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Road Engineering

3. Geometric Design of Roads

After studying this lesson, you will be able to

 Understand Geometric design of roads.

 Identify the Design control and Criteria of geometric design.

 Differentiate the Cross Sectional elements of roads.

 Design vertical and horizontal alignments of the road.

 Clarify sight distances, super elevations and Transition curves

and know how we design and use these elements on the curve.
3.1. Introduction
 Geometric Design of Road: is the process whereby the layout

of the road through the terrain is designed to meet the needs of

the road users.[ERA-2013].
 The main objectives of geometric design is to optimize

efficiency and safety while minimizing cost and

environmental damage.
 It is dictated within economic limitations to satisfy the
requirements of traffic in designing elements such as:
Horizontal and vertical alignment
Sight distances, super elevation and widening of curves.
Lateral and vertical clearances
3.2. Design Controls and Criteria
 The elements of design are influenced by a wide variety of design

controls, engineering criteria, and project specific objectives

which include : those criteria's controls the curve elements and
cross-sections of the road.
 Those criteria's and design controls are listed below:
Functional classification of the road;
Nature of the terrain;
Design vehicle;
Traffic volumes and composition;
Road Traffic capacity and Design speed;
Road side Population and Adjoining Land Use;
Nov 15, 2023
Design Controls and Criteria… cont’d
3.2.1. Road Functional Classification
 Functional Classification is the process by which streets and highways are

grouped into classes, or systems, according to the character of service they

are tended to provide.
 The Road functional classification in Ethiopia is divided in five classes.

I. Trunk Roads (Class I): Centers of international importance and roads

terminating at international boundaries are linked with Addis Ababa by
trunk roads (see Table A-1 in ERA geometric design manual). They are
numbered with an "A" prefix: an example is the Addis-Assab Road (A1).
Trunk roads have a present AADT >=1000, although they can have
volumes as low as 100 AADT
Nov 15, 2023
II. Link Roads (Class II):Centers of national or international importance,
Road functional classification…cont’d
 A typical link road has over 400 - 1000 first year AADT,

although values can range between 50-10,000 AADT. They are

numbered with a "B" prefix. An example of a typical link road
is the Metu – Gambella Road (B50).

III. Main Access Roads (Class III): Centers of provincial(small

town) importance must be linked between each other by main
access roads(see Table A-3). First year AADTs are between 30-
1,000. They are numbered with a "C" prefix.

IV. Collector Roads (Class IV): Roads linking locally important

Nov 15, 2023
centers to each other, to a more important center, or to higher class
Road functional classification…cont’d
V. Feeder Roads (Class V): Any road link to a minor center such as
market and local locations is served by a feeder road. First year
AADTs are between 0-100. They are numbered with an "E" prefix
and are presented in Appendix A.
 Roads of the highest classes, trunk and link roads have, as their

major function to provide mobility, while the primary function of

lower class roads is to provide access.
 The roads of intermediate classes have, for all practical purposes, to

provide both mobility and access.

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Road functional classification…cont’d

Road functional classification controls :

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3.2.2. Terrain classification
 The location and geometric design elements such as gradients,
sight distance, cross-sections, radius of curvature, speeds, etc. of
a highway are affected by topography, physical features, and land
 Transverse terrain properties are categorized into four classes as

follows as per ERA 2013:

A. Flat terrain: This offers few obstacles to the construction of a

 Having continuously unrestricted

horizontal and vertical alignment

 Transverse terrain slope up to 3%.
Nov 15, 2023
Terrain classification…cont’d
B.Rolling Terrain: where the slopes generally rise and fall moderately
and where occasional steep slopes are encountered,
 Resulting in some restrictions in alignment

 Transverse terrain slope from 3 to 25 %.

C. Mountainous Terrain: This class of terrain imposes definite

restrictions on the standard of alignment obtainable and often
involves long steep grades and limited sight distance.
 Transverse terrain slope from 25 to 75 %.

D. Escarpment Terrain:: Refer to escarpment situations inclusive of

switchback roadway sections, or side hill transverse sections where
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earthwork quantities are considerable.

