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Life Science

Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the historical
development of the concept of life; the origin of the first life forms;
and the unifying themes in the study of life. The learners shall be
able to appreciate and value life by taking good care of all beings,
humans, plants and animals.
Learning Competencies:
 explain the evolving concept of life based on emerging pieces of evidence
 describe classic experiments that model conditions which may have enabled the
first life forms to evolve; (S11/12LT-IIa-2);
 describe how unifying themes (e.g. structure and function, evolution and
ecosystems) in the study of life show connections among living things and how
they interact with each other and with their environment; (S11/12LT-IIa-3)
Specific Learning Outcomes:
 I can discuss the historical development of the concept of life including
theories, experiments and evidences.
 I can describe the conditions on early Earth that made the origin of life possible
and the first life forms.
 I can discuss the unifying themes of life and how they are interconnected.
“When you are already thinking like a biologist,
many interesting questions probably occur to you
when you are outdoors surrounded by the natural
world. It is undeniable that more than anything
else, biology is a quest of ongoing inquiry about
the nature of life and even the origin of life.”
What is
“Even a small child realizes that a cat or a
plant is alive while rocks and cars are not.
However, a phenomena called LIFE
transcends a succinct one sentence/ phrase
definition. It is because we recognized life by
what living things do, apparently by the
characteristics /properties associated with
High degree of
Characteristics of life: organization/order
This close-up of a sunflower
illustrates the highly ordered
structure that characterizes life.
Evolutionary adaptation/
Characteristics of life: evolution and adaptation

The appearance of this pygmy sea

horse camouflages the animal in
its environment. Such adaptations
evolve over many generations by
the reproductive success of those
individuals with heritable traits
that are best suited to their
Regulation and
Characteristics of life: Homeostasis
The regulation of blood flow
through the blood vessels of this
jackrabbit’s ears helps maintain a
constant body temperature by
adjusting heat exchange with the
surrounding air.
Energy Processing/
Characteristics of life: Acquisition and use of
This butterfly obtains fuel in the
form of nectar from flowers. The
butterfly will use chemical energy
stored in its food to power flight
and other work.
Growth and Development
Characteristics of life:
Inherited information carried by
genes controls the pattern of
growth and development of
organisms, such as oak seedling.
Response to the
Characteristics of life: environment/ Ability to
respond to stimuli
This Venus flytrap closed its trap
rapidly in response to the
environmental stimulus of a fly
landing on an open trap.
Characteristics of life: Reproduction

Organisms (living things)

reproduce their own kind.
Characteristics of life: Diversity and Unity
how did life started?
What are some theories
and evidences pertaining
to life?
The Evolving
Concept of
Life Based on
Pieces of
Theory of Special Creation
Cosmozoic theory
Theory of Spontaneous
Biogenesis THEORY
J.B.S Haldane’s Hypothesis
Urey-Miller hypothesis
Fossils (evidence of past life, significance
and important fossils)
Geologic time
(emergence of
life forms)
PPT by: Jennifer Paltiyan

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