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Karvonen Method

The Basics of Heart Rate and Exercise

To determine if there is an effect in any exercise

that you do is to monitor the heart rate. Monitoring the
heart rate determines the intensity of the effort a
person exerts during exercise.

To monitor the heart rate one has to determine

the resting heart rate, maximum heart rate, heart rate
reserve, target heart rate, and the recovery heart rate.
The intensity of training is determined using the
Karvonen Method.
Karvonen Method

The most popular and simplest way

to determine the target heart rate, based
on VO2max and their correlation with
heart rate.


Target Heart Rate (THR) = HRR x % training

zone percentage + RHR

Target Heart Rate (THR) = HRR x % training

zone percentage + RHR

* Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) = maximum heart rate – resting heart rate

* Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) = 220 - age

Five Zones/Levels

1.) Zone/Level 1: 50% - 60% of maximum heart rate. This level is used for
extended period of exercise with the purpose of building endurance. The
body will burn fats as fuel to this level.

2.) Zone/Level 2 : 60% - 70% of maximum heart rate. This level is also
used to build endurance, while helping to strengthen the heart. It is a
moderate intensity that allows the individual to continue for an extended
period of time.
Five Zones/Levels

3.) Zone/Level 3 : 70% - 80% of maximum heart rate. This level is known as the
target heart rate zone, where optimal aerobic training takes place. Overload occurs
and aerobic gains are maximized in this zone.

4.) Zone/Level 4 : 80% - 90% of maximum heart rate. This level is referred to as the
anaerobic threshold and begins working anaerobically, as opposed to aerobics.
Interval training usually takes place in this zone.

5.) Zone/Level 5 : 90% - 100% of maximum heart rate. This referred to as oxygen
debt, meaning the cardio-respiratory systems can no longer supply oxygen to the
working muscles to sustain movement at the current pace. Pushing to this
zone/level would lead to injury and danger if you are not extremely fit.

Regine is a 16-year old college students and she wants to engage in exercise
figuring Zone/Level 2. Her resting heart rate is 85 bpm. What is her target heart

Using the Karvonen Formula, the following computation are made:

*MHR = 220 – 16 yrs. Old =204 bpm

*HRR = 204 – 85 = 119 bpm

THR @ 60% = 119 bpm x .60 + 85 bpm = 156.4 (round off to 156 bpm)
THR @ 70% = 119 bpm x .70 + 85 bpm = 168.3 (round off to 168)

Exercise Heart Rate Range:

156 to 168 bpm

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