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3.2.3. Traffic volume and composition
 Traffic volume: is the number of vehicles that pass a point, on a

road, on a particular lane, in a particular direction, in a given

unit time, generally in per hour.
 Traffic volume for basic design purpose is based on the number

of two (or more) –axle motorized vehicles.

Consideration of other traffic is taken into account by modifying
the basic standards.
 Traffic composition :the percentage of different types of

vehicles in the traffic stream of different types of vehicles are

converted into passenger car unit to design a road width .
Nov 15, 2023
Traffic volume and composition…cont’d
Table: PCu values for non-4-whelled
motorized vehicles (ERA)
Vehicles Pcu values
pedestrian 0.15
bicycle 0.2
Motor cycle 0.25
Bicycle with trailer 0.35
Motor cycle taxi(Bajaj) 0.4
Motor cycle with 0.45
Small animal-drawn 0.7
Bullock cart 2.0
Traffic data: based on passenger carfor which
the service
the highway is being planned and directly
affects the geometric features such as
width, alignment (Gradient, turning radius,
Figure: Traffic composition in super elevation, sight distance) etc.
Nov 15, 2023
Traffic volume and composition…cont’d
ADT- direct use in the geometric design of roads is not
appropriate, except for local and collector roads with relatively
low volumes because it does not indicate traffic volume variations
occurring during the various months of the year, days of the week,
and hours of the day.
Traffic data for a road or section of road, including traffic trends, is

generally available in terms of annual average daily traffic (AADT).

The major types of traffic in Ethiopia are:
 Normal traffic:
 Diverted traffic:
 Generated traffic: Nov 15, 2023
3.2.4. Road traffic Capacity
Road Traffic Capacity: is the maximum traffic flow that
can be accommodated in a Road facility during a given
time period under prevailing roadway, traffic and control
Roadway factors – geometric
characteristics such as number of
lanes, lane width, shoulder width,
horizontal and vertical alignments,
lateral and vertical clearances, design
speed, pavement surface conditions
Traffic factors – composition of
traffic, lane distribution, variation in
traffic flow, traffic interruptions, etc.
Traffic control conditions – traffic
signs, traffic signals, traffic regulation,
etc. Figure: Congested Traffic in
A.A Nov 15, 2023
3.2.5. Design speed
The design speed is a tool used to determine geometric
features of a new road during road design. Contrary to the
word's implication, a road's design speed is not necessarily its
maximum safe speed; that can be higher or lower.
To determine the design speed the following factors should be
 The surrounding terrain
 The functional class of the highway.
 Traffic volume and composition
Design elements such as: lane and shoulders width, horizontal
radius , super elevation, sight distance and gradients are directly
related to the Design speed and determined based on the design speed.

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3.2.6. Design Vehicle
 A design vehicle is a selected motor vehicle whose weight,
physical and operational characteristics are used to establish
highway design control.
 Both the physical characteristics and turning capabilities of
vehicles are controls in geometric design.
 Vehicle characteristics and dimensions affecting design include
power to weight ratio, minimum turning radius and travel path
during a turn, and vehicle height and width.
 The road elements affected include the selection of maximum
gradient, lane width, horizontal curve widening, and junction

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Design vehicle…cont’d
Table: Design Vehicle dimension and characteristics

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3.2.7. Road side population and adjoining land
Areas having a reasonable sized population, or where markets and
other business activities takes place, the geometric design of the road
needs to be modified to ensure good access and enhance safety.
The road needs:
 Wider cross section

 Specifically designed lay byes for road users to pick up or deposit

 Road side parking areas

Nov 15, 2023

3.3. Design standards
Standard- A basis for comparison; a
reference point against which other things
can be evaluated.
The design standards apply to divided

highway, Trunk Road, Link Road, Main

access road and collector road.
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Nov 15, 2023
3.4. Elements of road cross-section

