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deals with the study of the doctrine of Jesus Christ. His

Deity and humanity, His Incarnation, life, first and
second coming, and events that surround His earthly
 A. Christ would come out of Israel. (Num. 24:17-19)
Christ was born a Jew, a descendant of
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David.
(Matt. 1:1-17)
 B. Christ would be born in the family of David and of the tribe of Judah. (Gen. 49:10, Isa.
11:1, Lk. 1:31-33)
 C. Christ would be born in Bethlehem. (Micah 5:2, Luke 2:4-7)
 D. Christ would be born of a virgin. (Isa. 7:14, Matt. 1:18-23)
 E. Time of His coming was specified. (Dan. 9:24-26)
 F. His coming was announced by a forerunner. (Isa. 40:3, Matt.3:3)
 G. The Messiah would be God. (Isa. 9:6)

 A. He would spent part of His childhood in Egypt. (Hosea 11:1, Num. 24:8, Matt.
 B. He would suffer and make atonement for sins. (Isa. 53:4-6, II Cor. 5:21)
 C. He would ride into Jerusalem on a colt. (Zech. 9:9, Matt. 21:2-5)
 D. He would be given gall and vinegar in His agony on the cross. (Ps. 69:21, Matt. 27:34)
 E. Not a bone would be broken. (Ps.34:20, Ex.12:46, John 19:33-36)
 F. Men would cast lots upon His garments. (Ps. 22:18, Matt. 27:35)
 G. He would utter certain words in His dying agony. (Ps.22:1, Mark 15:34)
 H. He would rise again from the dead. (Ps. 16:10, Acts 1:2,3)
Book of Matthew Book of Luke
Abraham Abraham

David David

Solomon --------------- both sons of David---------------- Nathan

Matthan Matthan
Jacob ----------------------brothers--------------------------Heli – father of Mary
Joseph Joseph
Jesus Jesus
1. Ebonites – deny the divine nature of Christ
2. Gnostics – deny the humanity of Christ
3. Arians – affirmed His pre-existence but deny His deity. This is JW’s doctrine,
4. Nestorians – believed that two persons actually indwelt the body of Christ, making Him two persons.
5. Euthycians – the two natures of Christ mingled together to make up a third and totally different nature from
the original one.
6. Cerenthianism – no union of the two natures until after His baptism.
7. Docetism – denied the reality of Christ’s body, because His purity could not be linked with matter, which
they held to be inherently evil.
8. 8. Apollinarianism – made Christ only two parts human, denying to Him a human soul, which they claim to
be sinful.
 B. The True View of Incarnation.

1. ‘’In one person, Jesus Christ, there are two natures, a human nature and a
divine nature, each in its completeness and integrity, and these two
natures are organically and indissolubly united and yet, so that no third
person is formed.’’ (A.H. Strong in Systematic Theology)
2. ‘’He always says, I, me, mine. He is always addressed as thou, thee,
thine. He is always spoken of as He, His, Him. It was the same person to
whom it was said,’’Thou Lord, in the beginning has laid the foundations
of the earth, and the heavens are the work of thine hands.’’ Thus in the
Old Testament, we can see man in the image of God, and in the New
Testament, we see God in the image of man.
3. ‘’A union of divinity and humanity was essential to the
constitution of the person of Christ. It follows therefore, that
the Christ is the real God-man. Divinity and humanity are
united in Him, but they are not blended. Humanity is not
deified, and divinity is not humanized. Divinity cannot take
into its essence anything finite, and humanity cannot be
absorbed in Deity as to become part of it. These two natures
must ever remain distinct, while the person of Christ formed
by their union will ever be one indivisible.’’ (Pendleton)
 C. Reasons for the Virgin Birth
1. To reveal the invisible God. (Jn, 1:!8, 14: 9)
2. To fulfill prophecy. (Gen. 3:15)
3. To guarantee the Davidic covenant. This assured David that someday an heir from his own seed would rule over Israel on his throne
forever. (II Sam.7:8-17; Luke 1:31-33)
4. To make a sacrifice for our sins. (Heb.2:9; I John 3:5; Heb.10:4-12; Mark 10:45
5. To reconcile man to God. (II Cor. 5:19; Heb. 2:17; I Tim. 2:5,6)
6. To provide an example to believers. (I Pet. 2:21; I John 2:6)
7. To provide a believer with a high priest. (Heb. 2:17; 3:1)
8. To destroy the devil and his works. (Heb. 2:14; I John 3:8
9. To escape the historical curse. a. Upon Adam’s seed. (Rom.5:12)
b. Upon Jehoiakim and his son, Jehoiachin. (Jer.22:30; 36:30)
10. To heal the broken-hearted. (Luke 4:18)

11. To set at liberty the bruised. (Luke 4:18)

12. To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. (Luke 4:18)

13. To save men. (John 3:36; 10:10; Heb,2:14)

14. To rescue the whole creation. (Rom. 8:19,20)

15. To glorify the Father. (John 13:31; 14:13; 17:4)

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