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Trends, Networks and

Critical Thinking in the

21st Century
Module 5:
Planetary Networks:
Climate Change
Weather tells the environmental condition
in a specific place. It can be rainy, sunny,
windy or snowy while Climate describes
the weather conditions expected in a particular
place in a specific time of the year.
Climate change refers to the significant
change in the average conditions of
temperature and rainfall in a particular
region over a long period of time.
The results of all these climatic
changes include:
a. sea levels rising,
b. fewer mountain glaciers,
c. faster melting of the ice in Greenland, Antarctica
and the Arctic, and
d. changes in flower and plant blooming times.
The heat of the planet is trapped in the
atmosphere making the Earth warmer. This
phenomenon is called the greenhouse effect.
Both production and consumption of goods contribute to
global warming. Production as in manufacturing utilizes
technology that emits large amount of carbon in the
atmosphere. Distribution of goods such as shipping and
storage in warehouses and distribution centers also produces
hydrofluorocarbons that contribute to the greenhouse effect.
Consumption produces wastes especially non–biodegradable
one that pollutes the atmosphere when disposed through
burning which also releases carbons.

A. Failing economy will have a domino effect on its

trading partner in another counter.
B. Wealth and power are concentrated in the hands
of small group of corporate elite putting smaller
competitors in disadvantageous situation resulting to
weakening of their business capability that
usually ends up selling their business to bigger companies
C. Introduction of international products and brand
makes way for business domination of bigger and
developed countries making the cultural exchange one-
sided in favor of those who dominate the market.
Six Ways Climate Change Will Affect PH Cities
1. More intense El Niño. The El Niño phenomenon occurs when
the surface of ocean waters on the southern Pacific becomes
abnormally warm.
2. Sea surface temperatures to rise. This can lead to more
powerful storms because storms get their strength from heat rising
from the sea.
3. Ocean acidification. The shift in the pH levels of our
oceans can lead to widespread coral reef death
4. Sea levels to rise by 4 to 6 meters. Scientists say this is
due to the melting of ice sheets in northern portions of the globe
like Antarctica and Greenland.
5. Tropical cyclones to intensify. The creation of tropical
cyclones is already being recorded in areas where the phenomenon had
never been observed.
6. Rainfall, river flow, and flooding to intensify. Some parts
of the country will experience an upward trend in rainfall while
other parts will experience an intensification of drought.
Paskill (2018) suggested eight (8) simple ways to
help care our environment. In every little thing you
make a difference
1. Use Reusable luggage
2. Print as very little as Necessary
3. Recycle
4. Use a Reusable nutrient Containers
5. Don’t Throw Your Notes Away
6. Save Electricity
7. Save Water
8. Avoid Taking Cars or Carpool as possible
Madaan (2018) also suggested that there is a solution to
each problem, and suggested possible solutions to climate
change namely:
1. Stop Cutting down Trees
2. Control Population
3. Less use of Fossil Fuels
4. Unplug your Devices
5. Focus on Renewable Energy
6. Control of Methane Leaks
7. Tougher Emissions and Efficiency Standards
8. Experimenting the Earth
9. Upgrade in infrastructure
10. Personal Solutions to Global Warming
The primary reason behind climate change is the burning
of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, which emits
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere— primarily carbon
dioxide. Other human activities, such as agriculture and
deforestation, also contribute to the production of
greenhouse gases that cause climate change.
Combating Climate Change:
1. Adaptation
• Integrating the findings of researches into national decision-
making, planning and adaptation practices
• Knowledge sharing and technology transfer
• Helping to strengthen national capacity for adaptation planning
using knowledge, technology and policy support
2. Mitigation
• Promote public/private partnerships and support application for
best practice codes
• Develop, refine and support the application of sustainability
• Establish and support knowledge networks
3. Science
• Undertake science-based assessment to increase awareness
• Provide technical support and training for climate change
negotiators and stakeholders
• Provide advisory and support services
4. Communication
• Use media and outreach activities to help deliver key
messages on climate change
• Help communicate successful climate change programmes to
key stakeholders to promote replication of best practices
• Promote climate awareness including targeted campaigns and
special events
Things to Remember!

• People needs global awareness about climate change and its effects.
• Human uncontrollable consumption and production patterns can
lead to loss of biodiversity and causes climate change.
• Climate change is an increase in the average temperature of the
earth's atmosphere.
• Greenhouse effect is referred to the warming results when solar
radiation is trapped by the atmosphere.
• Building social network of support in the communities can help
Save Earth,
save a life,
save us all!

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