To inform To entertain To persuade

The channel 1st, the channel is the means by which you transmit an oral message to a listener. 2nd, the channel is the type of speech communication you use.
The receiver Any person who perceives the message. Interference occurrences in the channel of communication. Barriers may exist within listeners. Feedback refers to the listeners reactions and responses that you perceive. The cultural context elements of communcation may have different meanings depending upon the culture, or social understanding within which the communication is taking place.


takes place when the sender translates the information to be transmitted into a series of symbols.

Lack of mutuality Gestures


the process by which the receiver interprets the message and translates it into meaningful information. Noise any factor that disturbs, confuses, or otherwise interferes with communication.


long vowels
Longer seed halve four surge

seat half fork search

Proximate Villain Private




summit biscuit

lettuce cabbage





Long Vowels Long e in their full reduced form

Beacon Meter Hero

secret feat even

deed lenient leak

ravine seat neon


and /I/ in contrast bit slip neat knit leap lip cheap chip reach rich


Sleep Seat Peak

sit pick



each itch
deed - did


a neat dress
before you leap

Look Sit

on seat


for the goodness of the sick

your dream to get rich.



and // in contrast
test get fleck beckon fade fed mace mess

Taste Gate Flake

wage wedge sale sell raid red

Bacon Main

date debt

- men


a tale
for ten days fail


Without Meet

the day


// Bet Set

and // in contrast
bat sat had mass led- lad beg bag less lass men man bend band gem jam

Head Mess Lag

flash flesh shall shell pan pen tan - ten



apple of ones eye

cat out of the bag bag of sand

Ban Bag

Jen from joining

and baggage

/o/ and // in contrast Shock shack block black Ton tan Hot hat Clock clack Pot pat Bog bag Lock lack Ox ax knob nab mop map spot spat pot pat rot rat rock rack odd - add

An A


odd ball

slip of the tongue

Nabbed Ran

by the cop

around the block


the English tongue we speak, Why is break not rhymed with freak? Will you tell me why its true We say saw, but likewise few, And the maker of the verse Cannot cap his horse with worse? Board sounds not the same as heard; Cord is different from word; Cow is cow, but low is low; Shoe is never rhymed with foe.


of hose, and dose and lose, And of goose and yet of choose. Think of comb and tomb and tomb, Doll and roll, and home and some, And since pay is rhymed with say Why not paid with said, I pray? We have blood and food and good; Mould is not pronounced like could. Therefore done, but gone and lone? Is there any known? And, in short, it seems to me Sounds and letters disagree

\ \ as a in abut \ \ as u in abut \ \ as e in kitten \ r \ as ur/er in further \ a \ as a in ash \ \ as a in ace \ \ as o in mop \ a \ as ou in out \ b \ as in baby \ ch \ as ch in chin \ d \ as d in did \ e \ as e in bet \ \ as ea in easy \ \ as y in easy \ f \ as f in fifty

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