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Group: Marina Sturion, Maria Thereza Pertile, Ana Clara

Adamoli e Speranza Fornazier

Top Universities

● Universidade de São Paulo


● Universidade Estadual
Paulista Julio de Mesquita
Filho (Unesp)

● Universidade Federal de
Lavras (UFLA)
Work Areas:
Food Industry
One of the areas of Agronomy to work on is the
food industry. This field is considered dynamic
and multidisciplinary, as professionals are
responsible for carrying out research,
consulting, technological development and
industrial quality management activities.
Therefore, it is considered a very broad area,
full of possibilities and responsibilities.

• Salary: BRL 4,452.94*.

Soil management and optimization
In this area of ​expertise of Agronomy, professionals
work with the recovery of devastated forests and take
care of the management and planting of reforestation
areas. The management and optimization of the soil is
essential for the good quality of agricultural production,
being a field that employs more qualified agronomists.
Those who wish to continue in this sector can still carry
out biome preservation activities and carry out the
sustainable use of forests and environments reserved
for agricultural cultivation.

• Salary: BRL 2,107.22*.

In this area of ​Agronomy, professionals are
responsible for taking care of animal production.
Therefore, the focus is on genetic improvement and
reproduction — everything to improve the quality and
profitability of the production of products of animal
origin, such as meat, milk, eggs and their derivatives,
combining legal and ethical aspects. Thus, the
agronomist who wishes to pursue this field is able to
work in any branch involving agriculture. In addition,
he can act with the creation of companion, leisure
and sport animals, such as cats, dogs and horses.

• Salary: BRL 3,491.00*.


Summary about the agronomist engineer:

The professional in agronomic engineering, presents in his

formation, characteristics of exercising his knowledge in
several areas of action: in the preparation and cultivation
of soil, genetic improvement of plants and cultivars
(soybean, corn, wheat, oats) destined to food, in the
combat to diseases and pests that attack crops, in the
sale of agricultural machinery and implements and their
adjustment in the field, management and control of the
agricultural fleet... Operates in: Agricultural cooperatives
and other associations Agricultural education and
equipment production companies Teaching Search
English Importance:

“Important due to all the documents and

technical manuals of the machines being
imported, therefore, the correct
translation/interpretation of the terms and
technical words of each equipment is

Top Universities

Universidade de São Paulo


Universidade Federal de
Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Universidade de Brasília

Work Areas:
Respiratory Physiotherapist:

They are the professionals responsible for the

treatment and prevention of diseases that affect the
respiratory system, recovering the patient's respiratory
capacity. For example: asthma, bronchitis and

• Salary: BRL 2,900.30

Physiotherapy of work:
It is one of the areas of specialization of
Physiotherapy that intends to take care of
the health of workers, focusing on the
treatment of pain, such as discomfort
caused by work activity, and also preventing

• SALARY: BRL 2,917.17


Summary about Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is a science within the health area that

seeks to treat and rehabilitate problems related to the
functioning of body systems, such as pain and others.
Physiotherapy brings many benefits, improving people's
quality of life, however, there are many areas that can be
worked on in physiotherapy. The profession of
physiotherapist has existed since the Second World War, in
which he worked to rehabilitate soldiers returning from war,
so it is an area of ​many activities, from rehabilitation to
aesthetics as a whole.
English Importance:

“English in the area of ​physiotherapy is

important, as many specializations are based on
scientific studies, articles in English, and without
knowledge it would not be possible to
understand what we were studying”


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