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Language Image in a cross-

cultural sphere
Language culture:

• (as well as culture as a whole) is a self-organizing system that can

isolate life-resistant forms within itself, maintain a balance between
invariant and new, possibly unstable, variable features that break into
its structure.
The concept of “Language Image”
• as a phenomenon of national culture is a definite axiological field,
significant both for society as a whole and for an individual.
• One of the most important tasks of the ecological discursive field of
linguistic culture is, first of all, maintaining the prestige of the image
of the national language in the consciousness of society.

• The importance of linguistic influence on cultural development is

emphasized by many researchers developing the concept of "linguistic
picture of the world.
• Speaking of language, we speak of it, first of all, as a treasury of ethnic
• Language – is the most natural area of study for culturology, since a native
speaker is a person, and, in turn, a person begins a culture, which includes
everything that is “not nature”, everything that is created by man.
• The concept of “Language Image”, therefore, is of great importance to humans.
Possession of a standard version of a language or a prestigious sociolect raises a
person in his own eyes and the eyes of others, and also contributes to success in
social life, as some types of employment require a high level of knowledge of the
norms of standard pronunciation, spelling, etc.

• The concept of “Language Image” is a historical and cultural phenomenon, because

in the course of its development (social, economic, cognitive), it can change.

• The concept of “Language Image” is a heterogeneous phenomenon, since the

language itself is heterogeneous. You can talk not only about the standard or
literary language, but also about the images of languages of different strata
(professional or criminal jargon, the language of women or men, the language of
age groups). The image of the language is characterized by a certain ethno-mental

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