(L1) Nawawi - S - 40 - Hadith - 01 - On - Intention

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On Intention
LO: Key words:
How intention is the basis for all worship Niyyah
The story of Umm qays
Short biography of Ummar Ibn al khattab

r te r
S Why is niyyah necessary at the beginning of Salah?
The hadith of niyyah

The Commander of the Believers, Abu Hafs Umar ibn al-Khattab

(Allah be pleased with him) relates: I heard the Messenger of Allah
(peace and blessings be upon him) say:

Umar bin Khattab
His biography

• He was the first to be called Amir of al mu’minuun

• His kunyah was abu hafs and the reason for that is hafs means lion
as the author of jawhara al lu’luyiah states, how brave Omar was.

• His nickname was Faruuq also as the prophet named him.

• He became muslim because of the dua of the prophet

Umar bin Khattab
His biography

• Became Muslim year 6 of the prophethood of the prophet and he was 26 at the time.

• He use to serve old people and women that has husbands that travelled.

• He narrated from the prophet 539 Hadith

• He died when Abu lu’lu’ stabbed him.

• He was buried with the prophet scw

• He lived 63 years

• He is the best of Sahaaba after Abi bakr.

Umar was buried in…

Hujra of the baqiic

1. Who was the first to be called the
commander of the Muslims?
2. What year did he become Muslim? How
old was he at that time?
3. Why did the prophet call him Abu Hafs?
4. Who killed Umar?
5. How did he become Muslim?
6. Why was he named Al-Faaruuq?
The first hadith

“Actions are by intentions, and each person shall have what

they intended…”
Meaning: that actions only have any Islamic worth because of their
intention, so if there is no intention there is no worth to your action.

This is not as general as you could work sometimes without intention and
get ajr for the action you did E.g. Adhan, reading qur’aan, washing the dead
and cleaning impurity

The first hadith

“shall have what they intended…”

Meaning: that the person gets the reward of what he made
intention for only of good and bad.

This shows you person the consequence he gets depends on the

intention that he has.

Also, the person gets the reward of actions when he makes

intention for them, even if he does not do them.

The first hadith

“So whoever’s migration was to Allah and His Messenger, then

their migration was to Allah and His Messenger”
Meaning: So, if you know that a person’s action has worth only by
intention then, if a person migrates for the sake of Allah then he
gets reward from Allah and Allah accepts from him.

Can you get rewarded for actions that you
didn’t do?

Yes No
1. Do a commentary on this part of the hadith
““Actions are by intentions, and each person shall
have what they intended…”
2. What gives actions their worth in Islam?
3. Can you get a reward for an action that you didn’t
do? Give examples
4. Can you get reward for actions that you didn’t make
intention for? Give examples
The first hadith
Doing deeds for other than Allah

And whoever’s migration was for a worldly matter they sought to attain or a
woman they wished to marry, then their migration was for what they migrated

Meaning: Migration means in sharia: Leaving the land of non believers and
going to land of believer. Hijra is waajib on anyone who can not show him
islam on the land he is in.

And two kinds of hijra that happened in the time of the prophet are:

1. Some sahaba that went from Makkah to the land of habash

2. And those of them who were in Makkah going to Madinah in the 13 th year
of the prophethood
The first hadith

• The prophet said “wordly matter” and that’s usually wealth like
gold and etc

• he added women in this context for the story of Umm qays who
a man migrated for after she refused to marry him unless he
makes hijra

• The say she was wealthy and that’s why he wanted to marry her
in the first place

• And another reason is to show how much of a fitna women are

for men 13
Key lessons from the hadith of intention

1. That intention is the basis for all kinds of worship and that its
first condition of all kinds of worship
2. The way to consider a country a Muslim depends only on the
people that live in it, so, if most people are Muslim it’s a Muslim
country and the opposite
1. What’s the important thing you have learned from this
2. What does hijra mean in sharia?
3. Who is hijra waajib on?
4. What are the kinds of hijras that happened in the time of the
5. When did the hijra from Makkah to Medina happen?
6. What does wordly matter mean in this hadith?
7. And whoever’s migration was for a worldly matter they
sought to attain or a woman they wished to marry, then
their migration was for what they migrated for.” What story
does this part of the hadith refer to?
Learning Objective

How intention is the basis for all worship

The story of Umm qays 🗸 �
Short biography of Ummar Ibn al khattab 🗸
Write a short paragraph summarising what you have learnt
from this hadith.

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