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Guiding symptoms

 The action of platina to a large extent centres in and radiates from the sexual
organs,male and female .
 The external genitalia is very sensitive that It cannot bear a cloth or napkin to
touch their private parts
 Premature and excessive development of sexual instincts and organs
 Nymphomania <in puerperal state
 Menstrual flow –copious ,black clotted , menses too early and too profuse
 Uterine spasm during menses and convulsions
 Lost sense of proportion in both ocular and mental vision , objects looks small or
patient thinks them small

 There is occurrence of cramps , cramping pains and spasm , developing into

There is numbness and tingling in affected parts
Pains increase gradually to an acme and then as gradually decline.
Eg. In rectum – tenesmus , vagina- vaginismus

 Alternation of mental and physical symptoms as physical symptoms disappear

mental symptoms appear and vice versa

 Bandaged feeling
 Alternating feature is also present between one mental state and the another
Changing moods , sad and gay alternately , laughs and cries by turns
Laughs immoderately but in wrong place laughs at serious things and cries over silly

 Constipation comes while travelling; in emigrants ,

during pregnancy
after lead poisoning

 All discharges are sticky ; tears ,stools, menses .

Mind symptoms
 Pride , arrogant, over-estimate of one’s self.
She imagines that she is of a high born family and that
her friends and relatives are of lowly origin and looks
down upon them.

 Unkind; abrupt and quarrelsome.

 Fault finding.
 Superiority complex- she imagined herself to be superior and
other people’s are inferior to her and this imagination extends to
the body.She imagines that her body is large and that the bodies
of other people are smaller in comparison with her own.

 Fear is a very prominent feature in this remedy. Fears that

something will happen, fears that her absent husband will never
return to her, though he comes back regularly
Fear of death and loathes life. Fears that something serious will
happen to her
 Impulse to kill her own child; her husband (on seeing a knife)
whom she secretly dislikes, or passionately loves.

 She does not belong to her own family; everything seems

 Alone, deserted feeling.
 Sits in a corner, broods and says nothing.
 Serious, over matters that are not serious; irritable about trifling
 Mental troubles amel. At twilight and suppressed menses
 Ailments from –Fright. Vexation. Bereavement. Fit of passion.
Sexual excess. Masturbation.
1. A Dictionary of practical Materia Medica – JH CLARKE
2. Materia Medica of Homoeopathic Medicines – Dr. S R PHATAK
3. Lectures of Homoeopathic Materia Medica – J T Kent

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