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3.4. Elements of road cross-section
 Principal elements
 Traffic lanes
 Auxiliary lanes – climbing lanes, acceleration and
deceleration lanes, etc.
 Shoulders
 Median (for divided roads)
 Marginal elements include
 Roadside barrier
 Curbs
 Gutters
 Guard rails
 sidewalks,
 Side slopes,
Nov 15, 2023
3.4. Elements of road cross-section
A. Width of travel lanes B. Shoulder
 Used for the movement of  Serves for an emergency stop of
vehicles. vehicles
 Usually vary from 3 to 3.65
 Used to laterally support the
pavement structure
m, but occasionally 2.7 m lane
 Shoulder width
width is used in urban areas where
 Recommended shoulder width is in
the traffic volume is low and there the range of 1.8 to 2.4 m
is extreme right-of-way constraints  for highways serving large number of
 On two way two lane rural trucks and on highways with high
roads, accident rate for large trucks traffic volumes and high speeds,
increases as the traveled way shoulder width of 3.0 to 3.5 m is
decreases from 6.5 m preferable
 The  Minimum shoulder width 0.6 m on
capacity decrease
the lowest type of roads
significantly as the lane width Nov 15, 2023
 Shoulders should be flush with the edge
3.4. Elements of road cross-section

Figure: lane and shoulder

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3.4. Elements of road cross-section
C. Median D. Median barrier – a longitudinal
 Is a section of divided road that structure used to prevent an errant vehicle from
crossing the portion of a divided highway
separates lanes in the opposite separating the traveled way for traffic in the
directions. opposite directions
 Functions:
E. Roadside barrier – protect vehicles
 Provide recovery area during from causing hazards onto roadside and shield
emergency pedestrians
 Provide stopping area for left F. Curbs – raised structures used mainly on
and U-turning vehicles urban roads to delineate pavement edge and
 Provide refuge for pedestrians pedestrian walkways. Curbs are also used:
 To control drainage
 Reduce headlight glare
 Improve aesthetic
 Median can be either raised, flush  Reduce right-of-way
or depressed  are classified as
 Median width vary between 0.6 up  Barrier curbs – relatively high, designed for

to 24 m or more depending on the preventing vehicles from leaving

the road
availability of right-of-way  Mountable curbs – are designed so that
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vehicles can cross them
3.4. Elements of road cross-section

Figure: median and median Figure: Road side barrier and curb
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3.4. Elements of road cross-section
G. Cross-slopes H. Side slopes
 provided for stability of earthworks; the
• to enhance the flow of surface water
slope varies depending on the material
 Prevention of entry of surface
water into subgrade soil through
the pavement. I. Right-of-way
 To make the surface dry soon  The total land area required for the
after the rain so that skid construction of the roadway
resistance does not reduce.  To accommodate all the elements
 To regulate the vehicles to their of the road cross-section
proper lanes.  Planned widening of the road
 Public utility facilities that will be
installed along the highway
 High type pavement 1.5 –2 %
 Intermediate type of pavement
– 1.5- 3%
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3.4. Elements of road cross-section


Figure : Typical section of rural road

Nov 15, 2023
3.5. Elements of Geometric Design
2.5.1. Sight Distance:
 The distance visible to the driver of a passenger car.

 For Road safety, the designer must provide sight distances of

sufficient length that drivers can control the operation of their

 Two-lane Roads should also have sufficient sight distance to

enable drivers to occupy the opposing traffic lane for passing

maneuvers, without risk of accident.

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3.5.1. Sight distance…cont’d
 There are 3 different types of sight distances. These are:
A. Stopping Sight distance (SSD)
B. Passing sight distance (PSD)
C. Intersection sight distance (ISD)
A. Stopping sight distance (SSD)

Stopping sight distance: It is a near worst-case distance a vehicle driver needs

to be able to see in order to have room to stop before colliding with something in
the roadway, such as a pedestrian in a crosswalk, a stopped vehicle, or road
 Sight distance at every point should be as long as possible but never less than

the minimum stopping distances.

 The minimum stopping sight distance is based on the sum of two distances
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traveled during:
3.5.1. Sight distance…cont’d
1)Time to perceive and react – the distance traveled from the time the object is
sighted to the instant the brakes are applied (moving at the design speed).

