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1. Formulated Ohm's Law in 1827, which relates current, voltage,

and resistance in electrical circuits, fundamental to electronics.
2. Discovered electromagnetic induction and built the first electric
generator, laying the groundwork for electrical power generation
and motors.
3. Invented the electric battery (Voltaic Pile) in 1800, a crucial
development for electrical science and the foundation of many
electronic devices.
4. Experimentally confirmed the existence of electromagnetic
waves, demonstrating their propagation and properties, a
cornerstone of modern electronics.
5. Invented the Audion (a vacuum tube), which enabled the amplification of electrical
signals, a crucial advancement for early electronics.
6. Proposed the theory of the photoelectric effect in 1905, which explained the
behavior of electrons in materials when exposed to light, contributing to the
development of electronic devices like photodetectors. Best known for his theory of
7. Edison is best known for his work on the incandescent light bulb, which played a
crucial role in the early electrification of the world. His work laid the foundation for
many electrical devices
8. Tesla was a pioneer in the development of alternating current (AC) electrical
systems, which are the basis for modern power distribution. He also made significant
contributions to wireless communication and radio technology.
9. Co-founder of Intel, Moore formulated "Moore's Law" in 1965, predicting that the
number of transistors on a microchip would double approximately every two years.
This prediction has largely held true and has driven the relentless pace of advancement
in electronics.
10. was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1909. His work laid the foundation for
modern radio and wireless technologies, which have had a profound impact on global
communication and the way information is transmitted. He invented the radio.
1. Georg Simon Ohm (1789-1854): Formulated Ohm's Law in 1827,
which relates current, voltage, and resistance in electrical circuits,
fundamental to electronics.
2. Michael Faraday (1791-1867): Discovered electromagnetic
induction and built the first electric generator, laying the
groundwork for electrical power generation and motors.
3. Alessandro Volta (1745-1827): Invented the electric battery
(Voltaic Pile) in 1800, a crucial development for electrical science
and the foundation of many electronic devices.
4. Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894): Experimentally confirmed the
existence of electromagnetic waves, demonstrating their
propagation and properties, a cornerstone of modern electronics.
5. Lee De Forest (1873-1961): Invented the Audion (a vacuum tube), which enabled
the amplification of electrical signals, a crucial advancement for early electronics.
6. Albert Einstein (1879-1955): Proposed the theory of the photoelectric effect in
1905, which explained the behavior of electrons in materials when exposed to light,
contributing to the development of electronic devices like photodetectors. Best known
for his theory of relativity
7. Thomas Edison (1847-1931): Edison is best known for his work on the
incandescent light bulb, which played a crucial role in the early electrification of the
world. His work laid the foundation for many electrical devices
8. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943): Tesla was a pioneer in the development of alternating
current (AC) electrical systems, which are the basis for modern power distribution. He
also made significant contributions to wireless communication and radio technology.
9. Gordon Moore (born 1929): Co-founder of Intel, Moore formulated "Moore's Law"
in 1965, predicting that the number of transistors on a microchip would double
approximately every two years. This prediction has largely held true and has driven
the relentless pace of advancement in electronics.
10. Guglielmo Marconi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1909. His work
laid the foundation for modern radio and wireless technologies, which have had a
profound impact on global communication and the way information is transmitted. He
invented the radio.
Electronic components are categorized as
being either passive or active.

Passive Components can control energy

but they cannot amplify or modify it.
1. Resistors
2. Capacitors
3. Inductors

Active Components are capable of rectifying,

amplifying, or changing energy from one form to

1. Diodes
2. Transistors
3. Vacuum Tubes
Both passive and active components generally are used together
to form complete circuits in all types of electronic equipment. For
the passive components, it may be surprising to learn that all
electronic circuits use only three basic types:
• Resistors
• Capacitors
• Inductors
Resistors are perhaps the most common component in electronic
circuits. Their main function is to limit current flow or reduce the
voltage in a circuit. The resistance may either be fixed or variable.
Capacitors are components that are able to hold or store an
electric charge. Its physical construction consists of two metal
plates separated by an insulator. In general, capacitors are used
to block direct current (DC) but pass alternating current (AC).
Like resistors, capacitors maybe either fixed or variable.

