华丽摇滚 (修正)

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Gl a m R oc k

70s, Britain
Hu a ng J i aqi
Presenters ing
Qian Jingy
Pang Yulu
Red short hair, long false eyelashes,
bright eye shadow, tight and neutral
clothes, colorful high heels---This is NOT
a strong dance girl at a nightclub, nor a
pet baby with suspected underground
club of various unknown tendencies, but
the most common and fashionable look
on the streets of London in the 70 s.

Origin and develpment Further Information

Qian Jingying HuangJiaqi

Major Figure Comments

O ri g i n &
De v e l o p m e n t
By Qian Jing
y in g
“The Picture of Dorian
Glam Rock/Glitter Gray”
Meaning magic and glamour

debauchery 放荡不

homosexuality 同性
“Glam Rock is dead.” 汇报:张三 恋
bisexuality 双性

02fo rm ati on
Fu rther In
By Huang Jiaqi
Features: 01 A Typical British Phenomenon
Especially popular in 70s
02 A style where the traditional gender ideas are teased
Glam Rock artists is always packaging themselves in eccentric,
half-masculine costumes and makeup.

03 Quite simple guitar rock music

Most of them are rather easy to play and sing.
04 A kind of dramatic, sexual and dazzling show
Though the contents are simple, the performance
skills are really impressive.
Two Schools of the GlamRock
Marc Bolan • Artistic style
• Imitating T.Rex • Being more grand,
• All about sex and dramatic and ambitious
foolish jokes
• Glittering appearance David Bowie
• No profound meanings “Roxy Music”
Examples: “They casually manipulate their external
Sweet image to make their feelings of style part of
Slade the overall artistic presentation, and explore
the darkness hidden under the musical style,
which is a dazzling surface.”
0 3
Ma j o r Figure
By PangYulu
David Bowie
(January 8, 1947 - January 10, 2016),
formerly known as David Robert
Haywood Jones, was born in Brixton,
London, UK. He is a legendary
British rock singer and actor.
Early Experience
In 1961, David accidentally injured his left
eye in an argument with a friend, which led to
the color difference between his eyes.

In 1964-1967, he tried many styles of bands,

but failed. So he began to transform into a solo
singer, and changed his name to David Bowie.

In 1967, David released his first studio album "David Bowie".

However, due to the style and other reasons, his original album didn't
respond well, so he didn't do music for the next two years.
The glorious 1970s


Space oddity Aladdin Diamond Dogs

Ziggy Stardust
The glorious 1970s

Station to Low “Heroes”


Addition Velvet Goldmine

David Bowie and Iggy Pop

0 4
C om m e n ts
By PangYulu
By 1975, the innovation peak of Glam
Rock music had ended, and most of the
surviving artists either moved to other
styles or published works of less than
normal standards. However, Glam
Rock has a definite influence on the
teenagers who grow up and face the
punk movement in the UK, and even
has a more significant influence on the
dramatic dark and melancholy
atmosphere of post punk.
Fusce posuere
libero, sit ame
, m ag n a s ed p
t co m m o d o m
ulvinar ultricie
agna eros quis
s, purus lectu
s malesuada

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