2) Time to stop – the distance required for stopping the vehicle after the brakes are
applied. (Moving from design speed to zero speed).

The stopping sight distance is given by the formula

Where: d-distance (m) f: coefficient of friction between typ

and road way
t-driver reaction time (2.5 second) g: gradient (%) (down hill negative
V-Initial speed (km/h)
Nov 15, 2023
3.5.1. Sight distance…cont’d
Sight distance is essential for
safety reasons:
 On the inside of horizontal
curves it may be necessary to
remove:-Trees, buildings or
other obstacles.
 if this can’t do, the alignment
must be changed. where it is
not possible and a change in
design speed necessary,
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adequate and permanent
3.5.1. Sight Distance…cont’d

Stopping Sight distance for single lane roads

Adequate SSD must be provided to

allow vehicles travelling in the
opposite direction to see each other
and to stop safely

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3.5.1. Sight Distance…cont’d
B. Passing Sight Distance (PSD)
 The passing sight distance is the length of roadway that the driver of the
passing vehicle must be able to see initially, in order to make a passing
maneuver safely with out interfering with the speed of an on coming
 The goal is to provide most drivers with a sight distance that gives them a
feeling of safety and that encourages them to pass slower vehicles.
Assumptions in computing safe PSD
 the overtaken vehicle travels at a uniform speed
 The passing vehicle is required to follow at the same speed until there is
an opportunity to pass
 The driver of the passing vehicle requires a certain period of time to start
 The passing vehicle accelerates during the passing maneuver and its
average speed during its occupancy on the left lane is greater than that of
the overtaken vehicle Nov 15, 2023
3.5.1. Sight Distance…cont’d

d1-distance traveled during preliminary delay time

t1 – time of initial maneuver in seconds,
a - average acceleration in km/h/s,
V1 - is average speed of passing vehicle in km/h,
m - is the difference in speed of passed vehicle and
passing vehicle in km/h.
d2- distance traveled by passing vehicle on the left lane
V2 - is average speed of passing vehicle in km/h,
t2 - is time passing vehicle occupies left lane in sec.
d3- distance b/n passing vehicle @ the end of the
maneuver & the opposing
d4- distance covered by the opposing vehicle
Nov 15, 2023
Table in slide 37
3.5.1. Sight Distance…cont’d
Table: Clearance distance d3 for different ambient speed

Speed Group(Km/h) 50-65 66-80 81-100 101-

d3 (m) 30 55 80 100

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Mr. Ephrem drives his car with 80kmh design speed on horizontal alignment of two lane
highway from Arbaminch to Konso following w/ro Zeritu’s car of 70kmh. Suddenly W/ro
Zeritu’s car stops which is 60m apart. At this situation, Mr. Kebede comes from konso with
70kmh which is about 250m from Ephrem. Both men have equal perception reaction times
of 2.5sec and accelerates at 3.4m/s2. What does the best and appropriate measure for Mr.
Ephrem to prevent himself from car accident? (use d3=80m, f=0.305 and t2=4sec)

Nov 15, 2023

SSD between Ephrem’s and Zeritu’s car

VE 2
SSD  0.278VE * t1 
254  f  g 
SSD  0.278*80* 2.5sec 
254  0.305  0 
SSD  0.278*80* 2.5sec 
254  0.305  0 

SSD  0.278*80* 2.5sec 
254  0.305  0 
SSD  55.6 m  82.61m  138.21m
NB: with the speed of 80kph Ephrem would need 138.21m to stop. But the available distance
between his car and that of Zeritu’s car is only 60m. So, stopping for Mr.Ephrem would be
Nov 15, 2023
Passing sight distance
PSD  D1  D 2  D3  D 4
 at 
D1  0.278 * t1  VE  m  1 
 2 

 3.4 * 2.5 
D1  0.278 * 2.5 sec  80  (80  0)  
 2 * 3.6 
D1  5m
D 2  0.278 * V* t 2
D 2  0.278 *80 * 4 sec
D 2  88.96m

