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Alfiya Mulla
3rd BHMS
• Natural path of spread:- spread along the peritoneal surface to
involve ovarian, parietal and intestinal peritoneal surfaces as well as
diaphragm particularly right side.
• Modes of spread:-
1. Transcelomic
2. Lymphatic
3. Direct
4. Hematogenous
• Transcelomic spread
Implantation of malignant cells occurs by:
• Direct exfoliation of cells as in papillary cyst adenocarcinoma
• Penetration of tumor capsule
• Rupture of the capsule.
• It is draining lymph nodes namely paraaortic and superior
gastric nodes.
• Left supraclavicular nodes are enlarged due to obstruction of
efferent lymphatic channel of nodes by tumor emboli.
• Lateral lymphatic spread through broad ligament to pelvic
nodes occur.
• Retrograde lymphatic spread in advance disease occur to
inguinal nodes through round ligament.
• Direct
After capsule is broken, spread occurs directly to the adjacent
organs like tubes broad ligament, intestine, omentum and
• Hematogenous
The blood stream metastasis lately and involve organs such as
lungs, liver parenchyma, brain and Bones, etc.
Clinical features
• Although there is no immune to ovarian malignancy
but about 60% in postmenopausal and 20% in
premenopausal women are malignant.
• Increased association of nulliparity and with a family
Early stage- asymptomatic.
Presenting complaints – short duration and insidious
Feeling of abdominal distension and vague discomfort.
Dyspepsia, flatulence, eructation and pelvic pain.
Loss of appetite with sensation of bloating after meals.
In pre existing tumor-
1. dull aching pain and tenderness at one area.
2. rapid enlargement of tumor.
• Later stages
Abdominal swelling –maybe rapid
Dull abdominal pain.
Sudden loss of weight.
Respiratory distress – due to ascites or pleural effusion.

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