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Good Local Governance & Improved Service Delivery

Presentation in Local Governance School, Peshawar

(October 24 & 27, 2023)

By: Hifz-ur-Rahman
Scope of the Topic- Part (I)

 Governance and Local Governance

 Features of Good Local Governance System
 Current Local Governance System in Khyber
 Working of the Local Governance System

Scope of the Topic- Part (II)

 Public Service
 Public Service Delivery at Local Level
 Fundamental Norms and Values of Public Service

Good Local Governance & Improved Service Delivery
Part (I)
0900-1100 hours


Simplicity of the Complexity of the

? Scope

Feel of the House!

 Governance?
 Good Governance?
 Local Governance?
 The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
 Fundamental Rights?
 Principles of Policy?
 Article-34?
 Article-36?
 Article- 37(i)?
 Article-140A


 In abstract sense, Governance is a theoretical concept referring

to actions and processes by which stable practices and
organizations arise and persist
The political process that exists in and between formal
institutions. It relates to “interaction and decision-making
among actors involved in a collective problem“
 The way rules, norms and actions are structured, sustained,
regulated and held accountable
The manner in which power is exercised in the management of
economic and social resources of a country for development.
(World Bank)

Good Governance?

 An indeterminate term used in international development literature

to describe various normative accounts of how public institutions
ought to conduct public affairs and manage public resources

 Dimensions: Voice & Accountability, Political Stability, Lack of

Violence, Government Effectiveness, Regulatory Quality, Rule of
Law, Control of Corruption. (Worldwide Governance Index Project)

 Composite Index: Peace and Security, Rule of Law, Human Rights

and Participation, Sustainable Development and Human
Development. (WGI)

Governance & Good Governance- Crust & Core!

Governance & Good Governance? Participatory

Rule of Law
 The manner of steering, directing
and controlling Effective & Efficient
 The exercise of power or authority
for wellbeing of people Transparent
 The process of making and
implementing (or not Responsive
implementing) decisions
 The process of resource
distribution Consensual


Devolution & Decentralization? Feel of the House!

 Centralization?
 Decentralization?
 Delegation?
 Federalism?
 Devolution! Why, what & how?

Centralization & Decentralization!

 Centralization & Decentralization!

 Centralization: Where decision-making rests with a few
 Implications: (i) decision-making- at top level (ii)
operating authority- at mid level and (iii) operation- at
lower level
 Decentralization: Delegation of authority at all levels of
management in an organization
 Implications: (i) Major decisions/policy making- at top
level (ii) powers and responsibility are delegated to
mid/lower levels (iii) decision making is independent and
(iv) creation of motivation
Devolution and Federalism!

Devolution! Why, what & how?

 Devolution & Federalism: Devolution differs
from federalism in that the devolved powers of the
subnational authority may be temporary and are
reversible. In federal systems sub-national governments
are guaranteed in the constitution. Their powers cannot
be withdrawn unilaterally by the central government
Devolution: Statutory delegation of powers from central
government to a subnational level
 Implications: Devolution is a form of
administrative decentralization. The subnational
governments therefore have a lower degree of protection
under devolution than under federalism

Local Governance in Constitution!

 Article 32 (Promotion of local government institutions):

The State shall encourage local Government institutions
composed of elected representatives of the areas concerned
and, in such institutions, special representation will be
given to peasants, workers and women
Article 34 (Women Participation): Definite initiatives for
ensuring full participation of women in all spheres of
national life.
Article 37 (i) (Promotion of social justice and….): The State
shall decentralise government administration so as to
facilitate expeditious disposal of its business to meet the
convenience and requirements of the public

Local Governance in Constitution!

Article 36 (Safeguards for minorities): Emphasis on

safeguarding legitimate rights and interests of minorities
Article 140A (Local Governments): Each province shall, by
law, establish a local government system and devolve
political, administrative and financial responsibility and
authority to the elected representatives of the local

Evolution of Local Government Institutions

Centrality of Communities to Governance!

“They (village communities) seem to last where nothing else

lasts. Dynasties tumble down, revolution succeeds revolution.
Hindu, Pathan, Mughal, Marhatta, Sikh and English- all are
masters in turn but village community remains the same”
(Sir Charles Metcalfe)

Local & National Governance!

“Local Government institutions are more ancient than

national governments everywhere. City States of Greece,
Panchayats of Indian Subcontinent and Counties, Boroughs
and Parishes of England antedated the evolution of national,
provincial or state governments.” (Nature and Functioning of
Local Governments in British India)

Local Government?

As the very term implies, Local Government has two

distinct features. It is local and it is a government”
“Local” signifies that it pertains to a locality, or specific
local area.
“Government” indicates that it is a mechanism for the
exercise of authority. (The Text Book of Basic Democracies and
Local Governments in Pakistan (PLD 1968) by Masudul Hasan)

Local Governments in Pakistan- Features

 Bureaucratic Control (1947-58)

 Basic Democracies (1958-79)
 Local Councils (1979-2001)
 Local Governments (2001-10)
 Local Councils (2010-13)
 Local Governments (2013- ---)

Features of Good Local Governance System?

 Composition: Elected representatives and having special

representation of peasants, workers and women
 Fulcrum: Decentralised governance & management functions for
expeditious disposal of government business for convenience of
 Enabling environment created as a policy out come and government
attitude to encourage local government institutions
 Integration of key components of local governance and service
delivery systems
 Devolution of political, administrative and financial authority and
responsibility to elected representatives
 Centrality of working through councils and committees
 Predictability of resource allocations & accountability

Good Governance & Improved Service Delivery- A Statutory Precis!