D3  80m  given 
2 2
D4  * D2  *88.96m  59.31m
3 3

PSD  D1  D 2  D3  D 4
PSD  5  88.96  80  59.31
PSD  233.27 m
NB: 233.27 m  250m so it is safe. In order to avoid accident Mr.Ephrem would have to pass the
vehicle (Zeritu’s vehicle)

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 Examples #2: Calculate the minimum sight Distance
requirement to avoid Head on collision of two vehicles
(Vehicle A and Vehicle B) approaching from opposite
direction at a speed of VA =75 km/hr and VB=60 Km/hr
speed. A perception reaction time of the drivers of vehicle A
and vehicle B are 2.5 and 2.75 seconds respectively. A
coefficient of friction is 0.6 and the gradient of the road is
5% downhill for vehicle A and uphill 5% for vehicle B.
Take: The break efficiency of vehicle A and Vehicle B are 60%
and 55% respectively.

Nov 15, 2023

 VA=75 km/hr GB=+5% µA=0.6
 VB=60Km/hr µB=0.55
 tA=2.5 seconds  SSD=?
 tB=2.75 seconds
 f=0.6


Nov 15, 2023

3.5.1. Sight Distance…cont’d
C. Intersection Sight Distance (ISD)
 ISD refers to the corner sight distance available in intersection

quadrants that allows a driver approaching an intersection to

observe the actions of vehicles on the crossing leg(s).
 ISD evaluations involve establishing the needed sight triangle in

each quadrant by determining the legs of the triangle on the two

crossing roadways.
 Within this clear sight triangle, the objective is to remove or lower

any object that obstructs the driver’s view, if practical.

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3.5.1. Sight Distance…cont’d
Obstructions will be:
 Buildings
 parked or turning vehicles,
 trees,
 fences, (barrier)
 retaining walls, and
 The actual ground line

 If it is impractical to remove an
obstruction blocking the sight
distance, consider providing
traffic control devices or design Figure: Intersection sight Distance
applications (e.g., warning signs,
turn lanes), which may not
Nov 15, 2023
otherwise be considered.
3.5.2. Horizontal Alignment
 The design elements of the horizontal alignment are the tangent [straight

section], the circular curve, the transition curve (spiral) and the super
elevation section.
 Horizontal curve is one of the most important features influencing the

efficiency and safety of a highway.

 Should be designed to the highest standard consistent with the topography

 Be chosen carefully to provide good drainage & minimize earthworks

 Should be designed to achieve a uniform operating speed.

 The alignment design should be aimed at avoiding sharp changes in

curvature, thereby achieving a safe uniform driving speed.

Nov 15, 2023
3.5.2. Horizontal Alignment…cont’d
 The horizontal alignment consists of a series of intersecting

tangents and circular curves, with or without transition curves.

A. Straights (Tangents)
• Long straights should be avoided, as they are boring for drivers and
cause headlight dazzle on straight grades.
• Short straights between curves in the same direction should not
be used because of the broken back effect.
 The following guidelines may be applied concerning the length of

• Straights should not have lengths greater than (20 * V) meters,
Nov 15, 2023
3.5.2. Horizontal alignment…cont’d
• Straights between circular curves turning in the same direction

should have lengths greater than (6*V) meters, where V is the

design speed in km/h.
• Straights between the end and the beginning of un-transitioned

reverse circular curves should have lengths greater than two-thirds

of the total super elevation runoff.