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Inductors are components whose physical construction is
simply a coil of wire. For this reason inductors are often
called coils.

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Diodes are electronic components which
allows current to flow through it in one
direction but not the other way around.

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Transistors are electronic components that
can be used to amplify small AC signals or
switch a DC voltage.

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Surface Mounted Devices (SMDs) also called chip
components, have been in use for many years now,
primarily where portability and compactness are needed
or desired.

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Insulators, also known as dielectrics, are materials that have properties which make them
poor conductors of electricity. These properties are important in various electrical and
electronic applications. Some key properties of insulators include:

• High electrical resistivity: Insulators have a high resistance to the flow of electric current. This
is due to the absence of free electrons that can move easily within the material. The high
electrical resistivity prevents the flow of electrical charge, making them good for insulating

• Low thermal conductivity: Insulators generally have low thermal conductivity, meaning they do
not conduct heat well. This property makes them useful for thermal insulation applications, such
as in the construction of buildings or the manufacturing of insulating materials for electrical

• High dielectric constant: Insulators have a high dielectric constant or relative permittivity. This
property allows them to store electric energy in an electric field and is essential for the
functioning of capacitors and other electrical components.

• Non-magnetic: Most insulators are non-magnetic or exhibit only weak magnetic properties. This
property is essential in applications where magnetic materials would interfere with the operation
of electrical devices.

• High breakdown voltage: Insulators can withstand high voltages without allowing electrical
breakdown to occur. This property is critical in electrical insulation to prevent arcing and short

• Inertness: Insulators are typically chemically stable and do not readily react with other
substances, which makes them suitable for a wide range of applications.
• Transparency: Some insulators, like glass and certain plastics, are transparent to visible light. This
property is important in applications like optics and display technologies.

• Mechanical strength: Insulators can have good mechanical strength and can withstand physical
stresses, which is essential for their use in electrical and electronic devices.

• Wide range of materials: Insulators can be made from a variety of materials, including ceramics, glass,
plastics, rubber, and more, allowing for a wide range of applications.

• Diverse applications: Insulators are used in various applications, such as electrical wiring, electronic
circuits, power transmission, insulating coatings, capacitors, insulating barriers, and more.

Conductors are materials that have properties which allow them

to conduct electricity effectively. These materials have a
number of distinctive properties that make them suitable for
various electrical and electronic applications. Some key
properties of conductors include:
• High electrical conductivity: Conductors have a high density of free electrons that can move easily
through the material when subjected to an electric field. This property enables efficient electrical

• Low electrical resistivity: Conductors have low electrical resistivity, meaning they offer minimal
opposition to the flow of electric current. This low resistance allows for the efficient transmission of
electrical energy.

• High thermal conductivity: Conductors often have high thermal conductivity, meaning they can
efficiently transfer heat. This property is important in applications where heat dissipation is necessary,
such as in electrical wiring.

• Malleability and ductility: Many conductors, such as copper and aluminum, are malleable and ductile,
allowing them to be easily shaped and formed into various configurations, such as wires and cables.

• High mechanical strength: Conductors can have good mechanical strength and can withstand physical
stresses, which is important in their use in electrical conductors and components.

• Magnetic properties: Some conductors exhibit magnetic properties, which can be advantageous in
certain applications like the construction of electromagnets and inductor coils.

• Corrosion resistance: Some conductors are naturally resistant to corrosion, which is important for
their use in outdoor applications and in situations where exposure to moisture is a concern.