An Act to effective system of civil administration for good governance and
improved service delivery……
The Government considers good governance as the cornerstone of a progressive and just
society, which includes, open government, public service delivery, citizen participation,
performance accountability and innovative ideas as its core values
Good governance necessitates the establishment of a performance management system to
ensure improved service delivery, enforcement of the regulatory regime, institution of a
robust grievance redressal system, and the coordination of administrative and development
functions in a transparent and accountable manner
New public management requires creation of an environment for expedition of change
initiatives, reforms and innovation in public sector in routine as well as special
It is important to enhance the legal and administrative capacity of civil administration with
the aim to address the governance challenges and……. (The Civil Administration (Public
Service Delivery & Good Governance Act, 2020)

Good Local Governance & Improved Service Delivery
Part (II)
(1130- 1300 Hours)
Scope of the Topic- Part (II)

 Public Service
 Public Service Delivery at Local Level
 Fundamental Norms and Values of Public Service

Feel of the House!

 Public Service & Civil Service?

 The Essence of Public Service?
 Civility?
 Public Servant & Government Servant?
 Devotion & Dedication?
 Commitment & Passion?
 Integrity & Honesty?
 Character?

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Understanding Challenges in Service Delivery
Realities and Challenges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa- Long View!

 Impact of Turmoil and Extremism

 Integration of Tribal Areas
 Transformation of Administrative Institutions
 Dispersal of Functional Fulcrum of the System
 Political Instability & Economic Crunch
 Issues of Merged Areas Representation
Parliament, Provincial Assembly, Local Governments
 The Challenge of Managing Local Governance
 The Backlog of Governance
 Integration and Development
 Promises, Failures and Trust Deficit

Realities and Challenges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa- Local Level!

 Frequent Amendments in Local Government Act, 2013

 Unpredictable Fiscal Transfers
 Eliminating Local Sources of Revenue
 Outsourcing of Functions, Shifting of Resources and Cut
on Grants
 Creation of Parallel Institutions (WSSCs, LUBCA and
 Curtailing Essential Powers and Functions of Elected
Mayors, Chairmen and Councils

Service Delivery and Space for Service Delivery!

 The Space for Service Delivery (Province)-The Obtaining

Situation (Merger) …..What is Productive & What is
 The Issue of Resources and Priorities?
 The Space of Service Delivery (Local) ……Is There Any
Meaningful Space?

Local Governance……General Impression!

 Institutional Disintegration and Overlap (The case of

urban development)
 Inertia (The case of elected local governments since 2021)
 Outsourcing of Governance Responsibilities (The glut of
corporate bodies)
 Resources & Approach to Utilization of Resources- (The
case of Peshawar uplift and beautification)

Few Fundamentals of Public Service
Rethinking “Public Service”…..!

Someone designated as “Public Servant ” has to

understand that in this equation the “Public”
comes first and precedes “Servant ”. As part of a
“Civil Service” or “Civil Administration” one
would be obliged to concede that “civility” is the
hallmark of both concepts and this hallmark means
nothing but grace , courtesy, politeness and

The Essence of Public Service!

 Public Servant & Government Servant- Understanding the


“Services are the backbone of the state . Governments are

formed , Governments are defeated , Prime Ministers
come and go, Ministers come and go, but you stay on ,
and therefore , there is a great responsibility places on
your shoulders. You should have no hand in
supporting this political party or that political
party, this political leader or that political leader.
This is not your business.” (Quaid-E-Azam Address to
Public Servants in Peshawar on April 14, 1948)

Public Service- Few Fundamentals!

Devotion & Dedication?

 Devotion? Devotion and the verb devote come from the act
of taking a vow.
 Devout implies faithfulness of a religious nature (a
devout Muslim)
 Devoted refers to one's commitment to another through
love and loyalty.
 Dedication? Willingness to give a lot of time and energy to
something because it is important

Public Service- Few Fundamentals!

Commitment and Passion?

 Commitment: The act of binding yourself (intellectually
and emotionally) to a course of action
 Passion: An irresistible motive for a belief or action.
Any intense feeling
“Passions”- The Origin?

Public Service- Few Fundamentals!

Integrity & Honesty?

 Integrity: The quality of being honest and having strong moral
principles. A personality trait that we admire, since it means a
person has a moral compass that doesn't waver.
 Doing right things in reliable way
 Having “wholeness” of character
The honesty flower, sometimes called the money plant, is so named
because its coin-shaped seedpods are translucent, the idea of
transparency symbolizing integrity.

Honesty: “Honor” ("Honesty is the best policy. If I lose mine honor,

I lose myself." Shakespeare)
 Refraining from lying, cheating, or stealing
 Being truthful, trustworthy, or upright
 Sincerity; fairness; straightforwardness
Public Service- Few Fundamentals!

Character: Mental and moral qualities distinctive to an
 The way someone thinks, feels and behaves
 The aggregate of features and traits that form the
individual nature of some person. (moral qualities,
ethical standards, principles, and…..)
 Strong Character: People who:
 Show compassion & display self-discipline
 Make good judgments
 Show respect to others
 Show courage in standing up for beliefs
 Have a strong sense of responsibility
Public Service- Few Fundamentals!

Attitude & Aptitude?

Attitude: A complex mental state involving beliefs and
feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways
 Attitude is somewhere between a belief, a stance, a
mood, and a pose.
Aptitude: A component of a competence to do a certain
kind of work at a certain level.
 Aptitude is inborn potential to perform certain kinds of
 Aptitude is often contrasted with skills and abilities,
which are developed through learning
 Outstanding aptitude can be considered talent

The Last But Not The Least!

 How do we live our lives?.

 How do we earn our living?
 What do we feed our families?
 What are we leaving behind?
 What are we sending ahead?

Thank you


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