B. Circular curves

From one location to other location the nature of the terrain is going to
change, due to that different types of circular curves are formed. These
are: Nov 15, 2023
3.5.2. Horizontal alignment…cont’d

Nov 15, 2023

Figure :Simple circular
Figure :Broken back
 In reverse curves, the curves has an
intervening tangent or not.
 In compound curves, R1 should not
exceed 1.5 R2
 In Broken back curves the tangent
section between the two curves
must be more than 6*V (v is the
Figure :Reverse curve design speed). Nov 15, 2023
3.5.2. Horizontal alignment…cont’d
A. Simple Circular Curve

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3.5.2. Horizontal alignment…cont’d

Nov 15, 2023

3.5.2. Horizontal alignment…cont’d

Nov 15, 2023

3.5.2. Horizontal alignment…cont’d
Example 2: Two tangents intersect at chainage
7680 m, the total deflection angle being
55027’35”. It is proposed to insert a circular
curve of 450m radius. Determine all the
elements and chainages of the simple

Nov 15, 2023

3.5.2. Horizontal alignment…cont’d
Exercise: 1. A horizontal curve with deflection angle Δ = 65 0 and
PI=0+435m. The design speed is 50km/hr and e= 8%, f=0.16.
a. Minimum Radius(R), Degree of curvature(D) and Length of
b. Middle ordinate(M), External distance(E) and Tangent
c. Station of PC, Station of PT

From ERA Manual

Nov 15, 2023
3.5.2. Horizontal alignment…cont’d
Exercise 2:
A horizontal curve is designed for speed of 80km/hr. The
point of intersection (PI) and the point of curvature (PC)
stations are 4+147.5 and 4+037.5 respectively. Determine
radius [R], tangent (T), external distance [E], curve length [L],
middle ordinate [M], point of tangency [PT]. Take emax=6%
and f=0.13.

Nov 15, 2023

3.5.2. Horizontal alignment…cont’d
B. Compound curve

Nov 15, 2023

3.5.2. Horizontal alignment…cont’d
C. Reverse curve

Nov 15, 2023

3.5.3. Super Elevation (Reading Assignment)

 Vehicles moving along a curved path are subjected to an outward reactive

force (centrifugal force)

 This force will be balanced by side friction developed b/n the tyres and

 To avoid both sliding and overturning of vehicles on a curved path, super

elevating the outer edge is necessary, in addition to the developed side

 Super elevation is the raising (banking) of the outer edge of the road

alone a curve in order to counter act the effect of radial force.

Stability on Super-elevated Surface

Forces & Equilibrium
Nov 15, 2023
 Resolving the Forces // and |to the road
Super Elevation

Nov 15, 2023

Super Elevation

Application: Normally, f is given, e is also known when the location
of the designed highway is known. The rest is to determine v when
R is known, or determine R when v is given.
Nov 15, 2023
Super Elevation
Attainment of Super Elevation
 The transition from a tangent to a curved super elevated section
must be accompanied without any appreciable reduction in
 So that, comfort and safety of occupants of the travelling vehicle

is ensured.
 The normal cambered surface on the straight reach of the road is

changed into a super elevated surface in two stages.

 First Stage : The outer half of the camber is gradually raised until
it is level(Tangent Run out ).
 Second Stage : three methods may be adopted to attain the full
Nov 15, 2023
super- elevation (Super elevation runoff ).
Super Elevation
The surface of the road is rotated about the centerline of the carriageway
(commonly used)
 The surface of the road is rotated about the inner edge.

 The surface of the road is rotated about the outer edge.

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Super Elevation

Nov 15, 2023

Super Elevation

Nov 15, 2023

Super Elevation
Super elevation Transition
 Is the distance required for accomplishing the transition
from a normal crown section to a fully super elevated
 Is a function of the design speed and rate of super

Nov 15, 2023

3.5.4. Transition Curves
Advantages of Transition Curves

 Along high-speed roadways with sharp curvature, transition curves may be

needed to prevent drivers from encroaching into adjoining lanes.
 provide a natural and easier to follow path for drivers such that the
centrifugal force increases or decreases gradually as a vehicle enters or
leaves a circular curves.
 Provides a convenient desirable distance for super elevation runoff.
 Facilitates gradual change in width of pavement (full widening to start at
circular curve)
 Enhances the aesthetic appearance of a highway b/c their use avoids
noticeable breaks at the beginning and end of circular curves
Nov 15, 2023
 Euler spiral (clothoid)- commonly used transition curve
Transition Curves
Transition curve