• Low dielectric constant: Unlike insulators, conductors have a low dielectric constant, meaning they
are poor at storing electrical energy in an electric field.
• Versatility: Conductors can be made from various materials, with copper and aluminum being the
most common choices. They are used in a wide range of applications, including electrical wiring,
electronic circuits, power transmission lines, and more.

• Electrical conductivity does not vary with temperature: In most conductors, electrical conductivity
remains relatively constant over a wide temperature range, which is important for consistent electrical

• Applications: Conductors are crucial components in electrical and electronic systems. They facilitate
the flow of electrical current and are used in applications like power distribution, electrical
connections, electronic components, and many others.
Digital Multimeter = DMM is used to
measure the voltage, current or resistance in
an electronic circuit. Most DMMs also have
provisions for testing capacitors, diodes and This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under

Oscilloscope = is a technicians most
versatile piece of test equipment. Its basic
function is to view and measure ac
Power Supply is a unit capable of supplying
voltage and current to the electronic circuits
under test. Modern power supplies have
regulated outputs. This means that their
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
output voltage does not fluctuate as the load
current varies.
Function Generator is a piece of test
equipment capable of producing a number of
different output waveforms. Function
Generators are used when designing,
developing and troubleshooting electronic
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA


Electricity is an invisible force that can

produce heat, light, and motion. The force for
motion is an attraction or repulsion between
electric charges.
• Electric charge
• Current
• Voltage

Electric charge is the basic form for a

quantity of electricity.

All materials we know, including solids,

liquids and gases contain two basic particles
of electric charge, electron and proton.

An electron is the smallest

amount of electric charge having
the characteristics called negative
Negative and Positive polarities indicate two
opposite characteristics that seem
fundamental in all physical applications. Just
as magnets have north and south poles,
electric charges have the opposite polarities
labelled negative and positive.

An atom is the smallest particle of

the basic elements which forms the
physical substances we know as
solid, liquid and gas.

When electrons can move easily from atom to

atom in a material it is called a conductor. In
general all metals are good conductors.

A material with atoms in which the electrons

tend to stay in their own orbits is an insulator
because it cannot conduct electricity very
easily. However the insulators are able to hold
or store electricity better than the conductors.


• Describe the different sources of
• Appreciate the importance of sources of

• Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge. It is a

secondary energy source which means that we get it from
the conversion of other sources of energy, like coal,
natural gas, oil, nuclear power and other natural
sources, which are called primary sources.






You will have to create a presentation of the different power plants. (PowerPoint Presentation)

• Include in your presentation:

A short introduction about that type of power plant/source of electricity.
How does that power plant/source of electricity work? Include stages and illustrations

Each group will be assigned to different sources of electricity

- Hydropower plant
- Nuclear powerplant
- Wind power (windmill)
- Geothermal Powerplant
- Solar powerplant

This will be presented next meeting.

- Criteria
- Content - 5
- Organization - 5
- Delivery - 5
- PowerPoint Slides (VISUAL) - 5 total of 20 points
Safety precautions are essential when handling equipment in electronics
to prevent accidents, injuries, and damage to the equipment. Here are
some important safety precautions to follow:

1. Wear appropriate clothing: Wear non-conductive clothing, such as

cotton, and avoid wearing loose-fitting clothing or jewelry that could
get caught in equipment.
2. Use ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) protection: When working with
sensitive electronic components, use an anti-static wrist strap or heel
strap to prevent ESD damage.
3. Disconnect power: Always disconnect equipment from the power
source before working on it. Ensure that all power sources are turned
off and unplugged.
• Lockout/tagout procedures: When working on equipment that uses
electrical or mechanical energy, follow lockout/tagout procedures to
ensure the equipment cannot be accidentally energized.
• Use insulated tools: When working with live circuits, use tools with
insulated handles to prevent electrical shocks
• Follow manufacturer's instructions: Read and follow the
manufacturer's instructions for each piece of equipment, including
recommended safety practices.
• Work in a well-ventilated area: Ensure that the workspace is
properly ventilated to prevent the buildup of fumes, especially when
soldering or using chemicals.
• Keep liquids away: Keep liquids, including water and beverages,
away from electronic equipment to prevent spills and damage.
• Label and organize cables: Properly label cables and wires to avoid
confusion and the accidental disconnection of critical connections.
• Use caution with high-voltage equipment: When working with high-
voltage equipment, take extra precautions and follow specific safety
guidelines for high-voltage systems.
• Avoid overloading circuits: Do not overload electrical circuits by
plugging in too many devices or equipment into a single outlet or
power strip.
• Grounding: Ensure proper grounding of equipment and follow
grounding procedures to prevent electrical hazards.
• Fire safety: Have a fire extinguisher rated for electrical fires nearby,
and know how to use it. Avoid flammable materials in the workspace.
• Work with a buddy: Whenever possible, have someone else present
while working on electronics equipment, especially when dealing with
high-voltage or potentially dangerous situations.

• Personal protective equipment (PPE): Depending on the specific task

and equipment, wear appropriate PPE, such as safety goggles, gloves,
and hearing protection.

• Keep work area clean: Maintain a clean and organized workspace to

prevent tripping hazards and improve overall safety.

• Safety posters and signage: Display safety posters and signage in the
workspace to remind personnel of safety procedures and hazards.
Electric circuits can be classified into various types based on their components and
configurations. Ohm's law and network theorems are fundamental principles that
apply to these circuits to analyze and solve electrical problems. Here are some
common types of electric circuits and how Ohm's law and network theorems are
applied to them:
1. Series Circuit:
• Components are connected end-to-end, forming a single path for current flow.
• Ohm's Law (V = I * R) is used to calculate voltage drops and current in each
component. In a series circuit, the current is the same throughout, and voltage
divides among the components.
• Network Theorems like the Superposition Theorem can be used to analyze
complex series circuits by considering each voltage source separately and then
summing the results.
2. Parallel Circuit: 51

• Components are connected in parallel branches, providing multiple paths for

current flow.
• Ohm's Law is used to calculate total current (I) and total resistance (R). For
voltage calculations, you can use V = I * R for each branch.
• Network Theorems such as the Current Divider Rule can help determine the
current distribution in parallel branches.

3. Combination Circuit:
• A combination of series and parallel components.
• Apply Ohm's Law and network theorems sequentially to simplify the circuit step
by step. Start by analyzing series components and then parallel components.
4. Mesh or Mesh Current Analysis:
• Typically used for circuits with multiple loops (meshes).
• Apply Ohm's Law to calculate currents in various branches and use Kirchhoff's
Voltage Law (KVL) to set up equations for each mesh. Then solve the
simultaneous equations to find unknown currents.
5. Node or Nodal Analysis:
• Used for circuits with multiple nodes (connection points).
• Apply Ohm's Law to calculate branch currents and use Kirchhoff's Current Law
(KCL) to set up equations for each node. Solve the simultaneous equations to find
unknown currents.
6. Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits:
These theorems help simplify complex circuits into simpler equivalent circuits.
Thevenin's theorem states that any linear circuit can be represented as a single
voltage source (Thevenin voltage) and a single resistor (Thevenin resistance).
Norton's theorem states that the same circuit can be represented as a current source
(Norton current) and a parallel resistor (Norton resistance).
Ohm's Law can be applied to calculate Thevenin and Norton equivalents.

7. Maximum Power Transfer Theorem:

This theorem states that the maximum power is transferred from a source to a load
when the load resistance equals the source resistance.
Use Ohm's Law to calculate the load resistance that maximizes power transfer.
In summary, Ohm's Law and network theorems are essential tools for analyzing
various types of electric circuits, whether they are series, parallel, combination, or
more complex circuits with multiple loops and nodes. These principles help engineers
and electricians understand, design, and troubleshoot electrical systems.

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