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Overview of platform

technologies and their


Platform technologies refer to a set of foundational

tools, frameworks, and systems that provide a common
base for building various applications and services.
These technologies serve as a foundation upon which
developers can build more specific and customized
solutions. They are designed to streamline development
processes, promote reusability, and enable
interoperability among different software components.
Operating Systems (OS)

 Operating systems are the fundamental software that manages hardware

resources and provides essential services to applications. They abstract
hardware complexities and offer a consistent environment for software
Web Development Platforms

 (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript,

Frontend and Backend
 Web platforms enable the
creation of interactive and
dynamic web applications. They
ensure consistency across
different browsers and devices,
making it easier to develop and
maintain web-based services.
Mobile App Development Platforms

 (e.g., Android, iOS)

 Mobile platforms provide tools and libraries for creating applications specifically
tailored to mobile devices. They simplify app development and distribution, taking
advantage of device capabilities like sensors and touch interfaces.

Known Mobile Development Software

Cloud Computing Platforms

 (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)

 Cloud platforms offer scalable computing resources and services over the internet. They allow
businesses to avoid infrastructure management complexities, scale resources as needed, and build and
deploy applications globally.
Database Management Systems

 (e.g., Microsoft SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB

 Databases store, manage, and retrieve structured data. Database platforms ensure data
integrity, security, and efficient querying, serving as the backbone for data-driven
Containerization Platforms

 (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes)

 Containerization platforms package applications and their
dependencies into isolated units, making deployment consistent
across different environments. Kubernetes further orchestrates
containerized applications for efficient scaling and management.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Platforms

 AI platforms are comprehensive software environments that offer a range of tools,

frameworks, libraries, and services to facilitate the development, training, deployment, and
management of machine learning models and other AI-driven applications. These
platforms are designed to streamline the entire lifecycle of AI development, from data
preparation to model deployment and beyond.
 AI platforms find applications in various industries, such as healthcare, finance,
manufacturing, retail, and more. They are used for tasks like image recognition, natural
language processing, recommendation systems, fraud detection, autonomous vehicles, and
predictive maintenance.
 In summary, AI platforms provide a unified environment where developers, data scientists,
and engineers can leverage tools and services to create, train, deploy, and manage machine
learning models and AI-powered applications efficiently and effectively.
IoT (Internet of Things) Platforms

 (e.g., Arduino, Raspberry Pi)

 IoT platforms enable the development of connected devices and applications. They
offer hardware interfaces, communication protocols, and data management tools for
building smart and interconnected systems.
API (Application Programming Interface)

 Application Programming Interface, is a set of protocols, routines, tools, and

definitions that allows different software applications to communicate with each
other. It defines how different software components should interact, making it easier
for developers to build applications that can leverage the functionality of other
services, libraries, or platforms without having to understand all the underlying
 Security, Efficiency, Modularity and Reusability
 Developer Portal, Analytics and Monitoring, Design, Documentation
Blockchain Platforms

(e.g.,Ethereum, Hyperledger)
Blockchain platforms enable the development of
decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts.
They offer a secure and transparent way to record and
verify transactions, applicable in various industries.
Answer in yellow pad paper

 Give 2 examples of OS(Operating Systems)

 Give 2 Examples of Database Management Systems
 Give 3 Cloud Computing Platforms
 API stands for…
 IoT stands for..
 Give 2 Examples of IoT
 AI stands for...

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