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MBA C003: Organisational Behaviour Unit 4: Power & Politics

Session 1: Oct 20, 2010



Learning Objectives
After you have successfully completed this module you should be able to:
Understand the concept & ingredients of organizational power & politics

Appreciate the difference between leadership and Power Get a reasonably balanced overview of the basis and influence of power Examine uses and abuses of power and strategies for obtaining power, Have an awareness of political behaviour in organizations Explore the reasons for and effects of political behaviour Outline the managerial implications of power and politics Identify possible ways of managing power and political behaviour

What Do they Say about Power

An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens --------------------------------T. Jefferson The attempt to combine wisdom and power has only rarely been successful and then only for a short while ---A. Einstein It is not the misuse of power that is evil; the very existence of power is evil ------------------------------------------Charles Reich Power is Americas last dirty word. It is easier to talk about money --and much easier to talk about sex --than it is to talk about power. -------------------------------------Rosabeth Kanter Power corrupts. Knowledge is power. Study hard. Be evil. -----------------------------------------------------------------Anonymous

Power is the potential ability to influence behavior, to change the course of events, to overcome resistance and to get people to do things that they would not otherwise do. Power and influence are the processes, the actions, the behaviors through which this potential power is utilized and realized. Power is not the property of one person. It is relational, having power over someone Power is based on consensus between power holders and subordinates. Conflict will take place either to gain or to hold onto power. Leaders interest in group members and their activity is related to members willingness to have him continue as leader.

Power & Decision Making

1. Authority is an expression of the legitimate position of an individual or group. It is the code within which power is used in the organization. Power is the capacity to establish collective commitment to performance toward a collective goal. Authority is twofold: position and personal. The superior controls and is controlled. Subordinates may question problems and bargain, and sometimes even question the legitimacy of the distribution of power, or experience conflict and discontent. Leaders power is based upon resources, opportunities, acts, and objects that he can use to affect the behaviour of his subordinates. Sometimes compromise may occur - exchanging power with co-operation. Power may be exercised in the opposite direction if subordinates hold information, knowledge , expertise to diffuse a felling of uncertainty. Opposite power depends on how it is used and its base strength (e.g. engineers, doctors, lawyers). The expert position in the organization and the communication structure will affect his power to control and direct others. Leaders may balance this with their power to hire and fire, depending on others in the leadership group.


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Power v/s Leadership

Intertwined Leaders use power as a means

Power does not require goal compatibility merely dependence Leadership is usually thought of downward, but power is also sideways and upwards.

Power & Leadership


1. Legitimate Power

2. Reward Power 3. Expert Power 4. Referent Power 5. Coercive Power


POWER (a force)

When activated is


Sources of Power
Personal Characteristics( energy , physical stamina, focus, sensitivity to others, flexibility, ability to tolerate conflict) Skills, knowledge (expert power) Admiration, being liked (referent power) Personality, interpersonal style (charismatic power) Who you know and what you can get done (network power) Reputation

Control over resources, provision, allocation, use Control over punishment (coercive power) Control over rewards (reward power) Control over information Right to issue directives (legitimate power)

Bases of Organisational Power

Legitimate Power

Reward Power

Coercive Power


Expert Power

Referent Power

Acceptance of Organizational Power

Conditions of subordinates acceptance Is the directive understood?

Manager issues a directive or makes a request

Is the person capable of carrying it out?

Person accepts & responds as desired

Manager has power

Is the directive in the best interest of the organization? Is the directive consistent with the persons values?

Person doesnt accept & respond as desired

Manager doesnt have power

How is Power Lost ?

Times change and people do not, what gave you power before might not continue to give you power Power not earned is easily lost, not building a network or understanding what is needed Pride, thinking you are always right


Manage Your Power

Create resources, find new domains Build alliances by using reciprocity Build your network: be a bridge, be central Build your reputation: be careful of first impressions Be in the right unit Gather information, Learn, know what is going on


Organisational politics include those activities engaged in by people in order to acquire, enhance and employ power and other resources to achieve preferred outcomes in organisational settings. Political behaviour is the general method for getting and using power for personal gain. Poli in Latin means many and tics means blood-sucking creatures! An executive is a tactician and a philosopher who must live by his wits, his competitive instincts, his understanding of social forces and his ability as a leader Office politics and bureaucratic gamesmanship is part of the everyday power practice in every organization. Organizations are political systems striving for resources and working towards their objectives, lobbying to get support for their demands. Individuals can play a part in a system according to their ability to exert power on others through the control of resources, manipulations and also dependency Politics is the process of mobilization of power being attempted by each party in support of its own demands.



Reasons For Political Behaviour

Ambiguous Goals


Personal Gain Disguised as Pursuit of Goals
Pursuit of Maximum Share of Resources Personal Gain via Uncertainty

Scarce Resources

Technology & Environment Non-programmed decisions Organisational Change

Narrow Decision Making

Pursuit of Political Ends During Reorganization

Strategies For Obtaining Power


Strategies for Obtaining Power



Accepting right projects

Strategies and Tactics

Framing: setting the context Timing: first mover, delay, deadlines Strategic presentation of information Change the structure: divide and conquer, expand, build coalitions Language, symbols, ceremonies Flattery, friendliness Assertiveness Bargaining Influence


Limiting the Effects of Political Behaviour

Political Behaviour

Constraining Techniques
Inf lue nce Open communication Reduction of Uncertainty Awareness

Effects of Political Behaviour

Managing Political Behaviour

Successful management of organisational politics demands the clear understanding of three factors: 1. 2. 3. The reasons behind political behaviour The common methods of political behaviour The strategies for limiting the effects of political behaviour

Summing Up

Multiple Interests, Power, Conflict Universal features of organizational life Needed to get things done Learn to map stakeholders Respect power but dont give upfind options and use alternative sources of power Use power respectfullystay true to your values or :

live by the sword, die by the sword


Next Session

Work Stress

Thank You

Best of Luck

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