Nov 15, 2023

Note: θs = spiral angle Δ = total central
Lc = R*(- 2s) angle, Δc = central angle of the circular
θs = Ls / 2Rc (in radians) arc extending from BC to EC = Δ - 2
=28.65Ls/Rc(in degrees) θs, Rc = radius of circular curve, Ls =
length of spiral from starting point to
Lt = 2*ls + R*(- 2s)
any point, R = radius of curvature of
Ts =Ls/2 +(Rc + S)*tan(∆/2) the spiral at a point Ls distant from
starting point. Ts = tangent distance, Es
S = Ls2/ 24Rc = external distance, S = shift ,HIP =
horizontal intersection point BS =
Es = (Rc + S)*sec(∆/2) – Rc
beginning of spiral, BC = beginning of
circular curve ,EC = end of circular
curve ES = end of spiral curve .

Nov 15, 2023

Transition Curves
Length of Transition(Ls )
 Is determined based on :
i. Rate of change of centrifugal acceleration should not
cause discomfort to drivers.

Ls = 0.0215V3 / (C*Rc)

Where: V is design speed in km/hr, C is The rate of

change of radial acceleration ( 0.2 -0.6m/sec3,

0.3m/sec3 is often used) and Ls is length of2023transition in
Nov 15,
Transition Curves
Example:- It is required to join straights having a total deflection
angle of 42o to a circular curve of 510m radius with spiral
transition curves at each end. The design speed is 85-km/hr
and the rate of change of radial acceleration along the transition
curve is not to exceed 0.3-m/sec3. Determine:-
i. The transition length, L
ii. The shift, S
iii. The length along the tangent required from
the intersection point to the start of the
iv. The form of the cubic parabola and the co-
ordinates of the point at which the transition
becomes the circular arc of radius R.

Nov 15, 2023

Transition Curves
i. Length of spiral() iii. Total Tangent

ii. Shift distance(S) iv. Form of cubic parabola

Nov 15, 2023

Transition Curves
Exercise1: Two tangents intersect at chainage 7680 m, the
total deflection angle being 55027’. It is proposed to insert a
circular curve of 450m radius.
A. If this curve has spiral curve at both ends. What are the
beginnings and end chainage of both transition and circular
curve show your answer with sketch?
(A rate of change of radial
acceleration of 0.3 m/s3 and a speed of 100 km/h).

B. If this curve is without spiral determine the beginning and

end chainage of this curve?
Nov 15, 2023
Transition Curves
Exercise2: In a horizontal alignment of rural arterial highway, two tangents
intersect at station with a deflection angle of . These tangents are to be connected
by a circular curve with a transition curve at each end. For a design speed of , a
lateral coefficient of friction of and rate of super-elevation of andNC=3% take
lane Determine:
i.Maximum degree of curvature() and
ii.Length of transition curve()
iii.Total length of curve
iv.Shift distance(S),
v.Tangent length(T), and
vi.Spiral angle(θs)
vii.The stations at TS,ST,CS and ST
viii.Determine extra widening if required
ix.Super-elevation runoff length and tangent run out length

Nov 15, 2023

3.5.5. Widening of Curves
 There is a tendency to drive a curved path longer than the actual curve, shifting the
vehicle laterally to the right on right- turning curves and to the left on left-turning
curves creating a need for additional pavement width, the width is called widening.
Mechanical widening
 The reasons for the mechanical widening are: When a vehicle negotiates a horizontal
curve, the rear wheels follow a path of shorter radius than the front wheels.
Psychological widening
 Widening of pavements has to be done for some psychological reasons also. There is a
tendency for the drivers to drive close to the edges of the pavement on curves. Some
extra space is to be provided for more clearance for the crossing and overtaking
operations on curves.
The amount of widening needed varies with

 The width of the pavement on tangent

 The design speed

Nov 15, 2023
 The curve radius or degree of curvature
Widening of Curves
The widening required can be calculated from

B = wheel base
R = radius of curve
V = design speed (Km/hr)
n = number of lanes
Wc=total widening

Nov 15, 2023

Nov 15, 2023

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