Presentation 1

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*The maxima project*

Sourav kumar
Shiv kumar
Ratnesh kumar
submitted to:
*introduction on maxima*

Maxima is a computer algebra system (CAS) that provides

powerful tools for the manipulation of symbolic and numerical
expressions, including differentiation, integration, vectors,
matrices, and so on. It also provides commands for plotting
functions, curves and data in two and three dimensions.
*practical no:8*
: - Find the orthogonal basis of a given
vector space using Gramschmidt process
*Gramschmidt process method*
The Gram-Schmidt process is a collection of
procedures that converts a collection of linearly
independent vectors into a collection of orthonormal
vectors that cover the same space as the original set.
Assinning gramschmidt process method using
maxima software here we have some steps;-
(1.)- first we have to use load package in maxima software which is
The package eigen contains several functions devoted to the symbolic computation of
eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
(2):-In the second step we have to make three vector in a
coefficient matrix :assining the value of a matrix to a
vriablename= x.
(3)- In this step we have to use the inbuilt function in maxima software which
gramschmidt() and we need to put that varibale matrix (X) in gramschmidt
function also we have to assing that function in a another vriable(Y) which will be
give us the final soluton in form of matrix.
“Thank you”
for being here today, I really appreciate that you
took the time to be here and listen to my

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